The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1305 of the Chapter 1305 of the Prince of Tennis

"The Southwestern Southwestern direction is nine kilometers ... It should be this island!" Yamu tea suddenly stopped in the air, pointed to the small island road under the body.

"This island is not small, and there is still a big town above!" Klin also hurts the body shape, brow frown.

"No matter so much, there are two shares on the mountain, let's take a look!" Bike directly falls to the mountains under the air.

"Ah, Kllin is coming!" Dumplings looked at the exciting of several people (obtained).

"You are coming so early!" After Karlin landed, laughed with this Tianjin rice and dumplings.

"Changfeng, how did you come with you?" Tianjin doubtfully asked.

Kelin touched the head, "Ah, the long wind said to practice in the universe, it is estimated that it should be back!"

"Burma, how come you? It is very dangerous here, you still leave here!" Kelin noticed Burma standing behind dumplings.

"No! I have to wait for the long wind, I am actually dare to do anything else, this will give him a good look!" Booema fell.

"It's really no way, the long wind should come alive!" Klin looked up at the blue sky.

"Haha, everyone! I haven't seen you for a long time!" The voice of the night's wind suddenly sounded behind the people.

"Changfeng!" Everyone looked back, the night long body wearing a turtle immortal flow slowly showed it.

Chapter 1263, artificial people

"Haha, everyone seems to have a lot!" The night's wind sweeping a lot, he saw a lot of gas growth in an instant, which is the most stronger, and he has the strongest beauty. King people battle type talent.

Secondly, Tianjin has a meal. After all, it is a universe. Of course, Klin and Yamu tea and dumplings are not small. For the planet, their current power is already very counternal.

"I am mad at me, you also know it back! Hey!" Burma rushed to the night's wind and gave the night long wind.

"Burma, how come you come!" Night wind touched the nose, "Yes, how is the design of time machine?"

"It has made a prototype, but there is no experiment, its true effect is still to be verified!" Burma said the time machine, his eyes lit up.

"Very good!" Night of the wind nodded, "I know you will be successful!"

"Hey! Don't see who is!" Burma arrogant [proud] quite very chest. "

"Is there any signs that have emerged yet?" Night long wind turned to everyone.

"My dumplings have been in this island for a week. There is no matter what happened yet, this island is very calm." Tianjin rice sorghum.

"Yes, what happens? Changfeng, the teenager will not play us ... Time has been more than half a year, -410 - In addition to us, in addition to us, it will not feel strong at all. Qi! "Yammu tea sounds.

Bang! A huge explosion suddenly came from the high altitude not far away, and a fire group burned, some people attacked the airship passing by the air.

"Everyone is careful! It may be an attack of the human being!" Box double boxing.

"Changfeng, have you seen a human man?" Klin's eyes tense.

"I saw two people fell from high altitude to the opposite town!" Night lengthy winds.

At this time, Yaku Tea was shocked by a big jumped Yamu tea, "What is going on ... I didn't feel powerful!"

"It should be a human man, they are all mechanic, I can't feel the gas is normal!" The night's long wind turned to the people, "everyone fits, I can't feel angry, only use my eyes to find!" Don't shoot, tell others immediately! "

"Well! We are!" Bike and Clin and other people spread, rushed to different directions in front of the small town.

"Burma, you stay here, don't mess!" The night is wind and right, and the black hole in the void is displayed, and a huge sore leaps from the black hole.

This siphous flutter is black, and the eye hole is deep purple undead fire, this is the thirty-level high-level undead creatures, the power is very horror, and the speed is extremely fast.

"Ah ... what is this?" Burma saw the huge warfare wolf king, screaming, almost fainting.

"Don't be afraid, this is my pet, it will protect you!" The night length shooted to shoot Burma's head comfort, "I will go first, the human combat power is super strong, Bike may solve Can't! "

After that, the nozzle body shape disappeared in place.

Next instant, the noise of the night-catching body has appeared on the top of the small town, and the current speed at night is not too big on the earth and instantaneous movement.

The extremely watched, the night length sweeps all the people in the town and did not find any strange people.

"It's not good, the man is not angry, and you don't know their shape and appearance. If they don't have a hand, I can't find it! You should let Telks give some a photo of people!" Night The long wind is in the dark, the previous consideration is not comprehensive.

bass! At this time, Clin also fell on a street in the town, "can be evil! Where is it to come ..."

"Wow! He will fly!" A wearing hat on the side was suddenly jumped from Kllin that was falling in the air.

"Hey ... have you seen a very strange person near this?" Klin pulled out a hat youth asked.

"I saw it, it is you!" Wearing your youth greatly broke away Klin, and then ran away.

At the same time (DBFH), Bike and Tianjin rice are also unpredictable, Yamu tea is also running on the street. He is still unable to believe that someone is generated.

Somewhere in the town, two fathers wearing a strange hat, a fat man in a wonderful dress blocked on the road.

They are all expressions, and there are two RR words on the hat, and they are equally very conspicuous.

"Hey, have you seen it? They blew the airship that had just passed!" A passable slippers man pointed to the two wonderful people on the road finger point.

"Well?" The fat man heard the slipper man, and turned directly to the face of the slippers.

"Dry ... What?" Slippers men were scared to sweat.

The fat man did not reply to the woman, but a hand hit the hand of the slippers.

boom! Slippers male breasts were instantly hit a big hole, died directly, and friends on the side of the slippers were also implicated, and they were flying by the fat man.

beep! beep! At this time, the thin man is still standing on the road. A car is driving to him, crazy, horn, "Hey! Don't stand in the middle of the road, give me a flash, you don't want to live!"

boom! The thin child is not a reply, but a punch directly on the car in front of the sedan, the sedan directly exploded, the fire of the explosion directly swallowed the driver directly.

"Ah!" A girl passed by a girl screamed.

"Some people scream!" At this time, Yamu Tea is not far from the street. He heard the place where screams directly turned quickly to the sound source.

... ... At this time, the thin man sounded a reminder in the men's head. He turned his head. "There is a person with an energy is close to ... No. 19, see if it is a system failure!"

"Check if there is no obstacle! 20, I also got the same signal!" The fat man wonders the ball.

These two wonderful men are the No. 19 and the No. 20 of the Horn!

"The limit of" far super human, is it so fast ... Night long wind! "No. 19 mouth showed a smile.

"Hey? Weird, why don't you see!" When Yamu tea rushed to the street that had just exploded, there was no one.

"It's evil, where is it going? Do you want to inform everyone first?" Yamu tea did not feel any powerful.

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