The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1310 of the Chapter 1310 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

"Kelin, Tianjin rice, you let go, I will push him!" Night wind slowly.

"Good!" Kelin and Tianjin knew that the power of the night's wind turned against the sky, so that the position was opened.

Dr. Gaulo, the study room, "No. 17, I am still doing, let's solve them!"

Snapped! The Ph.D. voice is just falling. The 17th suddenly sounded behind the Baoto. A lightning grabbed the remote control of Dr. Gaul.

"No. 17! What are you going to do?" Dr. Garo was shocked.

"This thing is the controller that can stop our emergency stop, Dr. Gaul, you raised the controller in order to prevent anything designed ..." 17. "

! The controller is directly pinched out of the 17th, and the part is discredent on the ground.

"What joke! What do you want to do? No. 17!" Dr. Garo was angry.

"The old man, what are you thinking, we all know! I don't want to sleep in returning to the closed nutrition!" No. 17 mouth, the expression is quite cold.

"Don't be a joke, No. 17! The opponent has already hit the door!" Dr. Georo's roar even penetrated the iron gates and others outside the door.

"Well?" Everyone was shocked.

"Not good! The human man has been started!" Klin shouted.

"Master, be careful!" Tex reminded.

"Nothing!" The right hand in the right hand didn't care, and then pushed it slightly.

! Just now Tianjin rice and the dead of the death of the death, the night length is slightly utilized, the whole iron door is directly pushed by the night long-lasting, and the weight is falling in the cave. A lot of dust.

At this time, Dr. Geor and the No. 17 and 18 people appeared in front of everyone, the expression is different.

"Tex, is the artifices you encounter are these two people?" Night performance refers to people from 17th and 18th.

"Yes ... Yes! It is them!" Tex brows wrinkled, obviously nervous.

"That is No. 17 and 18? It seems to be a teenager and a girl!" Clin was surprised, and Tianjin rice and Yamu tea were also stunned.

Two people have made people have some indifferent, and there is no difference between the young men on the earth.

"You can't look at the appearance, they are very powerful!" Turkish crossed the high voice, he was very taboo for two people.

"This is the 18th Ding Ding in Dragon Ball?" Night lives are all on the 18th.

A golden short hair shoulders, eyebrows, eyes and blue, the skin is white and bright, the whole is a standard second yuan CG face, it seems to be both boom and cute, it is the first beauty in many Dragon Ball. .

"These people are night long and his accomplices. They have killed the 19th, even I almost fate!" Dr. Georo did not find that night long wind was deliberately letting him find this secret research. .

"No. 19?" No. 17, "There is also a 19th, do you make him make you people should make people? Is it the model that absorb energy?"

"Yes!" Dr. Georo was sweating in the forehead. He didn't expect 17 things to know so much.

What is more uncomfortable to Gaulo is that it is the 17th and 18th of him as a secret weapon not only have independent awareness, but also don't take him more.

1269 chapter, there is still a person

"Why do you make new people should cause old-fashioned energy absorption? Is it because the new permanent energy man is too strong, I can't control it, so I will seal us, don't let us come out?" No. 18 suddenly Tao.

"Uncontrolled?" The night shot was picking. He finally knew why the Ph.oro did not open the 17th and 18th, because the strength of the 17th and 18th is too strong, and has been separated from Dr. Gaul control.

"Don't say these first, hurry to kill them!" Dr. Geori pointed to the night's long wind and others.

"Hey! It depends to see that we are willing to be willing!" The hand shoulder on the 17th does not buy Dr. Garo at all hands.

"No. 17! What are you talking about, do you want to die?" Dr. Gaot is clearly a human man, but his face is angry.

"No. 16 ... this is also a permanent energy-emerging man?" No. 18 suddenly noticed that the signs of the No. 16 marked next to him.

Dr. Gaul has grown his eyes and exposed a horrified expression.

"However, his body shape is different, very high, is it an updated model?" No. 18 exposed a doubtful expression.

"No. 18! Don't move him!" Dr. Garo pulled his voice and seemed to be very afraid of No. 16.

"What ... No. 16 ... There is also the 16th people I don't know!" Terran is surprised.

Night wind does not stop the actions of two people, and it is quite curious about two people to make people in the night. I want to see what kind of move they will.

"Tex, don't you know what is the people of Artificial people on the 16th?" The night greetings asked.

Tex shook his head, "I have never seen, I have never heard of the No. 16!"

"It's really interesting, and we are the same new person to make people! No. 18, start him!" No. 17 is obviously not too big.

"Stop! Can not move on the 16th! You will ruin this world, just the work of failure, I can't let him start!" Dr. Garo said that he was very excited.

"The failed work will be reserved until now? The people before the No. 15 seem to have been handled!" Said there is no expression on the 18th.

"Bastard! I am planning to make him, anyway, I can't start! Don't blame, I didn't remind you, if you started him, you will be dangerous!" Dr. Georn roared.

"What are these guys who are in the end?" Kelin's face is full.

"Don't take them, the more powerful people, the better!" The golden light in the eyes of the night, he didn't encounter a similar opponent.

Moreover, the task of the superhen system is to defeat the artificial, that is to say to defeat all the artificial, the 16th of course also included.

"Hey! Hu said eight, I will be more than him! Don't care about him, No. 18! Start him!" The character is obviously worthy of personality.

"Mixing things, actually don't stop me! You are the same as a failure, I have to contain you, redesign the creation!" Dr. Garo angered.

"The controller has been destroyed by me, you still want to control us?" I disdain it on the 17th.

Snapped! No. 18 has pressed the control button of the 16th nutrition warehouse!

"You these idiots! I will design a controller again!" Dr. Gairo rigid.

! There is no sign of lightning on the 17th, and a claw has passed the chest of Dr. Garo from behind.

"What!" Klin and others were surprised, they did not think of the 17th will suddenly shot.

"Oh ... Terx, it seems that Dr. Garo, which is the timeline, is also killed by the human man manufacturers!" Night long-term cold.

"You ... you dare!" Dr. Gaulo is full of blood, and the resentment looks at the 17th.

! Flying on the 17th, let Dr. Geor's body directly, and the head rolls to the iron gate.

Due to the relationship between the body, Dr. Garo has not died, the brain still survives, as long as you find a new body, you can live it.

"You make this mix, I will ..." Dr. Garo has not finished, and the 17th suddenly flashed to the head of Dr. Gaul.

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