The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1323 of the Chapter 1323 of the Prince of Tennis

"He may be a mysterious creature that drilled out in the egg!" Turkish stared at Shalu.

Shalu looked at Tenx, "Tex? The guy also came to the time. I am idiot, no matter in that timeline, he will be killed by me!"

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! The three in the air quickly turned over and fell around the Bike, and Shaul is standing.

"That monster ..."

"Bik, that monster is the creature of this world a few years ago?" Kars turned his head.

"Yes! You have to be careful about his tail. The people in this town have been absorbed by his tail and die!" Bike turned to alert.

"This guy is ... How can Flissa also have the gas of Behagita?" Juling on the Klin spot.

"After the detailed situation, I will not let him escape!" Bike Shen Sheng.

"Oh, kill me, do you think more!" Sha Lu glanced at everyone.

"With the current situation, you are derived!" The Bike dandby people in the sky.

"It seems to be true, you hide strength, and there is a super-seizure!" Sha Lu turned his head to see Teks, "It seems that I should avoid the wind ..."

! The Bike fist is hidden, "" You want to escape, your turtle is not useful for me! "

"Turtle is Qigong? How can he be a turtle to be Qi Qi?" The next side of the next choice.

"Not only that, Kllin, as long as I am willing, I can also use the trick of everyone!" Sharu looked at Kark Road.

"Actually, I know that my name knows that the long wind knows will be very surprised!" Clin was shocked.

"Hey! There is no time to talk nonsense, I have to absorb the energy of 17 and 18, you stop me from turning into a complete body!" Sha Lu suddenly raised the left and right hands on the forehead, put a classic modeling.

"Ah?" Bike.

"That is!" Clin is surprised.

"Sun!" Shaul did a big drink, actually made a stunts in Tianjin rice in Tianjin.

At a time, Shalu's whole person is bright, and the Bike and Teks in front of him will not open their eyes.

"Wow!" Bik and Tex's consciousness closed their eyes.

boom! At this time, Sha Lu turned into it directly, and the two of the clones and Yamu tea behind him could not stop the footsteps of Shalu. The gap between the combat power is too large, and the speed is also the difference.

After the rays were exhausted, the Bike opened his eyes again, only a sluggish Clin and Yamu tea were left before.

"Hey ... eggs ..." Tex has never seen this kind of moving, and it is a bit wolf, "he fled it!"

"The hateful guy, even the cells of Tianjin rice fused!" Backed up, flying to the air.

The extreme four looks, the top of the Bick's foot has become a ruin, and the trace of Shalu has disappeared.

"It's evil ... I have completely disappeared, and he even the way to live the gas!" Bike is to die, and it is a hiped pit.

!! At this point, Saru is jumping in the jungle in the ground. "Haha, you will also want to grab me, I am angry into the body, you can't find my trace!"

Saru is shining, "Night wind should be coming soon, I have to temporarily avoid them, try more to absorb human life essence to enhance my strength, wait until the power exceeds them, then I want to absorb 17 No. 18! "

"Wait until I become a complete body, your death is here, wow haha ​​..." Sha Lu's figure quickly disappeared in this dense jungle.

Bang! After the Bike landed from the air, the anger of the furious punched on the ground, and the entire ground directly dramatically exploded and collapsed several meters.

"I blame me too negligent. I should immediately kill him immediately!" The remorse of Bike.

"Bike, you!" Klin and others were jumped by Buck, they didn't understand why Bike was so angry.

"Never let him become a complete body!" It is kept in the mouth.

bass! At this time, a figure that everyone is familiar with is straight from the horizon. It is the night!

"Bick, you are very hot!" The night long-faced angle is slightly leaving.

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"Changfeng, you are finally here!" Kelin is a little excited, "You don't know what you just ..."

Kling's mouth is rushing to say a lot, because it is too urgent to say that there is no logic, it is more confused at night.

"OK! Klin, don't say it!" The night is swaying, turning to look at the Bike, "Bike, you and God,?"

"Ah!" Bike nodded, "I don't want to fall behind you too far!"

"Haha, good! Yes!" The night is laughing, he can feel that the Bark's current combat power has surpassed the initial state of the Super Saiyan, and the level of combat power from the 17th.

"When you are not laughing now, the guy is terrible!" Bike suddenly said.

.... [[[[..

"Yes, the guy who just escaped is a guy who came here from other timeline. Do you have any challenge? Bike!" Night grows with a key issue.

"His name is Shalu!" Bike is positive.

Ding! The Bike just said this name, the suggestion of the superhen system in the night-long's mind sounded directly.

Trigger the main line task upgrade: defeat the strongest man Shalu

Task Level: Legendary Mission

Task reward: three lottery times

Failure punishment: deprived of all the lines of users

Systematic evaluation: Task upgrade, difficulty improvement, users will face unprecedented crises!

Night wind is a bit hair, triggering the main line task to upgrade this situation, he has also encountered once.

The difficulty of the current task has improved from orange to the legendary task. The task rewards and punishments have improved. The most crucial is that the unprecedented crisis mentioned in the systematic evaluation makes the night grows.

Since the return of the night, he is very confident in his own combat power, and the night-long wind does not think that the artifices will cause what too much threat to yourself.

It is now seen from the task tips of the superhen system. This name is absolutely not good to deal with the character.

But at the same time, the night growth is very excited. His blood is full of blood fighting, and now there is an opponent that can be a war, and the night is still very expected.

Because I want to activate the potential of the Sai people, only the battle between life and death!

1285 chapter, discovery research institute

"Bike, you continue to say!" Night long-faced corner, a pair of interest is very interested in Shalu.

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