The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1319 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"It is so broad here, and there is nothing, what is this space?" Bik's eyes are surprised.

"Oh ..." Tian god smiled, "Bike, don't run too far, if you are getting lost here, you can not find the way back ... If you are, you will be starved! "

"Hey! Don't use you, I know!" Bik snorted.

"The temperature of this space is changed between 50 degrees and zero 40 degrees, and the air is one quarter of the outside, but the gravity is four times the outside." God continued.

"No wonder I feel difficulty in breathing, the body is heavy!" Bright light in the eyes, "But I have been cultivated on the king of the king's asteroid, this gravity is nothing!"

"Yes?" The corner of the Gods is slightly, "I seem to forget to tell you, here is only equivalent to the world of the world!"

"What do you say!" Bike is surprised, "What you mean is that you let me stay in two days, is it stayed here for two years?"

"Yes! You want to get a strong combat power, you must endure people who are unimaginable, I think this is not difficult for you!" The God deliberately said, "Although he said so far, no one is in this space. Hain a month. "

"Can be evil ... Do you think I can't do it? I can be Bike!" Bike can't stand the challenge of God, flying directly to the heavenly earth, "I will practice the two years here, when I arrive You have to give me your body as you wish! "

"Wait for you to say it!" God did not pay attention to Bick, but turned to exit the time and spirit of the home, returned to the square of the heaven.

"Well ..." God bowed to the broad ground under the gods, and he began to spy his life, of course his attention is mainly on the night.

"I always have a disturbance in my heart, I have been defeated by the kid of the night, but a few years ago, I came to this world a few years ago, I didn't have any discovery as God!" Heaven's godhead "I have a unknown premonition ... It seems that there is more terrible creative more terrible ..."

"God ..." BOBO has never seen the God so anxious.

"It seems time, no matter how long the Bike can stay in the spiritual house, wait for him to come out, I have to abandon the identity of God, and re-become the warrior!" The god cleared the cane in his hand.

"Soon, the earth will face a huge crisis, and it is an unprecedented crisis, I have a desperate premonition ..." The God bite his teeth.

The lens turns back to the night of the night.

"No matter how, you can't let the time stop here, I will first take it!" Tex dials the moss and pressed a button on the broken time.

! The broken time has turned back to a capsule, then received by Tex, and the new time machine has also changed back to the capsule by Tex.

"This egg shell let me take it away, I will go back to the study room!" Burma picked up the spherical eggshell of the night, throwing the ground.

"Right, long wind, don't you say that I am going to see the new time that I made?" Burma turned.

"Is it completed?"

······ Flowers ······

"Yes, you don't look at it, I am the genius of making time machine!" Burma has known the time that the time is manufactured.

"It is not you, it is a flat-hearted space!" The night's wind shook his head. "Now I am still not anxious, I am going to go to Terrus Timeline to help him solve the human being, but currently The most important thing is that the investigation is clear that who is here a few years ago! "

Night wind has a feeling, and the mission of the superhen system is not completed and this mysterious comment has a big connection.

"That's okay, wait for me to put the time machine into the capsule, you can use it at any time!" Burma nodded.

At this time, Tex didn't seem to find something, rushing to the night, and Burma waved.

[........ [..

"What's wrong? Tex, what do you find?" Night live winds directly arrived at Terx.

"Master, you see!" Tex referred to something behind huge rocks.

"Is this?" The night's long-lasting looks carefully.

"That ... What is it, so disgusting!" Burma was surprised to rise.

"It seems to be insect [fading] to the shell, but this shape is too wonderful, is there such a living on the earth?" Night long wind turned his head asked Burma.

"I have never seen such a big insect, what is this shell?" Burt shook his head.

"This thing is very like the ball of the ball!" Turks exudes a cold sweat on the forehead, "Do you say ..."

"Yes! This has long been a growing life of the ball shell, [fading] went to the outer casing, then left, the mysterious creature seems to be this thing!" Night wind analysis.

"Can ... but how it will come here, and it is a time machine, is this creative IQ Is it high? What is its purpose?" Booma head is full of question marks.

At this time, Tex went deep into the housing, and his hand was bonded to the liquid [body], "the body fluid in this is still warm, the thing should just leave this shell soon!"

"Yes?" The night's style is in a moment, and then shook his head, "I didn't feel anything!"

1280 chapter, strongest bark

"How do I feel a little bad ... I still go back to study ..." Burt's capsule storage device will be packaged with the two housings of the mysterious organism, and then become a capsule into the pockets by Burma.

"We will go back to Burt first ... then inform everyone to find mysterious creatures!" The night grew on the airship and turned to Telks.

"Well!" Territ on Terris, and his face jumped on the airship.

! Soon, Burma droves the airship disappeared over the 1025 area.

On the other hand, from the 18th, No. 18 escaped from the 1st and 16th, I came to a Geophysical Institute.

The Institute of Secrets is one of the institutes preparations in Garo, and the data of the 18th brain has this research institute.

This secret research institute is at the bottom of the bustling town "983", and there is no research center in Tiemen on the 18th, and directly kicked the iron gate, and I walked into the research institute on the 17th and 18th.

This research is also very complete than the secret research in the small island mountain range.

"I must revenge, the dead night cost, I must kill him!" 17 full of eyes, the whole body is broken, still constantly chanting.

"You give me a chapter!" No. 18 throws 17th on a workbench.

"What do you want to do?" I looked at the 18th.

"What ..." No. 18 raised the equipment that made a fire, "Of course, fix you, our goal is to kill the night long, but you can't do extra more things, know?"

"I know, I know! I will fix it!" I nodded on the 17th.

Although the 18th is a combat manager, it is justified by Dr. Garo in the air, so she is easy to fix the 17th.

On the other side of the 17th, the No. 16 is also harmful, it is directly thrown into a nutrition-free equipment, high-speed repair.

There is no expression on the 16th. I didn't say a word so far. No one knows what he is thinking.


Two days have passed, so that God is a little surprised by Bick has not come out from the spiritual treasure, and the Bike has successfully suffered from the hardships of ordinary people, and staying in the spiritual time. .

Snapped! Snapped! When the bike came out of the spiritual time, its temperament was completely different.

The previous Bick is all violent, the momentum is full, and now the Bike is a faceless expression, the body is completely introverted, except for the appearance, there is no difference with an ordinary earth man. .

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