The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1311 of the Super Short System of the Prince of Tennis

boom! From the air, the head, blood and parts of Dr. Georo were dropped from the air, and the blood and parts were scattered.

"Yeah ..." Clin, which is not far from the iron gate, was shocked, "" I killed the people who made myself! "

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"Oh, is this the so-called robot law?" Night Changshi suddenly thought of the prophecy of the robot in the former world science fiction movies.

When the robot has a self-conscious, humans will be destroyed by the robots they have manufactured by them.

"Master! Can't let them start on the 16th, the number of artifices will increase!" Tex is more excited than night, and only how he didn't see two people. What is ruthless and terrible.

Terry deep fear of man, he returned to this timeline to kill the artificial in the cradle.

boom! Tex actually hurred, and instantly opened the Super Saiyan mode.

Then I opened my hands on the 17th and 18th to make a posture of the flash.


Bang! Does Tex have to bring the Super Saaya's gas to your arms, then shot the light column of the super flash.

"Ah! Tex, you are a bastard!" Clin et al. Scared, escaped the research institute's cave.

Bang! The huge explosion sounded, the power of the super flash can be super strong, and the alpine where the Institute is located is not left in an instant.

Bike et al. Is also greeted, and the night is very dissatisfied. "" Tercaster! How do you take this loss, Kllin is still here! "

"Sorry! Master, I am too impulsive!" Tex was excited for a while, forgotting the Collinants.

Fortunately, I made a protective cover in the crucial moment of the night, and enveloped Kling and Tianjin rice, blocked the super flash.

The Bick is blocked by its own strength, but it is still a somewhere that is suddenly attacked.

"Next attention! Here is the earth, don't use so strong, and your gas is not used at all!" Night long-term cold.

"Useless?" Tex.

"You look at it yourself!" Night wind pointed to the air.

On the air, the 17th and 18th were not damaged, and the No. 18 Nutrition Warehouse was held smoothly.

"How can this be?" Tex is full of hard sweat.

1270 chapter, mysterious 16

! On the 16th nutrition warehouse, the door did not open. The 18th rushed is a foot, and the cabin is kicked out directly.

"Open ... The man is more than one!" Clin is also sweating on the forehead.

A tall man, opened his eyes, then slowly came out from the nutritious warehouse, this person is a failure in the mouth of Georo - 16 people.

On the 16th, the people appeared, and the night grew is turned to the 16th. Although the human man didn't feel, the night-length wind did not feel the 16th and 18th people.

Compared with the 17th, the 16th is very quiet, an orange hair, even the eyebrows are orange, the whole body is not only tall and full of muscles, it seems that it is a good role.

"He is the 16th? It looks very powerful" eight four seven "!" Klin could not help but go back to two steps in the air.

"I am evil, this guy I have never seen it!" Tex double boxing.

"No. 16! I still saw you again, many years have not come out, what do you think?" No. 17 asked 16th.

The 16th color is cold, and it is ignored at the 17th.

"Gailo is reluctant to let you start, but also say that you will kill us!" 177.

"I also want to know what is going on. What do you say?" No. 18 is interested in the 16th.

At this time, I turned on the 17th and 18th, and my mouth was slightly tight, still didn't speak.

"Don't you want to talk? Or do you say that you are a dumb?" Holding shoulders on the 17th, "should you also manufacture it in order to defeat the night?"

"Yes!" No. 16 heard the name of the night's wind finally opened.

"Ah, finally talk." A pair of old people on the 17th is the tone of the leader of the art. "Although it is annoying, but we should have a goal is ..."

"Night Breeze!" 17 and 18th also viewed the night of the air.

! Suddenly, three artificial people flew instantly, flying into the air.

"They are coming!" Kling was shocked.

"Kelin, don't be nervous! These guys are rushing on me!" Night grows, the neck, "I haven't had a decent battle!"

"Master, I will help you!" Tex began to violent, ready to change it again into a super-Saiyan state.

"Tex, you don't intervene! The artificial man is solved by me, you will follow it!" The night is cold.

"But ..." Tex stopped, some hesitation on his face, although he knew that the night's strength is strong, but the human man is really too strong, and the night long wind wants to face three artificial people.

One of them is still a mysterious 16th person. Bamboo

"Tex, do you think I didn't do anything in the six months, I will lose to these three Earth people, it is not a person who is not cultivated by myself." Night long wind sound became abnormal. " Icy. {≮ Alternative:?

"Tex, let's get out, everything will be given to the long wind!" Kling is unconditional trust in the night, pulling Tenk, who came to a mountain cliff. Wall.

Bike and Tianjin rice, I also want to see what the strength is now growing up to the top of the cliff, but also flying to the cliff.

"Do you want to kill me?" The three people before the cold glanced.

"Oh ... night long wind, you and the same thing, since you have to take an enemy three!" No. 17 on his strength.

"This man also retains human character ... is really borus!" No. 18 does not think about the 17th.

"If you are not so arrogant, you will die very quickly!" No. 17 continues to provoke the night.

"Yes?" The night's mouth is full of disdain. "Your power is not compromised at all, the mirror is in the mirror! A mechanical puppet is not qualified to talk!"

"You!" No. 17, like a child, angry with his eyes, talking to the mouth of gun, just like a child, the fighting of the fight.

"No. 17! You first shut up, let the 16th first, I want to see his strength!" No. 18 suddenly opened.

"Oh? It is good!" No. 17 turned to the 16th, "Let's come first, let us see your strength!"

"No, I refuse." No. 16 has been staring at his target night, but he is unexpected at this time that the 17th proposal is rejected.

"Well?" "No. 17 and No. 18," strange guys, is his goal is not a night grow? How can I refuse to fight! "

The night long is the 16th, and the eyes are shine. "This guy is very calm. He wants to consume my energy on the 17th and 18th, and then finally kill when I was weak. I!"

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