The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1328 of the Chapter 1328 of Wangzhao System of Tennis Prince

"Let me go! Monster! You are ugly!" No. 17 constantly struggling, but now he is unable to break free.

Shalu did not have a nonsense on the 17th, and the night is in the scene. Sha Lu did not dare to have anything more, and behind the tail stretched to the top of the 17th head.

! The tail needles on Shalu are suddenly bigger, just like a python suddenly opened the bloodpot big mouth, directly covering the 17th.

"Come on! No. 17, and my universe is the most integrated!" Saru called, Zhang Da's tail needle swallowed the head of the 17th.

1290 chapter, a punch

Hey ... No. 17 wants to scream, but the head is swallowed by only a sound.

"You don't have there?" Night wind turned into the side of Sha Lu, the right arm of the bulge, directly on the side of Shalu.

Sha Lu's entire right face is like a watermelon, and the whole person flies towards high altitude, blood spray.

! The 17th is falling from the air, and the top of the whole head has been smoked by Shalu, it looks like a luo dew meat [ball], quite nausea.

"It's evil! There is a little bit!" Sha Lu was in the air to steadily stabilize the body shape, did not take the injury of the right face, and Shalu's full body is boiling, and then refreshed on the ground on the ground.

"The speed is too slow!" There is no interest in the Super Saiyan people, and Shalu shows the "183" is quite equal to the 16th.

It is nothing to say to the night-length wind, and the moment of instantly infuse the dragon icon is on the feet, and the night is almost instantly blocking it before 17.

"Stunning, you give me ahead!" Sha Lu was urgently wanted to absorb 17, while holding a boxing of the boxing in the chest, the tail behind him wanted to bypass the long wind, directly absorb 17.

boom! boom! The night is completely not flashing, and the double boxing of Sha Lu is on the muscles of their own bulge. The two dull collision sounded at the same time, and the night long's body is in a faint golden light, can't move.

And Sha Lu's hands are generally painful in cosmic spices.

Snapped! And the night-long wind and right flashlight [out], directly grabbed the tail of Shalu.

Shalu's face is almost twisted together, and the body of the night is hard to finger, and his tail is also a pain, and the body has a strong attack.

"Your tail is too embarrassing!" The night's left hand is also instantly stretched out [out], and directly clamped the neck of Shalu, and then the hands will be held in Sha Lu, completely unfold!

"Ah!" In Shalu, the last tail was directly pulled by night.

It is not the head disconnect, the final experiment proves that the neck of Shalu is still more tough than the tail.

"Too strong!" 17 and 18 eyes are straight, even forgot the escape, the night is complete, but there is no energy and Shalu fight, just use strength to play Sharu.

Moreover, even the most important absorption of life essence is directly broken, and the strength of its storm is free.

boom! Saru, who was pulled, was rolled into a sphere, and then kicked directly to the high altitude directly.

"Wow ... really far!" The night's wind right is on the brow, and it is extremely looked at it.

"Night wind, this guy actually put Sha Lu as a ..." The Bike who watched the battle was speechless. In order to now, he is clearly realized that there is more exaggeration of the strength gap before you and the night.

call! Sha Luhua disappeared in the sky, kicked directly from the night of the earth, and somewhat kicked into the universe. stomach[

"Okay!" It is difficult to open the body in the air, and the Shaul, who is very wolf, is directly dropped from the high altitude.

So far, Shalu already knows that now, it is impossible to be the opponent of the legendary warrior, but this time, the opportunity is rare, and Sha Lu wants to give up the opportunity to become complete. .

"Oh, there is no fleeing!" The night grew in the corner of the mouth, coldly looked at Sha Lu, which was falling down from the air.

"Night long wind, don't think that I have absorbed my tail, I can't absorb 17 and 18. You forgot a little, there is a biocell in the body!" Sha Lu stepped, then it was shouting, "Drink, ah ..."

"Well?" The night's long eyes, he felt that Shalu's combat power seems to have some micro-improvement, "this guy has Bergi Tower is the Saiyan cell, the crisis moment, although the combat power is not as orthodox game The Asians improved, but still have improved! "

bass! At this time, Shalu's broken tail momentum has grown a new tail, and it is indeed one of the tricks of the broken limbs.

"Hey, how, I have a regeneration ability! You are killing me, as long as I absorb 17, your death is here!" Shalu has sneaked again.

"Stupid goods! The same move is actually used twice in front of me!" The cold light in front of me is flashing, and the night long wind is suddenly exaggerated, and the blood vessel is raised, in this moment Night live winds will have hundreds of dragon elephants into the right arm ...?

"A punch ... I will be hidden!" The night grew and drinked, and the right box of sandbuilding was directly on the ground.

Boom Lung Long ... The earth under the feet of everyone burst, the whole ground tens of meters of mud sands directly turned to the air, and the sand of the sky was covered with the whole world.

"This guy is still a person?" I stayed on the 18th. The artificial people saw the strength and speed, but saw the explosive power of the night length showed, only the blue eyes were shocked. "

The 17th number is directly in the air, and the body is constantly flipping in the air, and the constant hit by the storm.

In the center of this storm, the night-catching wind is enough to run through the entire earth, the power control is quite perfect, the power is just a way to get 50 meters below ground.

And the bottom of the 50 meters did not have any movements, which is the ultimate control of the strength.

In the control of the body's strength, this Dragon Ball World's night is second. It is estimated that no one dares to say that he is the first.

"Ah!" In the Shashi Waterfall in the top of everyone, Sha Lu was just ahead of the night, he was talking, because the night grew blown is endless, like Like the waves, it's rushing over the sand of the top of his head again.

In the center of this Shashi Sea, Sha Lu has suffered most of 0.1 boxing, and the remaining wave of the boxing is a powder that falsified in the air into a fine disseained powder.

... After dozens of seconds, the fine sand sea is like a heavy rain.

Night long winds and Bike cyber are all shrouded a gantry mask, and the fine sand is blocked in the body. At the same time, the large number of fine sand sea flocked to three people.

"Beads!" And No. 16 and No. 16 were buried in the moment, rushing to the sky, and broke through the coverage of the sand sea.

The 17th is also forced to cover the abdomen, and the danger is escaped by the buried tragedy.

"What is the power?" Take a desert under the 18th, the whole desert was born from a mud ground, and a Boxer bombardered in the sun.

Poor Shalu is directly inadvertently shaped, and it is also completely buried by Shahai ...

1291 chapter, Shalu Email

"That guy died ..." No. 17 barely flying in the sky, looked at the sand sea.

"Win!" The Bike slept in the air.

The night-long wind is cold, watching the Shahai Center Point is constantly saving a very small Sabo, although it is not enough to feel the breath of Shalu, but the night is not to die.

Because the superhen system has no tips, that is to say that Sha Lu is escaped, or it is still under the sand.

boom! At the beginning of the 17th and 18th superior people, they were intended to escape again. On the 17th, the Shatha Sea under the 17th was drilled in the sand sea, almost the same moment. Behind.

"Sha Lu is behind you, No. 17!" No. 18 loudly reminded that it is too late.

"Not good!" No. 16 is also a rare expression.

"I won!" I jumped from the Shatha Sea, I was a 31-shaped 31-shaped 31-shaped, at this time, the flesh and blood in Sha Lu can't see the expression, but the tail behind him. Up tail needle, this is no longer hesitant to completely swallow.

"Worse!" I originally thought that the night long wind was stopped, but the night's wind was stopped in the air to look at Sha Lu, completely did not stop, so Shatu successfully absorbed the 17th.

... After a strange voice, Sha Lu's tail is like a python, which will succeed in the body.

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