The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1322 of the Chapter 1322 of the Prince of Tennis

"Qigong!" The monster hands pushed towards Bike.

Bang! The monster's hands emit a blue energy light column, so close distance, almost instantly coming to the front of the Bike.

"It is actually a turtle gas!" Bike directly jumped in the air, and timely escaped the blue energy light column, the light column was blown on the mountain behind him, and the top of the mountain was directly frying.

At this time, the Bike is a mud horse, and he does not pass why this monster will be turtle.

! Just then, the monster took advantage of the smoke and the shielding of the light, and came to the body of the Bike, and the Bike was directly used with both hands.

"Let's take it!" The long tail of the monster came from him to the abdomen of the Bike, and the needle on the tail shine.

"Drink!" Big twice, forcibly moved his body and avoid this fatal blow.

puff! The monster's tail is directly ultimately plugged into the left arm of the Bike.

"Ah!" Bik screamed, a painful pain made the anger of the Bike.

"Is it on the arm? It doesn't matter, I can absorb your super energy, haha, I will become more powerful!" The monster tail sounded the sound of the snoring, starting crazy (good) to absorb the energy in the Body .

"Can be evil!" The Bike gathers the whole body force to the head and directly uses the back of the monster.

! The monster is painful, and the power of the hands of the hands is weakened directly by the binding of the Bick, and the flying flying fell on the ground.

"Actually let you escape!" The monsters slowly came from the air.

"Call ... call ..." Bike vites two turbidity, he is completely sucking, only one layer is left on shoulder, and it seems that the situation is very bad. .

"Hey! Even if you break free, an arm is also abolished! The situation is very good to me!" The monster smiled.

"Yes! I have only one arm, I can't maintain a balance! I am not willing, actually lost in your hand!" Bike said with a left shoulder.

At this time, I seem to have some weak Bick and the gods of the gods that have just been gigmated. It is completely judged!

1283 chapter, Sha Lu

"Haha! You are not willing to work, as long as I absorb your life essence, I will only have a step away from me!" The monster is laughing, a pair has already set a way.

"Be evil ..." The Bike is full of sweat. "Why are you, why have so many people's sense of breath, actually will also send Qigong!"

Monster mouth, "Ok, anyway, you have to die, I will let you die!"

"I am a human man, my name is Zha Lu!" The original monster is a human warrior from Tex Timeline.

"Dr. Geor has made me with a computer!" Shalu slowly.

"It's Gaulo!" Biki wrinkled.

"Dr. Geori manufactured my type of man in the research institute, he took high-precision synthesis of the cells collected super soldiers, but due to the difficulty of cell integration, it takes time to take time, cover Dr. Luo gave up my type of man ... "Shalu continued to explain.

"But the computer does not stop working, the procedures of Dr. Gaulo are automatically transported - 243-, when the night is long, there is a super warrior in Bergita, and we have collected your cells!" Shalu is slow.

"It turns out ... No wonder you will be turtle!" Bick finally understood why Shatu has so many people's feelings and turtle.

"Oh, the most important thing is that we have collected Father, Father, Cruid, and Bergataian cells. These areas are the strongest soldiers of the universe than the Earth people and the cells of your Meik. How much! "Shaunyue said it is.

"That ... How is Gaot to collect cells? I don't remember what weird people when these battles!" Asked Bike cold.

Dr. Geor sent a spy robot to sprite your whereabouts, the robot is nano-level, the naked eye can't see it, and they collect the desired cells and various combat materials in the case of unattended. Said that Dr. Georo is really a genius! "Shalu hands shoulders.

"What are you talking about!" Bike comes around, you can't see the so-called spy robot.

"You can't see it, but there is communication equipment in my eyes, you can see more than ten spy robots around you, probably collecting your current cells and data!" Sha Lu smiled.

"Be evil!" Bik is full of only the right right, then whispered, and his spy robot who is not visible with meat is destroyed in an instant!

"Hey! You are now destroying them late, your cells and data information are transferred back to a secret base, and the research automatically started!" Sha Lu is very disdainful to see Bick, "actual On, I was also completed by computer automatic manufacturing after more than ten years. "

"It's impossible! Dr. Garo's research has been destroyed by us!" Bike roaring.

"The idiots, the world of different timelines does not interact, and the research institute is far more than one!" Shalu replied.

"It turned out to be like this ..." Bikh flashed a lot of golden light, "You have come to this world a few years ago, why do you appear now?"

"After I dropped into the egg, I needed to have mature in the ground." Shalu is very casual, he has not put the Bike in the eyes, so these secrets don't matter, directly and drive.

"Okay, now you understand! I should absorb your life essence, you will be integrated with me, become the strongest person in the universe!" Shalu [out] has a right hand.

"Wait! I still have the last question, why are you coming from your timeline world?" Bike asked (DBDC).

"Because only absorbing human life is not enough to make me a completion body, I have to absorb two important special life, the computer shows that the two special life is the 17th and 18th robots manufactured by Dr. Geor ! "Shalu Shen Sheng.

"What!" Bike is shocked.

... ... Sha Lu's long green tail, "This is the reason I came to this world, my world, when I was manufactured, No. 17 and 18 have been mysterious People are killed. "

"Fortunately, Tex has a time machine. I killed him and took the time to come here. The goal is No. 17 and 18!" Sha Lu Yue said, he raised his hands, " Wait until I become a completion body, I will get an unimaginable power! "

"What do you want to do with so powerful force?" Bik is sinking and asked coldly.

"What is it? This problem is too bored. The computer receiving Dr. Gaot is the most powerful life, and I have flowed in the Saiyan, Flizza and your school, so I certainly hope that I will change myself. It is more powerful! "Shalu snake average eyes shine with cold light.

"I understand!" Bik's mouth, "Thank you, let me understand this!"

The Biczati is directly used by the right hand to take the left shoulder left arm.

"Oh, yeah!" Bike called, the whole body was in the left shoulder.

Shui, Bik's left shoulders have grown out a new left arm, and the ability of Namek's broken arm reborn!

"Your words are very reference value, Shalu!" Bike smashed the left arm of the newborn, there was no fear of the expression, but the coldness of a face.

"You ... Your guy is in order to find out my details, deliberately show my weaknesses ..." Sha Lu has some happiness.

"I won't let you become the completion of the body! The truly stupid is you, you have my cells on your body. Don't you know that I can break back?" Bike clever, the muscles of the whole body, "From now on, I have to make me really power!"

"Pretend to lose a hand arm, then show the bottom of my, in my information, the Broken King can not have this wisdom." Sharu faces.

"That is the wisdom of God ..." The Bike's mouth has a smile.

"It turns out! Bick is already in the same way!" Saru is flashing in the eyes.

"The gods have been integrated with Bike, the earth dragon ball should not be, the dead people can't resurrect, haha, is a good news!" Shalu thought that his Dragon Ball is also like a means.

bass! At this time, the sky in the top of the two suddenly appeared three people, first of all, Jelen, Yamu Tea and Tukas, who arrived at this place!

1284 chapter, task upgrade!

"It's really Bike, a strong sense of breath, he is already in harmony with God?" Clin is surprised to look at the Bike, then turn to Shalu, "The guy is so disgusting, who is ? "

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