The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1314 of the Chapter 1314 of the Herbs of Tennis Prince

"Let me see if your value is not worth it!"

boom! There is no reply on the 16th, but the direct lightning is straight, this time is the left foot instantly kicked out, kicking the head of the night.

"Not fast enough!" The long-term wind left arm erected, the explosive power bounced directly on the left foot of the 16th, and then the right fist directly on the left face of the 16th.

! After a dull collision, a punch on the 16th was vigorously smashed out, and a humanoid pit was pulled out on the ground.

Snapped! Immediately, the night does not want to give too many opportunities on the 16th, follow the speed rushing to the humanoid pothole.

At this time, from the 16th ground drill from more than ten meters away, the left hand was holding into a punch, and waved against the night long wind.

boom! On the 16th, the left faya is actually flying directly, and the fist is a shell, directly on the chest of the unexpected night.

! The huge explosion sounded, while the night-long wind was repelled, the right fist shot on the 16th was rebounded back. He was grabbed by the 16th, and he was re-opened.

"This Nima will play Yin!" Night long wind in the air, and then turned over the ground, and then turned over, and the earth was shaking in an instant.

Night is very angry!

Snapped! Snapped! At this time, a cold 16th saw the night long wind again, directly twisted the left and right arms, then reached the left and right arms to the night, "Let you know what I really power!"

"To zoom in?" The night grew fate, the whole body began to lit Jinguang, "Laozi hardly, this trick!"

Bang robs, the twisted arms on the 16th are like two gun cartridges, and they shoot two golden shock waves. These two shock waves are strong. If the night is not hard, let the energy directly bombard In the ground, don't say this island, the whole earth may be dangerous.

"Wanli gold body!" The night's hands were all in one, the whole body is masterpiece, and his quaint Buddha has appeared in the shape, and the Buddha is instantly launched countless Buddha.

"What is it?" The 17th and No. 18 watching the battle have grown their eyes, and the database in their brain has no such impetus.

The Buddha's hand of Jin Guangyao thousands, elongated in the embarrassment, wrap the night long wind body into a hemispherical shape.

! The two super impact waves shot on the 16th shot on the hemispherical golden protective cover of Wan Dao Buddha.

The night is solemn, the hands are all in the mouth, sing the Buddha number, (DBEC) He is more dazzling behind him, and people can't open their eyes.

"How much energy is on the 16th, it's too horrible!" Julin was oozed out on the forehead.

"More terror is the night-catching guy, and it will take the two shock waves, and now he has not yet used it!" Bike hands shoulders.

bass! After the rays were exhausted, the no-destructive night length is slowly launched, and the golden light is charged in the body.

"Actually blocked!" 16 expressions finally changed.

bass! At this time, the two hands on the night, and ten golden spears slowly appeared.

It is the spear of God!

Night long winds don't want to play on the 16th, although the battle force of the 16th is good, but it can be equivalent to the vast distance from the vowel to the expectation of the fat.

At this time, the tenth god of the night is full of complex ripples, with the continuous improvement of the power of the night, the spear of the gods is also the edge of the transformation.

"What is that?" The 16th eyes looked at the cold night cost, although it was a human man, but he still felt extreme danger, and even had an impulse that wanted to turn away.

Night wind did not give any chances to the 16th, and then fill the power of the dragon icon to the feet, and the night is instantly plated.

He is exaggerated in his feet out of a dark hole, and the night grows is in front of the 16th.

No one sees the movement track of the night, and the 16th is also widened.

puff! Behind the night, there are ten Buddha's hands in this instant, and the spear of the

Bang! On the 16th, I didn't feel pain. I fell bluntly. I was lived by the body of the human man. However, the night's live wind can hurry to smash the 16th head, like the 17th Dr. Georo is the same.

Three powerful artificial people, four fell in all areas around the night, and their body also flows out of dark red liquid [body], I don't know if it is blood or oil.

The most important thing is to the current position, the night-long wind has not used any gas, and has not changed into a super-seizian.

Just use the strength of the flesh, the night grows with an enemy. In just more than ten minutes, three people have been solved.

"It's too strong, this is simply invincible, pure power suppression!" Bike lived, his hands couldn't help but tremble.

For a long time, Bike thought that he had to go beyond the night's wind, and this moment, Bike seems to give up this idea. "Maybe only with the heavenly fitness may shorten this gap in this gap!"

1274 chapter, Bergiita reproduction

At this time, I was suddenly started at the 18th on the ground, and she hugged 17, and the other hand held the 16th of the hole. He began to escape!

The 18th is the lightest, and the night's long wind is not intended to have no intention to change hands under the 18th, let her have an opportunity to escape.

"Master! Kill them!" Tex is screaming at night.

The night-long wind is frowning, there is no action, and the 18th will be escapped by two people.

"Be evil!" Spentx instantly violent, opened the super-seesawa mode, the lavender hair was fly into the direction of the Emperor of the Emperor Trision No. 18.

Unfortunately, the No. 18 is not thinking that the speed is still faster than him, and the difference between the two people is getting farther and farther. The last 18 is completely disappeared in Tirks.

"Why is the gap in this big!" Tex's long-wind battle did not feel how fast, but when he was waiting for him to chase 18, Tex was still returned to the world of his timeline. .

In that world, No. 17 and 18 are invincible.

"Changfeng, why do you let them go?" Klin and others flew to the night, and asked.

"Nothing! There will be no one, there is no need to put it on your heart!" The night's wind is very casual, in fact, he just pays in the list of hunting system.

Night wind did not obey the artificial man, but also stopped Dr. Georo, but the superhen system did not prompt the task, which made the night grew away.

"Do you say that there are other artificers?" Night long-lived brows picking up, after passing the battle power of 17 and 18 and 16, night long winds are disappointed with people, with their strength, night long-lived Gas can be hit.

The task published by the superhen system is the task of orange grades, which means that there should be a stronger human being waiting to defeat at night.

"Who is it?" Night hard thinks, there is no short-on-shaped, but the night is probably guessed the world of Timark, "maybe it is necessary to be in Terlan. Kus's timer time, the man who defeated the world may not be said! "

At this time, the sky on the top of everyone slipped through a golden light, pursued the No. 18 uncomfortable Turkus falling from the air.

"Master! Why don't you solve it from the three people?" Turkus asked.

"It doesn't matter, the three people make people think that there is no destruction of the world. Their goal is me!" Night-length wind, "Tex, you should have seen it, you come from the one Timeline's space and this world are different, mutual disturbance! "

"That is to say, even in our timeline world changes history, everything you come from the world will not change." Night long wind turned his head and looked at Tex.

"Well! Dr. Burt has explained me, but ..." Terran's look is a little lonely.

"but what?"

"Dr. Burt said she wants a peaceful future, and my world is completely different in the future!" Tex is a little low.

Night-lasting style nodded, "It turns out that Bulma will invent the time!"

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