The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1315 of the Chapter 1315 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Don't worry, I will help you change the future of your timeline!" Nightly shot the shoulders of Tetranx's shoulders.

"Master ... What do you mean?" Terran.

"Hey, tell you a good news, last time you give me the time of the show, I have made Burma to make the machine, I can go back to your timeline with you now, solve the side Hormone! "Night long laughs.

"Ah! Changfeng, you have to take a time machine!" Everyone was surprised.

"Well! Go back, you should not spend more time, anyway, the human crisis of this is solved, those guys are me, you should not be unfavorable to you." Night wind slowly.

"This is good, Tex has helped us, this long wind you can help him too!" Clin nodded, although Clin and Terx were not much longer.

But it is also very good to be a humble and blood of Terx, Clin et al.

"Night long wind, don't you want to go! Your opponent is me!" Suddenly a familiar voice passed from far and nearly passed into the ear.

······ Flowers ······

Bang! A figure fell from the high altitude and pulled a big pit directly on the ground.

"It is you!" Everyone glanced, and the gods of the gods slowly walked to the front of the night.

It is a Hirita who disappeared for half a year!

"Dad!" After Tex saw Bergi Tower, he ate, the man in front of him and his memory did not care about his wife and children.

"Who are you?" Begitta looked at Telx, and his heart rose a wonderful contact.

"No ..." Tex's shook head, the body is not rushing to the autonomous retreat seems to be very afraid of Bergiita.

"Hey! Bold! It should be a planet!" Bergiita did not retreate Terrus, but to focus on a smiley night.

......... [... [▉ ...

"Christie! I have to defeat you!" Bergata cooled the war.

"Bergi Tower, you have not changed, now I have no time!" The night is very windy, and he is not interested in the current Berga.

Once uploaded, the wind is the enemy of Biji Tita, and now the night grows is thoroughly and the Begitta broke.

"Breast, you are still so small to look! I am not the previous Bergi Tower!" Bergi Tower yelled, double boxing.

Bang! Berga has released a shock fluctuation, and his feet were originally blown directly, and the crushed stone surrounded.

"What!" "Clin and others were surprised, they were directly pushed directly after the shock.

"Hey!" The night is cold, and the foot is on the ground.

! The raised gravel falls directly from the air, and the wasteland will restore calm again.

... and the Bergi Tower is burning golden voyage. His hair turns into a dazzling golden, and the eyes have become green, typical super-Saiya's shape!

In other words, Bergi Tower also inspired the blood of the Sairane and broke through the level of Super Saiyans.

"How is this possible, only half a year, how can he become a super-Saiyan!" Kelin is not easy to stop the back of the back, watching the surprise of Beji Tower.

1275 chapter, fighting

"Oh? Actually broke through, I thought you had to use longer to break through the Super Saiyan!" The night was swept away from Bergiita, and the eyes were slightly surprised.

Originally, the long wind is expected to be in the style of Behagi Tower, and if there is no one to stimulate, the least two or three years may pass through the shape of the super.

"Hey! I just hope that I have become stronger, in order to surpass you, I have been working hard training in the gravity chamber! However, there is no battle, I found that I can't break through the limit ..." Berga's mouth, After turning into a super Saiyan, the Baggi Tower expression became cold.

In cooperation with Bergiita, it will be proud of the proud temperament. At this time, Bergi Tower does look very powerful.

"I am really awakening to myself, I really awakened into a super-seizian! I am so happy," July 43 ", Christie! I finally surpassed you, restored the Dignity of the Prince of Saaya!" Begitta double boxing, a confident full expression.

"You are too big, Bergi Tower! Do you think that I am idle in this half year?" The night is rushing in Baggiita shakes the finger. "You are still not my opponent now!"

Bang! Bergiita listened to the challenge of the night, and the furious gorganism is more violent.

"Strong!" Bick hands in his chest, "Is this the power of the Super Saiyan?"

This is the force of the Super Saiyan for the first time. This power makes the Bike feel a huge gap.

Like night growth, Begitta, Bike is also a lifetime of pursuit of limits, and wants to be strong.

And the gap between the gap between the Berga, let the Bike become uneasy.

"I have to prove that I am stronger than you, Christie!" Berga looked at the night, the green eyes were full of murderous.

At this time, Tex suddenly flashed into the middle of the two, isolated on the situation of the two confrontation.

"Please wait, our enemy is a human man, don't fight in the fight!" Turkis said to Baggiita.

"Who is your guy?" Bergita looked at the teenager who was very similar to himself.

"I ... I am ..." Tex wants to explain, but I can't say it. "In short, our common enemy is a human man, and the Saiyan is not much, please don't kill each other!"

"Hey! Your guy a Saiyan, I don't care, I am not interested in anyone! My most annoying person is Christie, defeating him is my ultimate goal! You are best given me a flash ! "Bergata cold channel.

"No! You are not your opponent's opponent now!" Tex knew the power of the night's wind, Tex can feel that Bergiita is a stage that has just turned into a super-Saiyan, even the man But not to say that it is a single-happening of three people.

! At this time, Begita's punk is heavy in the abdomen of Telks in front of it. "I thought it was, it was Christie's apprentice. If you don't flash, I will only solve you! "

"Wow ..." Tex has not turned into a state of a super-semi-Saiyan, and the Bayi Tita didn't make the shot of Tex's low-stricken with his hands.

"What is your teacher, I am also a super-seizian, under the same conditions, I am the prince's prince, the strength is absolutely above him!" Bergi Tower immediately kicked Terros. .

Bang! The body of Tex quickly flew out, and the night grew is suddenly disappearing in the original place, and took the hands of the Baggiita kicked by Begitta.

"Master, don't kill him!" Terrosra out of the right arm of a very angry night.

"Don't worry, I will not kill Bergi Tower, so a potential opponent, I am still willing to kill him!" The night long wind flashed back to Berga.

"You don't have there? Begita!" Night wind turns to twisted neck.

"Haha, Christie, how can you take me?" Bergi Tower didn't have much interest in Tex, he would like to make the night growth in the super-Saiyan, and then did one.

"Do you want to anger me, then let me change it?" Night's mouth is angry, "To be honest, you are not enough!"

The night long-lived feet, the moment it disappeared again.

"This is impossible!" Bergi Tower glanced over his eyes, he found that he could not capture the sports trajectory of the nightly wind ...

boom! When you once again, the night-lived wind came to Behaga, kicked on the back.

puff! Bergiita suddenly spit a blood, and once in an instant, it was played down, and he hit it into the cliff wall of Turkast.

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