The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1317 of the Chapter 1317 of the Prince of Tennis

puff! After the other side of Behagi Tower after the forced motility has been broken, the whole right arm is a blood in the mouth, and the mouth is a bloody.

"Hey ... oh ..." Half squatting on the ground, in the absence of the energy consuming, the Baggi Tita is unmapup.

After the smoke is exhausted, the night-catching figure appears in front of Behagi Tower, and rubbes the blood of a silk, and the night long eyes flashed deeply, "Saiyan prince, this What are you satisfied? "

"You!" Begitta did not dare to believe that the night's hard work was in the normal state of the attack of the super-victim's desperate tricks, and the body could not support it.

Dang! Bergi Tower directly fell to the ground, the golden vitality of the whole body was also scattered in an instant. His emotion and physical strength were completely powerful, and the body was also seriously injured.

1277 chapter, strange aircraft

"It's too strong, and the Bergi Tower is not a grade. How is this half a year?" The guy is in the end of the death, staring at the moisture of the gods, the night. .

"Haha, what Saiyan prince, is not the opponent of the long wind!" Yamu Tea haha ​​laughed, as if he was defeated by Bergiita.

On the side of the Turkus flew to the side of Begitta in the ground, some worried looked at Bergi Tower, although it is a different timeline, but Terrus still regards Baggi Tower as him. Father.

"Mix ... eggs ... I am ... the strongest ... Saiyan!" After flying, the mouth in his mouth is still calling.

"Berga guys don't kill him, sooner or later, you will die in his character!" Nightly looked at Berga on the ground.

At that Meixian, Bergiita feared that Flissa's performance was very disappointed, and returned to the earth, and Bergi Tower seems to have retrieved the heart.

Compared with the artificial, the night is more likely to make a hand, after all, Berga has the strongest victim's blood concentration, if he has a strong heart, The strength growth of Bergiita is not necessarily better than night.

Now Bergiita is only lacking time and opponents.

"Tex, give him!" When the night is wind and right, throw it to the Golden small bottle of Telks.

"Is this?" Klin gang, face doubt, "long wind, why do you want to save this big bad guy!"

"Yeah, after waiting for him to recover, it may be unfavorable to the earth!" Yamu tea on the side is also attached.

"There is no way, now I also need my opponent!" Night wind shrugged your shoulders, "You don't have to worry, this guy's goal is me, you should not be chaotic in the situation!"

On the other hand, Tex's liquid in the small bottle [body] in the mouth of Berga, the original dying Bergi Tower began to light the golden light, the serious injury on the right arm actually started with the naked eye The speed is restored.

boom! Didn't have time, the injuries in the Baggi Tower recovered, he directly turned over and looked down and looked down at his right arm, and his face was surprised.

"You are nothing to` ▉ ▉? "Tex suddenly asked.

"It's evil ... I was saved by Christie ..." For Bergi Tower, the opponent is simply a shame, he hates can't take it in front of everyone.

However, the heart is strong and unwilling to get stronger, it will stop the idea of ​​Suji Tita suicide.

boom! The ground in the foot of Berga is blown up, he flew it on the sky!

"Christie, there will be one day, you will regret it!" Bergata left a sentence to disappear in the sky.

"Ah!" Tex was ate.

"Forget it, don't take him! Let's go!" Night wind shot the shoulders of Tetranx, "Now it is important to return to your original time and space to solve the artificial man there!"

"? Bik?" Clin found that Bick suddenly disappeared.

"The guy is uncertain, who knows!" Yamu tea shook his head helpless.

"Bike this guy actually ran away ..." Night live wind also felt some inexplicable.


! On the other hand, after the night length is defeated by Berga, the Bike left, and it flew to the sky of the Kalin Santa Tower.

At this time, God handed a cane standing on the square of the heavens, and it seems that it has been expected to come to the thing of Bike will arrive.

"It seems that you already know the reason I come here!" Bike Shen Sheng.

"Yes, our heart is the same, this is one, you see, I think, I know!" The God slowed down, "To be honest, I never thought that there will be another one-time refreshment ..."

"It's not a fit! Just need you to upgrade the power, just like the previous Nimu!" ​​Bike cold channel.

"How can this ... If you feel, Longzhu will disappear!" The Bobo inserted a side.

"I have said with Dadi before, he promised that as long as I disappear or dead, I will come to the earth when I am new God!" God seems to have prepared itself.

"Although I don't want to admit it, I am indeed your strength now!" Biker, it is still a little unwilling between his eyebrows.

"I know that you want to become stronger than anyone, beyond night long wind! I also hope that you can get more and more strong, you are not the original idea, but a great warrior. I can Give you the body! "God sink.

"God ..." BOBO was shocked.

"But I have a condition ..." The God suddenly turned.

"What is the condition?" Bike frowned.

"I can stay in the spiritual time of 48 hours, I will give me my body!" God slowly.

"Spiritual Time House? What is it?" Bike.

"Come with me!" The God did not explain, but a hidden palace in the heaven.

The lens turns back to the night of the night.

Night wind, etc. Take the capsule with the Cark, transport airship and return to Burt's home.

"Changfeng, do you really want to take the time of Time to Turkks?" Asked the Julin that was driving airship.

"Ah! Tex's power should not be an opponent of a human man, I have to help him!" Night wind slowly, "Now I am still going back to Booema, I am preparing to be with Telks. Go back at the same time! "

"If the time is a problem, what should you do?" Yammu tea asked some worried.

"It should not, I have used two timers. If you don't have problems in accordance with the design drawings (Zhao's)!" Tex is also looking forward to the night long wind energy to solve the timeline of his time. people.

From the current strength of the night, the human man is not a lighter opponent.

... ... Just at this time, the communicator in the transport airship sounded.

"Hey ... Who?" Kelin turned on the communicator.

"Can Kelin, Changfeng and Tex in the communication, the voice of Burma.

"We are all in, Burma, what is going on?" The night length of the night came to Kelling.

"You are fine! A few days ago, some people in the west of the West came to our company to inquire, saying that they got a strange aircraft on the mountain, but they couldn't start, I would like to teach them ..." Burma slowly.

Night-lasting wind touches the nose, "Strange aircraft? Is there any special?"

1278 chapter, suspicious cloud

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