The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1327 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"No. 17! Escape, you are not his opponent, will be absorbed to life essence !! Bike loudly reminds 17th.

"Fart! I am the strongest man, how can be defeated by this monster!" No. 17, did not put the Bick's words in his heart, or a despise looks at Shalu.

bass! At this time, Shalu moved, the speed was 17th, both eyes could not capture. Sha Lu grabbed the right hand on the 17th, then vigorously, and put the 17th in the air. After a circle, heavy fell In the ground.

Bang, a big sound, gravel splash! The body of the 17th directly entered the bottom, and at this time, Shalu's tail needle is already in the body of the 17th.

! Just at this critical moment, Bike played, the Bike kicked on the head without the preparation, Shalu was kicked.

There is no action on the 18th side, just watching the battle on the field, I seem to have a little dissatisfaction with the No. 17 uncomfortable from his own order.

On the 16th side of the 18th, there is no indication of the 18th, and it is not easy to shoot.

1289 chapter, night grows

"This guy actually really wants to suck me!" I didn't expect himself to be saved by the enemy.

"Hey ... Brothers, you should be happy, once you become part of my body, we can become a super-war, this is the original blueprint for Dr. Georo!" Shalu Laughing on the 17th.

On the 17th, I used my fingers to refer myself, I immediately gnow: "You dream! I want me to be absorbed by you this ugly? Now in front of you is the most powerful artificial warrior, but just sneak it by you. More! "

"Hey! No matter if you are willing, you are destined to be part of me!" Sharu's face is sinking and cold is 17th.

"Shut up! I will play your teeth soon!" On the 17th, the feet turned on, and put a pace of attack on Shalu.

"No. 17! Quick escape, you are not his opponent!" No. 16 finally couldn't help but remind.

"Hey! Multi-mouth guys ..." Shalu turned back to see the 16th.

"Never let him become a complete body, his goal is not a night growing, but destroying the entire universe!" 16th high channel.

boom! The 16th voice did not fall, and the 17th has already rushed out. "I thought what you want to say, let me escape? I am too small to see me!"

"Waste!" Shalu's mouth and laughed, instantly flashed to the sky, then slammed directly on the back of the 17th.

boom! With the same situation, it is almost exactly the same, and the back of this issue is actually directly awkward, like a dead dog.

"Not wonderful! No. 18, you can escape, I will be alone on the 17th! He will be absorbed by Sha Lu, if you are absorbing, the end of the world is coming!" No. 16 brow wrinkled.

"Yes? You will protect me, right?" Look at the 16th, the eyes flashed in the eyes.

boom! At this time, the Bick's hands behind the 17th and Sha Lu were in front of the chest, and the whispering is infinitely boiling, and the Bike inspired the last potential in his body.

"Well?" Just absorb Shalu, the next conscious look at the 17th.

boom! A huge golden shock wave that Bike's hands-strike is just on Saru, and Jin Guang has swallowed Shalu.

Boom Lung Long ... The earth began to sway, unprecedented huge mushroom clouds on the sky, and the city outside the desert was also affected by the impact wave, and countless high-rise buildings collapsed.

"This Bike actually makes such a trick in this case!" The hair was built in the 18th of the year, "Shalu was knocked down, it seems that we don't have to shoot!"

"No! He is not hurting at all!" Sleeping on the 16th side of the side.

After the smoke is exhausted, Sha Lu, which is bright, is, there is no injury, there is no injury in front of the Bike.

"This ..." The potential of Bike has already fired, and it is a bit unstable.

"Since you want to die first, I will become all hello!" Sharu flashed to the front of the Bike, and the right hand lightning clamped the Bike's neck will greeted.

"Ah, ah ..." In the pain, Bike can't help but screame.

"Haha ... I seem to be too strong, maybe I don't have to absorb 17 and 18 are invincible!" Saru's eyes are murderous, "Bike! Your dead!"

Just juggled in this crisis, one hand was on the shoulders of Sha Lu.

"I advise you to let go of him, it is better!] The familiar voice rang behind Saru.

"What!" 16 and 18 show rare shock.

"Actually someone can quietly arrived behind?" Unparatorared Shalu slowed down, "is you!"

The information in Sha Lu and the man in front of the man are coincident together, and people are in the night!

"I said, told you to let him go!" The night length of the wind and the right hand of Sha Lu's right shoulder.

"Ah!" Sha Lu called, the right hand is out of breath, the shoulders are quickly crushed.

"Cough ..." Baked from the right hand from Sha Lu, half of the ground, dry coughing two, and the body's situation is obviously not too good.

"Bike, then!" The night grew left hand, showing a golden small bottle in his hand, and then throw it directly to Bike.

Bike did not hesitate to take a small bottle that throwing out of the night, I was in my mouth, and I was here, the Bike Zhou looked up.

The scars on his body are restored at the speed visible to the naked eye, and the vitality in the body is filled with a breathing.

"You are too late, I almost die!" The blink of an eye, the Bick is still recovering from the serious injury, and the upper body of Hei Luo is like a new.

······· Flowers ······

"Bik, is beat so miserable by this kind of guy. Your cultivation intensity is still not enough!" The night's mouth has a smile, and then the right hand is very casual.

boom! Shalu was directly throwing away from the night long, and then he fell on the ground.

"This guy is the legendary Shalu?" The night long turned and looked at the top of Shalu, and the color of disappointment.

"Night long wind, it is you!" Half squatting on the ground, seeing the night's wind, showing the fear.

"What are you! You are here!" Night wind sweeps his eyes 17 and around 18 and 16.

.. [.

On the 18th, he looked at the night, and his body's awareness was back. "How did he come?"

"No. 18, you will go first!" 16 turned to the 18th.

"What about you?" Asked 18.

"I will drag them!" There is no expression on the 16th.

Looking at the 18th and 16th, the heart is also slightly surprised. "Is there any feelings in the art?" Do they not kill [] machine? "

Just when the night grew is to turn to two people, Shalu, who fell to the ground quietly sneaked into the ground.

"The legendary super warrior night grows in this era, now I am not his opponent, I must first absorb the 17th!" After Saru sneaked into the ground, it was very concealed from the ground behind the 17th. Drill.

On the 17th, I haven't pay attention to Shalu after my body.

Snapped! Sha Lu grabbed the back of the dying 17th, and immediately drilled out from the bottom.

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