The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1329 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Swall up ... swallow up!" The 18th of the side also changed his face.

"Ah!" Shatu integrates 17, the body began to make a dazzling light, while the body constantly trembled.

"Night wind this guy is deliberately lets Shalu swallowing 17!" Bike knows that the speed of the serious injury in the speed of the night is a light, but the night growers are unexpected.

At this time, the light released by Shalu is getting brighter and brighter. He has continuously black aperture fluctuations over, and the body is also changing with the speed visible in the naked eye.

Shalu's hands-on-legs similar insects have changed very quickly into a shape similar to humans, and is constantly being manified.

"No. 18 is fast, what are you still sending!" No. 16 rushed on the 18th yarn.

"This feels feeling like some point!" Night lives look at the changing Sha Lu, hands shoulders, no action.

He is waiting, waiting for Shalu to change!

After dozens of seconds, the radiance of Shalu was gradually weakened, and finally became a golden electric light was sucked into the body by Shalu.

At this time, the Sullu exterior changes in front of the night-catching wind change, and the shape is like the universe transformation.

His whole tall body is tall, full of muscles, of course, the tail of the absorption of life is still, the face is still as long as the ugliness, and the lips are even thicker.

But in any case, Sharu wants to be more cool than the insects, it seems more like a universe warrior.

"Quick escape!" After the 16th came to 18, he directly pulled the 18th hand and started to flee it. The energy detector in the 16th brain has explored the battle power after Shaul. Beyond the strength.

"Want to escape?" Sha Lu knee squat, then directly placed.

! Almost in an instant, Sha Lu blocked before the 16th of the No. 18 escape, the speed is even better than the night!

It's a speedy speed, very amazing.

"Do you think you can escape from my palm?" Shalu's mouth, looked at the 16th.

"This death! Sha Lu actually became so strong!" Bik clenched the double boxing, Sha Lu's speed shocked him, and the speed is more fast than night.

"Drink! It seems to be a bit big!" Night wind looked at the sorrow of Shalu's mouth slightly, "But if you don't have this, isn't it?"

"To be honest, my speed has become so fast, even myself is a bit surprised!" The tail behind Sha Lu has not stopped up and down, Shalu feels that he has never been unprecedented, "then ... my strength improved how much?"

"Let me help you try!" The night wind flashes from the air. When I came to Sha Lu, then the left arm was born in Shaul's head.

boom! The explosion of the world sounded, and Sha Lu took several meters over the sand, and it was stopped directly. It was actually hard-erased a lot of fist.

And it is full of full front and blocking the boxing that I am unable to resist!

At this time, Sha Lu's face was cold, it was a no-harder, and it was a little cold in front of you. "You are not my opponent now!"

"It actually can bear my dragon icon, just to reject a few meters?" Night live wind is also a little surprised to change after Saru absorbed.

This combat force is not only doubled, and Shalu's combat power has skyrocked several times!

"Hey! I hurt me, you have to die!" Sha Lu suddenly stretched with the night's wind [out] right palm.

bass! Shalu's right palm suddenly shined, night long style felt a violent fluctuation, and then handshed on the chest.

... The night's body has been directly educated to the sand of more than ten meters to the sand. It is only to stop, the foot and the fine sand Mo are Mars splash.

"I actually retired the night-catching guy!" Big big eyes, I didn't dare to believe in my own eyes.

Some of the 18th and 16th is a sluggish look at Sha Lu, and in the current situation, they can't escape from Shalu's chasing.

"Haha, what is the legendary warrior, the power is nothing!" Sha Lu looked at the night's wind, clenched his fist, loudly, "I advise you still don't intervene, don't intervene, you can still live more Second! "

Immediately, Shalu turned his attention to the 18th, absorbed the growth of the power after the 17th, so that Shalu reversed the situation, and the energetic desire of Shalu wanted to absorb 18, and then become complete.

"No. 18! I still don't escape, let me absorb, anyway, it is useless!" Shaul stepped step by step, "Let's take our strength to become the strongest warrior!"

On the 18th, it seems to be determined, put the left hand on the chest: "If you dare to get close, I will let yourself be exposed! Do you want me to die?"

"Hey! Unnealand! With my speed, you can completely absorb you in your own explosive!" Shalu released powerful pressure, and then stepped step 18.

"Sha Lu, do you think you have won?" The night's long wind suddenly appeared before the 18th ...

1292 chapter, beyond the Super Saiyan?

"The guy who is in the event!" Shalu stopped, full of murderous looked at the night long.

The night grows is to hold the double boxing, and the muscles of the whole body, "open!"

As the night's wind is big, he has skyrocketing in a moment, and the blue vitality is transformed into pure gold.

"It's coming!" Buguang looked at the night's wind, he knew that night cost is serious.

Bang! Huge energy waves suddenly poured from the night length wear, his hair started, then became golden, and at the same time, the eyes became green, and the expression is more cold.

"Ah ..." The two major men of the 18th and No. 16 after the night before the wind were actually directly thrown by the night long-lasting wind.

"This is!" Sharu's right hand stopped in front of the eyes, the golden light whose night long-standing body is like a sun boxing.

... After the rays are exhausted, the full body of the whole body is boiling with golden vitality appears in front of everyone.

"Finally turned into a super-seeda!" The Bike is completely locked in the night length, the battle of the night is in the upper body of the straight line.

When the first time and Flissa obey, the night length turns into a super-semi-fascia, this time, the night-catching wind turned into a lot of convergence, and the whole transformation process did not spend much Time, it is two or three seconds.

In fact, it is actually a lot of time to become a super-Saiyan, which is actually very deadly in the battle of the contest, but in the blood red star, the night long is trying to break through half a year of hard work. Super Saiya counts countless times.

So now transformed into a super-seedae, as simple as drinking water, as long as the night is willing, he can transform into a few seconds of zero.

"Is this the legendary super-seizure?" Sha Lu also saw the super-seizure in the first time, he can feel the fighting power of the night growth.

"Why do I feel that night long wind This guy's super-Saiyian state is different from Berga's super-Saiyan state, and it is a little doubtful looking at night long wind.

At this time, the night long wind argues into the body into the body, in addition to the appearance and the cold and arrogant temperament, there is no difference before it is not transformed.

"Hehe, ... it is not very strong, Super Saiyan!" After Lu Lu, I started laughing.

The expression is abnormal. The cold night-length wind does not pay attention to Sha Lu's provocation, but suddenly disappears in front of Saru.

"Disappearing?" Shalu, No. 18 and No. 16 were surprised, they were completely unable to capture the sports trajectory of night long winds.

boom! Sullu suddenly felt a pain in the abdomen, the nozzle of the night, the shape of the night, was originally in the abdomen of Sha Lu, Shaul's whole body was pulled back, a pair of loving one Boxing feeling.

puff! Shalu is vomiting a blood, and it is shocked. "What is this speed! Actually ... more than me ... more fast!"

"It's not a grade. Is this the state of the night?" "No. 16 expression is very rich.

After Shalu swallowing 17, I just revealed the situation, it seems that I arrived in heaven, and I fell into hell between blinks.

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