The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1318 of the Chapter 1318 of the Prince of Tennis

"Yes! Our company's employees asked about the style of the aircraft, it can be the product of our company, because the aircraft marked with the corporate identity, so I let them pass the photo." Booma slow Tao.

"Then they sent the photo that was shocked, I jumped!" Burma language is getting higher.

"what's happenin?"

"The strange aircraft is the shape of the time, it seems to be the time machine of Telks, and it has been damaged!" Burt's words make everyone surprised.

Tex stands directly, and it is not credible. "What? How can this?"

"Oh? Tex, isn't it your time?" The night long turned head.

"Ah!" Tex nodded, took out a small box from the jacket in the bag, opened a look, which was a few capsules, "Time machine has been turned into a capsule, put it on the body. Master, You see, this is this! "

"Well?" The night was frowned, "Burma, it seems that it is not Time to Tour!"

"Yes? I did see it from the photo. The time I found was very old, I was still full of moss!" Burma is also very confused, "Terran, your time to travel - 800 How many times have you been in the end? "

"How many? I should only have this one!" Terrus is old back.

"That is strange, how the strange aircraft is to look at the time, the structure and my latest manufacturing!" Burma said that he said.

The night-long style palm has been thinking about the Babe, and then said: "Burt, you come over the photo!"

"Okay!" Burma used a signal to send a photo of the strange aircraft to airship.

"Changfeng, this is a photo!" Kelin handed the photo of the fax machine to the night grow.

When the night length is booted, he really has the shape of the time that I have seen on the notebook, just for a long time, but it is not only full of moss, but also broken.

"Ah!" Turkks, who came to explore his head, called, "This is indeed the time I took the time, what is going on?"

"Is it ..." Night Gouvery I thought of a possibility, there are a lot of parallel worlds of different timelines, which means that there is a similar Tirks, which is likely to have another Tirks ride time (DBAH) machine. Come to the world of timeline at night.

If so, it is more confusing, and the time machine is the product of a paradox. If the person at different timelines gathers to a world, then it is cool.

"Burma, the specific location of the strange aircraft, you know?" The night grew and thought about it.

"The exact location is not clear, but it should be near the west side 1025 area." Burma replied.

"West side 1025? Not far from here! Terry, we have seen it!" Night long wind turned to Telks.

"Okay!" Territish nod, the two flew out of the open hatch, directly flying directly to the West 1025.

boom! Two-person chemistry makes two golden lights quickly disappear in the sky, there is no clin, etc.

"There!" Night wind speed, such as electricity, just spent a few minutes, came to the west side 1025, and glanced at the trees in the woods.

! The two turned over directly from the air and fell to the front of the time.

"Someone is coming?" Terry suddenly looked up to the sky behind him, and a suspended airship quickly flew.

"Oh! Burt is also coming!" The night watered a airship and laughed.

Soon, the airship has fallen vertically in front of the night. After the hatch is opened, Burma has jumped out of the airship.

"Changfeng, it's so fast?" Burt also ran to the front of the time.

"Dr. Burt ..." Turkam saw Burma.

"Okay, Terx puts out your time!" Night long wind turned to Telx.

"Okay!" Tex took out the time of the player capsule and threw it directly on the air.

A new time, a new time machine appeared in front of the three, the shape and the broken time machine were exactly the same.

"Dr. Bulma, you see, this is the time that I have rid of!" Turkis pointed to a new time track.

"Well, this is said, this time is not yours!" Burma nodded.

"But as far as I know, Dr. Burma, you only have a time machine in our world, and ..." Terrus walked to the broken time, dialing the moss on the pusher.

"And what?" "Night long rope question.

"And this broken time machine is also like the time machine I ride, Master, you see this is before I wrote above the logo!" The position of the Trogs finger, there is a word.

It is also hope to see if you look at the night.

"What is possible, this time is already standing here for a long time ..." Burt is more confused.

The night long wind is flying, came to the position of the transparent hatch of the time, and there is a melted big hole.

"There is a hole here, it seems to be melted by what is ..." Night long-winding.

"I will see it!" Tercus also flew directly, directly opened the hatch, came to the cockpit.

"What is this?" Tex found two hemispherical objects on the driver's seat, very like a coconut shell.

"Show me!" The night grew out of the right hand, took the strange objects of Tex, and then directly together, synthesized a ball.

"This is a bit like a housing of an egg. Is it a living on the earth?" The night was frowned.

"I will try it!" Burma became a capsule testing instrument, detected, this thing is not to be any egg known organism.

"More and more confusing!" The night's wind shook his head, and time is a very complicated thing. Once time line is interlaced, there will be countless possibilities.

"Well ..." The energy of the time has been completed, the time is Ai Ji 78.9 years, more than three years later, this time is from the farther future! "Tex was shocked and widened .

"What do you mean, this time is coming to the Earth than you have been more than you have been more than you?" The night long's head is bigger, "Who is going to take the time a few years ago? "

1279 chapter, time and spiritual house

The lens is turned to the heaven.

The God came to a hidden palace in a hidden palace, and it began to gasp in this palace.

"How is this thing is white, and the body is so heavy, the air here is very thin?" Bike frowned.

"Here is the time and spirit of the house, as long as you come in with the outside world, how do you feel anything?" He asked.

"Time and Spiritual House?" Bike is more confusion, he doesn't feel anything, it seems to be isolated from the earth, "What is it here?"

God didn't answer the bike, but referred to the room in the left and right sides. "The left is [bath] room, right is a food storage room, you don't have to worry about food here, just practice it!"

"As long as you stay, this is difficult!" Bike didn't think about it, "It is not the body's weight, the breathing is difficult, this pressure I still bear this!"

"Yes? You will know with me!" Tianshi continued to go forward, after walking, Bacchie stunned.

I can't expect the marginal white, nothing, the sky and the ground are white.

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