The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1313 of the Chapter 1313 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Do not worry! Tex, the strength of the long wind is impossible!" Kelin took the shoulders of Tetranx, for the power of the night, Kling is known, in the night. It hasn't changed to the Super Saiyan, which can drag Flizza.

It is the body of the flesh!

1272 chapter, war 16!

"Betting, how can I lose to you! I am invincible!" "No. 17 mad accelerates the speed of punch, want to counter the night long wind."

"It's so far!" The night long wind and right arm instantly rose, the dragon elephant appeared on the right arm.

boom! At this moment, the fist of the night, actually exploded the Zuo Xi on the 17th, and the whole mechanical arm of the 17th, the thunderous hammer, the slag, the slag.

"This!" No. 17 is not a pain, but his eyes are like a great pain, and it is soaring.

"Stupid!" No. 18, when you arrived at night, a boxing of the spine of the back to the back of the night, he wanted to attract the attention of the night, let the 17th time have time to escape.

"I said earlier, now you, you can't hit!" The night grew now turned, and the right arm was randomly erected, directly blocked the Heavy punch of the 18th.

At this time, I am smashing the remaining right fist, at this time, at the same time, at the same time, at the same time, the body is very fast, and the lower plate of the night is a plan leg!

Two people made people in front of the enemy, and they first jointly launched an attack.

"Be careful!" Tex reminded on the rock wall.

At this time, when the night, the wind is light, and the night-catching wind is directly opened in this moment. The whole body is turning into pure gold, and the face is also solemn.

!! The attack on the 17th and 18th is playing on the night, and the Mars splashes, the quaint collision sounds such as ancient bell rings continue to echo in this mountain range.

"This is impossible!" No. 17 and No. 18 widened his eyes, the night's hands closed ten, and there was no injury to the two people, and there was no defense, let the two people attack. Body.

"Hey! If you are broken by you, I am not as good as buying tofu!" The night's mouth flashed a lot of disdain, and then the left and right hands of lightning were also dedicated.

boom! The left arm was bombed, and the whole person did not find a balance. He didn't escape the night, and the sudden palm was taken directly.

! It is a broken mechanical part to fly, and the night-long wind is directly smashed with the poor 17th right shoulders, revealing a big gap.

On the other side, the 18th is turned over to escap the night's long wind, but she did not escape the dust of the night.

Night winds, the ordinary palm of a thousand dragon icons, not only speeds, but the strength of its dragon is also empty.


If the abdomen of the 18th is hit, the whole abdomen rises sharply, and it is almost broken.

Dang! In just dozens of seconds, the 17th and 18th are all on the left and right sides of the night.

If it is not a man, the two people have long been killed, but even the artificial, now two people can't climb, the so-called eternal energy is a joke.

"One instant ... defeated the 17th and 18th ..." Tex finally understood why the night is so taking soperce.

With strength, you can also be so arrogant!

Night wind did not pay attention to the two people who fell to the ground, but to turn their attention to the remaining expression. It is still cold mysterious man -16!

"I have seen it for so long, now I am turned to you!" The night is cold and cold, he is very clear that the 16th is the most tricky man.

"No. 16! Quick escape, you are not his opponent!" No. 18 ward on the ground, very difficult to remind him.

"No! I have calculated, my strength is quite long!" "16" finally opened.

"Observing such a conclusion? In the end, it is just a machine, it's too stupid!" The night's wind turned on, and the right hand stretched on the 16th, and then smashed the hand, "Let me see See what is quite! "

Bang! On the 16th, suddenly, the ground under his body exploded, and the corrugations of the cracks even spread to the mountain behind him, and the whole high mountain rumbling decreased a high degree of height.

"Black!" No. 16 mad, the left and right arms rose big, hands holding into a fist toward the night long wind line, completely a hard hiking.

Although the noise of the night, although the opponent, the body did not have any big idea, the arms were also rising, the dragon elephant was filled with all the winds, and he can feel the power of the 16th is super, and before No. 17 and 18 are not a level at all.

! Unclear Dragon Elephant Improvement In the back of the night, it appears.

boom! A deafening loud noise, the 16th double fist was killed in the night!

"Hey!" 16th is cold, and the arm has risen again.

"Dry NMD! It is better than the power!" The night is crazy, and the force behind him. He is behind the faint condensation.

Running Lung Lung ... The land began to vibrate, the mountains on the island began to sway, the entire island is like sinking into the bottom of the sea.

!!! The huge stones on the air in the two people flew up and flew directly on the sky.

"Can this 16th actually fight against the strength?" Kling was shocked.

"In this way, this small island really wants to sink into the sea!" Yamu tea is in a hurry.

! Finally, there is an explosion. The air stone is instantaneously turned into a powder, and the Night Life and No. 16 are all retreat. No one is.

"How is the power of this guy, I am trying to suppress him!" The night's eyebrows wrinkled, and it was obvious that the 16th combat power exceeded the Night long wind.

"This guy has at least more than 300 million combat power. If you use the pure meat power, it is indeed bad (LI Zhao)!" The night is cold and coldly looked at the 16th of the faceless expression.

Although the 16th is unable to control the flesh of the flesh power to the body's strength, the absolute power of the 16th is quite horrible, and the night grows is not weak than the whole force.

Moreover, the human man is indeed a strong advantage of endurance, although not the eternal energy boasting Dr. Gaul, but it is indeed the combat power in a short period of time.

The human man is not used, but the absolute speed and strength, the speed consumes naturally more than the breathing.

After the smoke is exhausted, a wolf mountain has recovered the calm, night lengthy, and the 16th rigor in the valley of desert-like.

One face has no expression, and the other is the mouth of the mouth slightly, it is laughing.

"I haven't encountered such a similar opponent for a long time, and it is the power of the boxing to meat, it is really happy!" A laughing person is of course a night!

1273 chapter, flesh invincible

"Master is laughing ..." Tex is somewhat hang.

The next side is touched his own bald head. A pair of expressions, "The long wind is like this, the opponent who encounters an enemy will be very happy!"

"No. 16! Effus, you will die!" No. 18 reminds him after the 16th.

"I was made, I didn't have the relationship between the night, even if I died, I didn't necessarily lose!" No. 16 turned to look at the 18th, and the corner of his mouth was turned up, showing a smile.

The 16th, no expression seems to have human emotions at this moment, he is also laughing!

"Come on!" At this time, the night's feet turned on, the whole body star was full of highlights, and thousands of particles were shining around the night length.

The huge dragon icon was thrown behind the night, and then all roared into the back of the night.

! The night-length wind is the broken turtle fairy training suit is directly burst, the night long wind boiler luo is half-body, his systemic streamline type perfect muscles are like a pair of pictures, each piece seems to have a powerful power.

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