The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1324, Chapter 1324, Chapter 1324, Chapter 1324

"He is a man-made man-made man-made a computer program designed by Georo ... and his body has a variety of cells collected by nano-scale robots, including Begitta, Cruid, and my cells, all of these cells. After mutual integration, Shaulu! "Bike slowly.

"What?" Everyone was very shocked, and then Bike knew him knowing all everything, including Shalu to absorb the 17th and 18th things.

On the other side, Sha Lu has quietly sneaked into a bustling human city, "Haha, you are waiting for you, you can come to absorb you in a few days!"

On the wasteland, everyone listened to the Bike explanation, they were some happiness.

"The complete body" Twin Nine "Shalu is absolutely superior, and the combat power is definitely a far-charitable, so we must stop Sha Lu to become a complete body, kill him! Or before he absorbed 17 and 18 , Dry off the 17th and 18th! "Bike Shen Sheng.

"Yeah, I also agree! Master, you still absorb 17 and 18 before the monster, go to the No. 17 and No. 18!" Turkis turned to the night long.

"This is ..." Night wind shrugged the shoulders, "The one of the artifices of No. 17 and No. 18 did not speak, I don't know where they are now, and I really want to see Shalu Email. How hard is enough after it is complete! "

"No! Changfeng, I know that you want to fight with the stronger opponent, but Sharu is dangerous. If you are not his complete opponent, everything is over!" Yamu Tea will persuade night long wind.

"Well, don't say this first, now the most important thing is to find Sha Lu!" The night's wind sweeps a blind man, "everyone is in action, and there is a news!"

Previous night long winds have taught the method of clining et al., While Because the relationship between the heavens can also be acted within a certain range, Tex doesn't have to say, in his timeline When the night length is very small in Tex, it has church Terran's voice.

"Well!" Everyone nodded.

"Night long wind, I know what you are thinking, but you should not do it so! Once you have lost, not the earth, the other planets in the universe will definitely be attacked, because Shalu's father has Father Cruid's cells ... "Bike turned to the night growth.

"This I know, Bick, when did you become so fearful!" The night grew away.

"You don't want to be too bad, I can feel that Shalu is absolutely not to be dealt with, and the strength of his complete body is definitely the artificial person we encountered before!" Take a drop Cold sweat.

"Yes! Yes!" Night is nod, "now is a little, it is to destroy all the secrets built by Dr. Georo, at least the world of this timeline, Shalu!"

Night wind is a little worried, he does not necessarily stay in the Dragon Ball World for a long time, after more than ten years, if the world's Shalu is automatically created by the computer, Clin et al. Not necessarily to resist.

"Master! Speaking, Dr. Gaot is the source of the evil, we must handle his institute!" Tex attached.

"But we don't know where his research is," Ke "touched the baldway.

The night-length style is holding down the Baba thought, and then to the Clin and Yamu Tea: "Clin Yamu tea, you go back to the Burta home, let her find a way, Booma should know the secret of Dr. Gaul! Even if you have, I will let Sha Luoke you! "

"Good!" Yammy Tea and Kelin have nodded, then fly directly with the dance air, soon disappearing in the sky.

"Bike, Teks, we all spread to the Earth's major human cities to find Sha Lu, once there is news, notice each other!" The night grew is turned to the Bik and Telks.

"Good!" The two nodded and then fled from different directions.

"Well?" The night grew is going to leave, and suddenly I feel that someone is spying himself, then the right hand is erected.

Bang! A blue light wave is shot from the night length of the wind, and the mountain behind the night long is flat, the huge stone is striking, the scattered is on the ground ...

"Who?" When the night was in the eyes, he did not find anyone, but the night long saw a circular pothole in the flat place.

Its edge is very smooth, and it is mechanical cutting.

"Oh?" The night-long style was shining next to the pothole, looking down, the entire pothole is actually the wall created by steel plates, which is obvious that this is a channel that leads to mysterious sites.

"Take it on!" Night wind did not think much, directly jumped, jumped into the pothole.

And when the night length shadow disappeared, the three people flew down the high two shorts slowly flew down the alpine rock wall.

Is 17 and 18th and tall 16 people!

"Harmony ... good risk, almost found that the night is hard, the guy feels too generous, obvious that we are all able to feel!" No. 18 vites a sigh of relief.

"Hey! Why should we be afraid of him! Daddy is not playing again!" No. 17 is hurt, I forget the pain, and said.

"No! After my probe and fix, we are not his opponent now, even if you don't work together!" The 16th side of the 16th side.

"Well, you all give me a big!" No. 18, a big look, "Let's leave here, go to the guy named Sha Lu, he is more dangerous than night, before him We must have to kill him in the wrong trouble! "

"Hey!" Snorted coldly, some of the orders of 18, but in the end he still disappeared with the 18th and 16th.

On the other hand, after the night is extremely fell, it will come to the research institute that has been repaired in the body of Ji, 17 and 16, and the large research institute is full of precision equipment and instruments.

There is no one in the air, these instruments are still working in normal operation, fluid of various colors [body] flow in the transparent pipeline on the top of the night long, the entire research institute is like a monster in the sci-fantasy look before the night grows. Scientist's laboratory.

"I didn't expect this town, actually hidden in such a research institute, and is one of the research institutes of Garona!" Night Changfeng saw the sign on these instruments, is the logo of the Red Silk Army, Two rs together R ...

1286 chapter, destroying research institute

The entire student, the night length is finely seen.

There are a lot of nutrition warehouses in the institute, but they are empty, no people have made people, but the night grows in a very hidden dark room.

He found a huge columnar container, which is a huge square computer device, and the equipment is full of red and green indicators in the non-stop.

The most critical is that the night-length wind sees a very disgusting creature in this container, which looks like a lizard.

"This should be the study body of Shalu in this timeline!" When the night-long seeing a huge square computer, it can determine the creature of the cylinder in front of Saru's research or test body.

Although there is not necessarily the biological larvae in front of you, it is not necessarily the ultimate Saru, but these equipment must be the equipment that manufactures Shalu.

"We can't appear in this town. It turned out that he was manufactured from the secret research institute from this small town!" Night live windward down.

bass! Two blue shiny light swords were shot from the left and right hands of the night.

In the current body of the night, the vitality of the .

Two shiny rock swords slide with a substantial blue sword, they look very exquisite.

"Well ... After destroying these equipment, Shalu in this timeline should be destroyed!" The night grewer waved with a sword.

Snapped! Blu-ray, when the night's end is over, when the sword is retracted in the body.

Boom Lung Longlong ... The equipment of the entire secret room is quiz, and then it is direct explosion.

Night winds are very random from among the flames, the research institute's tempered walls cannot block the footsteps of the night.

boom! Night wind rolled out the bottom and returned to the air of the wasteland.

Then, it is a research institute to the base.

boom! boom! Two blue light waves are emitted from the night length of the wind and directly bombard the ground above the institute.

! A dramatic explosion, the surface of the entire institute directly collapsed, and the night long-standing is easy to destroy the Geori Secret Institute under this town.

"Good luck!" The night is shot. If he did not find the secret pothole hole, Klin and Yamu tea found that they were likely to find this Mandu Secret Institute.

No one can't think of Shaul's Institute in the Underground of Keji Town.

! After destroying the secret school of manufacturing Shalu, the night long-distance horses do not stop directly to flies over the first big city of the Earth.

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