The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1325 of the Chapter 1325 of Wangzhao System of Tennis Prince

Night wind guess Saru will go to East, because the population of Dongdu is most intensive, it is easier to absorb human life essence.

On the other hand, Bike came to a large city in the south, and the population of this city is also very much.

The Bike just approached the city, he was a glimpse. He clearly felt that the city under the body disappeared.

Snapped! When the Bike fell to the city, the city has become a dead city. It should be that the bustling street is all the unhading clothes that are scattered, and the whole city is quiet.

"It's evil! It's a step later ... The guy can feel my gas, but if I can't fly in the words, there is no way to fly!" Bike is very uncomfortable to play on a tall building.

Bang! The entire tall building is directly hit by the anger of the Bike, and it is smashed.

"Hey, that is the fool, absolutely can't think of it is here!" In fact, Sha Lu hid in a careful observation of Bick until the Bike gave up, and again, the anti-direction of the Bike flying quickly fled.

In the past two days, everyone still did not find Sha Lu, and Shauli made waves on each of the earth, absorbed the life of massive human life.

Of course, everyone is not harvest, relying on Boolean to find the news, and everyone destroyed Dr. Geor's Secret Institute of Georo on Earth.

Have to say, Dr. Geor is a crazy scientist, under the support of the massive financial resources left in the Red Silk Army, Dr. Gaulo is constructed in the study, and the mating of the Night Striry is not the only one. Institute of Lu's Institute.

Kelin and Yamu Tea and Tianjin rice have destroyed similar research institutes. As for Dr. Gaulong, there are other research institutes, and no wind, etc.

In short, Dr. Gaot is hidden in the underground power, and it is almost destroyed by the night's wind and others.

When the Bike flew into a big city in the East, he met the people he didn't think.

"Hey, hello, I haven't seen you for a long time!" The three people blocked in front of the Bike and blocked his way.

"It's actually these eggs ... At this time, is it good or bad?" Bike looked at the three people embraced in front of him.

The three of the Bike's eyes are the three hand of the night, and the artificial, 17 and 18, and 16th.

"It seems that you haven't found Sha Lu yet!" Looking at the Bike Cold Road 18.

"Hey! You also know that Sha Lu is? In this case, you still don't hurry, and actually shake the chaos here!" Killing in the eye.

"Hear! Just joke, why we are afraid of Sha Lu, killing him is not good!" No. 17 is still arrogant.

"Well?" Bike's face and kill the head to see No. 17, "If you don't have 290 rolls, I only solve you!"

"Joke! Do you think you are night grow? There is a matter of this, and the companion who killed the night is also a favorable thing for us!" On the 17th, it looked at Bike.

"There is a matter of this, don't play here!" Bike turned outside the city, he didn't want to fight over the city, and then the words will be innocent.

"Follow it up, see what the tricks he play!" No. 17 ignore the 18th directly followed by Bick.

"The group of this guy is the same as a child, so soon, so so soon as possible!" I frowned on the 18th and I followed the 16th.

Four people quickly flew to a desert in the city, and the human man followed the Bac.

! After the Box is landed, take off the windbreaker and hat on the body, and the big half of the body, "Are you on one, or together?"

"Hey! I know that it is not my opponent, but I have to be stupid. Are you stupid, or is it to delay time I want to wait for the night growth?" No. 17 first came to Bike, "Well, I originally This opponent, don't use me at all. "

!! No. 17 kneaded hands, "But now, I am very kind, I will let you die very quickly, will not feel too much pain!"

At this time, I would like to say something on the 16th of the 17th. As a result, I still didn't say it.

1287 chapter, Sha Lu

"Good! There is only one No. 17, it will do more. As long as you destroy a person, you don't want to become complete!" The Bike's mouth is lifted, and the Bick is happy to see it.

Snapped! At this time, the Bike flooded directly to open, the perimeter of the perimeter rose, boiling.

Waves spread from the thirteen of the bi, a lot of small stones are rolled into the air.

"He is not a Bike!" 16 is still open.

"What are you talking about?" 17 is a surprised hit.

! The Bike is an instant to come to the 17th, and then raising a knife is a heavy bombing on the 17th.

bass! From the 17th, I took it out of the Bike, the Bike's attack was constantly connected. At this time, it was 17th, then kick it on the right face of the 17th.

The slam, the 17th is directly kicked, and the heavy fell is on the ground.

"Is the strength to grow so much?" Blue scorpion on the 18th battle, Blu light flashed.

! At this time, the left hand on the right hand is on the right hand, and the right hand is launched on the 17th of the fall.

! The Bike Right Arm is exaggerated and three times, and then a huge light wave is taken on the arm.

Bang ... The huge explosion sounded, which is the mushroom cloud rising, and the whole desert is bombarded by a hundred meters of huge pit.

The 17th is the hide of the Bik to high-altitude insurance. At this time, the 17th number is slightly like some wolves, and the cold is cold, and there is no arrogant start.

Obviously the strength of the Bike makes him some accident!

"Hey! Do you have this strength?" Bike looked up at the air of the air, his eyes began to illuminate red.

On the other hand, the Niki No. 17 is far away from the battle place, and the night long is destroyed by Dr. Burma's secret institute, he felt powerful.

Although the Bike did not inform the night length, such violent gas, the night grew felt suddenly.

"Bik is in the battle? There is no sense of breath, is it a human man ~ ‖?" Night wind frowned, "Those who have dare to come to find trouble?" I really don't see the coffin doesn't fall tears! "

Night wind flew directly to the air, and quickly rushed to the location of Bike.

The lens returned to the Bike, looked at the 17th, and the red light was shining in the eyes.

bass! bass! When ~ ▉,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

boom! boom! Boom ~ ▉ ▉ ,,

"Oh?" No. 18 did not shoot, but looked at the battle between Bick and No. 17, the 16th side is a faceless face, no one knows what he is thinking.

"Go to death! Hemon!" Bike finally shot two unusual red light columns, the two light columns cohered with the ray waves of countless explosions just shot, and directly swallowed 17th whole body.

The red light rishes the sky, the entire explosion fire group is like a new boy to born in the air.

"Wow! You see, what is it?" The residents in the city are stupid, they saw two sun in the air.

"This ... What happened?" Many residents were even scared to hold their hands, they put their body tightly, as if the end of the day was coming.

... However, after the light is exhausted, the 12th smashed dark brown spheres sparkling in the Golden Electric light now, and the 17th is not damaged!

"What!" Bike looked at the 17th, it was a surprised expression. "That is a protective cover? How can artifices have that kind of thing!"

"It's a pity, your attack is very exciting, but it is at home than the attack at night!" No. 17 face fork is very proud to say to Bike.

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