The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1321 of the Chapter 1321 of the Prince of Tennis

"Okay!" Kelin and Yamu tea directly transferred the wind to the home town, while at the same time, Terx in the jungle in the southern jungle is also rushing to Keji Town.

On the other hand, in a hidden base gravity chamber, I suddenly flew out, and I was surprised to look at the distance. "This is ... What is going on? How can I have my anger?"

Keji Town.

"Tell me more about your true identity!" Bike deadly staring at the monster road in front of him.

"There is not that necessary, you must be my food soon!" The monster seems to know the strength of the Bike, a self-confidence.

"Yes? Since you don't want to say, I will do it directly!" The coldness of the Bike is more cold, the strength of the Bike has risen, and he has absolute confidence in his current strength.

"Oh ... Big Demon, you seem to have confident!" The monster disdain.

"It seems that you seem to know me!" Bike grinned, clasp the double punch.

Boom Lung Longlong ... Boiled, the body is boiling, the smoke is large, the monster has been directly pushed.

The Bike's ground collapsed directly, and the gravel flew!

"Don't mean, you recognize the wrong person!" Bike looked at the monster of some wolf.

When the monster pinched the crusher to flying toward the head, the expression has changed. "You said that I recognize the wrong person? Are you not a Broad Devil?"

"Yes!" The Bac's is out of breath, and the battle is 980 force to rise.

The night-long wind that is rushing to Keji is instantly inductive, "This feeling is Bike, he has been with that monster!"

"Wait, it seems that it is not entirely Bike, there is a god of God! It seems that they have reborn, and the body of Bike seems to be more than ten times higher than before!" When the night cost is in front, the two blue light columns are sprayed.

! The speed of the night is faster, in the air, like a blue lightning.

"That feeling is Bike! The combat power is actually raised so much in such a short time, it is unbelievable!" Klin and Yamu tea also felt that the Bike's gas.

The lens turns to the monster of Bick and his confrontation.

"What are you talking about, is you not who is the big king?" Asked the monster cold.

"This is not important. The important thing is that the villagers of this town are killed by you. It is intertwined, so I can kill you!" Bik's mouth.


Snapped! Bik suddenly raised his left arm against the monster.

boom! A super agglomerated light column light is shot from the left arm of the Bochena, and shooting towards some gears.

! So close to the distance, the monster will not be in a hurry, directly swallowed by the light column!

1282 chapter, weak Bick?

Bang! The exclusted light column straight rushing sky, which is the huge mushroom cloud, and the Bike is very concentrated, almost all on the monster.

However, the shorts of its four are still caused such a huge destruction. The houses on the entire unmanned town are all flat, just like a super dramatic nuclear explosion.

"Look, the battle begins, the explosion there is strong!" Klin and Yamu tea stopped in the air.

"Ah! We hurry over!" The two accelerated the speed of flying to the explosive place.

At this time, in the foundation of the home, it is just the location of the research institute built by Dr. Gaulo.

On the 18th, I spent the first two days, and the process of removing the 17th in the process of the first 17th, the Branding of Dr. Gaul is also removed. Of course, her own mechanical arm is removed. .

"What is this shock?" No. 18 frowned, the research institute is drapening at this time.

"I don't know ... Is it that there is a volcanic outbreak near this? Al or an earthquake?" No. 17 hands shoulders.

"There are two powerful power that is fighting above!" No. 16 jumped out of the nutrition warehouse, his body's injury and missing parts were added.

"No. 16, how do you know?" I asked 18th.

"There is an energy investigation radar in my head!" 16 points refers to his head.

"Well, who is the two sides of the battle, do you know?" No. 18 continued.

On the 16th, I shook my head and was treated by 18th. No. 18 is a speech meter, "I don't have it, there is no two materials, but from their energy reactions, one of them is almost!"

"What are you talking about?" No. 17 is surprised, "this world except the night grows with people with my strength?"

From the 17th, the combat power of himself and the night, "" Garona is not wrong, the energy radar in your brain is broken "!!"

"No. 17! You give me a mouth, we will go to see if you don't know!" No. 18 presses the control button of the research institute, one hatch is opened, and the circular passage that is straight through the ground appears in three people. .

On the ground, the monster endured Bike's super impact wave, and the green skin of its surface was a black, and did not be seriously injured.

"Hey!" The monster turned over and rushed over to the Bike, and the hands did not want to catch the Bike directly.

"Hey!" The Bike snorted, and immediately went to the monster's body, and then he kicked on the back of the monster.

! The monster fell to the ground and then reborn again.

At this time, the Bick suddenly appeared on his side, flew up with a monster, and the monster was directly kicked by the Bike.

! The monsters have a strong shape in the air, turning over steadily in the opposite side of the Bike.

So far, Bick is an absolute upper wind, but the monster is not seriously injured.

"Hey! Can you play so long and don't hurt me, it seems that you are really a terrible monster!" Bike coldly looked at the monsters in front of you.

If it is before the Bike and the Ghentness, the Bike knows that he is definitely not the opponent of this green skin monster.

"Haha ... my combat power is good, once I turned into a complete body ... you just die!" The monster laughed.

"Complete?" Bike, "This is the reason you absorb human beings?"

"Yes! I have to absorb the essence of life, as my energy!" The monster knew it.

"You are the mysterious creature that takes the time a few years ago. Who is you? Who will bring you?" There is a memory of God in the mind, so he knows the time of the time.

. Everything is known! "

"But ... There is a thing, you absolutely don't know!" The monster suddenly worked with one hand and put a calyx shape.

"Well?" Bike.

"Yeah ..." The monster called the whole body into the arms, his momentum is constantly improving.

"Turtle ..." monsters put their hands down the waist, then lit the blue light ball in his hands, "send ..."

"This move! Is it!" Bikard widened his eyes, this trick he is familiar, "it is impossible, how can he move this!"

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