The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1316 of the Chapter 1316 of the Host System of Tennis Prince

Boom Lung Longlong ... Night wind this feet brings together the strength of the whole body, the body of Bergi Tower directly runs through the whole mountain, blinking, high mountain covered with cracks, and finally collapsed.

Begda is constantly impacted more than 10 mountain peaks, finally stopped.

"The strength gap is too big!" Bike hands shoulders calm, but the heart is the sea.

" ... The super-semers who turned into the Begita didn't seem to be very strong!" I still have some scared clones, and relax.

"It's not strong, it is a long wind. This guy is too strong!" Tianjin rice is proud of the third eye that can't capture the speed of the night.

"Ah!" The first round of Bergi Tower was insulting, and the night's live wind did not open the super-Saiyan state, which is completely in the eyes, which let Begitta. The anger value is crazy.

Bang! The pure gold super-seesians have skyrocketed, and the Bergi Tower rushed to the sky. His momentum began to rise crazy, and the combat power started to rise.

"Oh, it's going to go to the second phase so soon? The talents of Bergi Tower are really super!" Night long-awaited 5.0 looked at the head in the end of the avatar.

"Yeah!" Begitta's hands were gripped, the muscle rushes of the whole body rose big, but the face is more, the blood vessels of the forehead have to convex.

"What is he doing?" Everyone glanced.

boom! After the angular air explosion of Beji Tita, after the golden light, the entire person of Bergi Tower rose, the muscles of the whole body exaggerated.

"The gas actually strengthened so much. He broke through the level of Super Saiyan?" Bike was surprised.

"Which is so simple!" The night grew, waved to Bike and others, "If you follow, the next battle is too close, it may be dangerous!"

Bergiita at this time, the night is very clear, it is the second phase of the super-semi-Saiyan form!

1276 chapter, powerful

"Well! You are careful, the long wind!" Kelin returned hundreds of meters away from Terrus.

"Hey! Dedicated, Christie!" The Baggiita pointed corner showed a brisk laugh, and the face recovered the cold and arrogant expression again.

Next moment, Bergi Tower came to the night length of the wind, it was a boxing of the night, and the speed was even more faster than the night.

"It's so fast!" Tianjin rice widened the third eye on the forehead, and it was still unable to capture the body shape of Bijita.

The night long wind is a lightning-like double hand, ~ ▉

bass! After the continuous roll in the air, the night-catching wind is stable and falling over the wasteland of more than ten meters away.

"Christty, your strength isn't so! I thought you were too powerful, just this extent?" Bergi Tower began to mad, "hurry to transform!"

The night is cold and coldly looked at Bergi Tower, and the golden light is flashing. "31 Bergi Tower! It seems that you haven't realized the gap between us, deal with you, I don't need to transform all!"

Night long wind weighs countless bright spots, and then the Jin Guang master!

"This feeling is ..." Berga slightly frowned.

After the rays are exhausted, the night long wind is weighing a pure golden armor, which is full of complex ripples, which looks domineering.

Bergiita is not strange to this armor, and the armor has also left a very deep impression on Berga in the process of fighting with the night.

The God of Death!

At that time, the power of the dragon icon of the night-lived in the gods of the gods was the thousand heads, and the original is not a concept.

"Hey! I thought it was a trick, Christie, did you forget, I have broken your set of war!" Berga coldly.

"Yes? I am standing here to make you play, absolutely don't pay back! If you let me hurt, even if you win, how?" Night long-faced mouth is upset.

"Bastard! Dare to look down on me!" Bergi Tower is as evolved as before, and it is burning.

boom! There is a bull-like Angry Bergiita's full body pure golden vitality again, then it is directly toward the night.

And the night grows is that the feet turned, and the hands were posted, and a pair opened the door.

boom! boom! boom! Begitta is called, and the fist in the power is like a rain in the rain.

And the night grows is like a rock, it is always moving, even the eyes are not blind.

Boom Lung Long ... The speed of Bergi Tower is getting faster and faster, and the whole world of the two begins to sway, the hot air continues to rise, and the space has some distorted deformation.

There are at least a few breaths, Bergi Tita hurts the thousands of boxes, and the night is not a counterattack or blocking, and the bill is complete.

Call ... call! When Bergi Tita has started non-stopping gas, the frequency and strength of the slings are more and more weak, the night's head is still a new, the light of the new, the light shining is increasing Yue.

The spirit of the gods arrived at the advanced, not only defending the enemy's attack, but also converting the enemy's attack to the energy of the maintenance of the god.

"It's tired so soon?" The night's cold looks at the expression of a bit of painful Baggi Tower, suddenly drinking, "God guard!"

bass! The night long-term winds are just falling. He is in the hands of the gods in his hands, and the light of a ball is slowly rising, and a ball hood is slowly rising at night.

! Bergi Tower waved on the mask, but the power was completely rebounded to the arms of Begitta.

Snapped! A very crisp sound, the right arm of Bergita swing seems to be broken, and it is by his own strength.

"Hey!" Bergi Tower retired tens of meters, left hands and right arm, at this time, his right arm is completely hanging, it is already can't get up.

"I can evil, how can it be ... I have surpassed the Super Saiyan, why isn't your opponent!" Bergata is full of unwilling.

"Oh ... you are too big, Bergi Tower! You just hurred, but also to strengthen your strength and speed, and the speed of energy is too fast, you can't last too long, you are from Super Saiyan [ The peak is still 18,000 miles! "The night is cold.

"What do you say? Super Saiyan [] Peak Status? Do you already ..." Bergi Tower is full of confidence.

"You don't need to know this, I don't want to kill you, go!" The night long turned and didn't want to pay back Bergi Tower.

At this time, the insulted Bergi Tower launched his hands and made a flashing posture.

"I am the prince of the Saiyan, I am the strongest Saiyan!" Berga mad, gathered all the remaining Super Saiyan Golden Vegetals in the whole body to your hands.

A loud noise, two golden light waves shot from the left and right hands of Bergi Tower, and soon will soon will make a large golden wave, this is the desperate hit of Beji Tower, the strength is not very common!

"Berga is a bastard, is he destroyed the earth?" Bikki wrinkled.

"Hey!" The night grew now, and the cold eyes flashed in a smell, Begitta and before, in order to defeat the night, did not consider whether the earth can bear this super high strength. explosion.

At this time, the night-long wind opened his hands, the power of the dragon icon was crazy, and the god guard opened to the biggest limit!

043 Bang! The night-lived wind is directly hard to use the body to pick up the golden shock wave. The body is constantly retreat. It is all collapsed at night, and the ground splash is also smashed by the pressure of the shock wave.

In addition to the huge MO roll, there is a dazzling golden light to fill the space of the whole world.


"Master!" Everyone is a little worried about the safety of the night.

"Night wind, this guy Taico, this situation does not change!" The Bike blocked with her hands and bright eyesight.

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