The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1330 of the Chapter 1330 of Tennis Prince

After the night length turns into the super-semi-Saiyan, the speed and strength of the show is overwhelming.

boom! boom! boom! The huge blow sounds into a piece, Sha Lu continued to be bombed, after he hugged his head, there is no way to counterattack.

Shalu, he can't catch up with the long body shape, how can he be hit.

"It's too fast, it's unclear!" No. 18 never thought of a person in this realm.

"What's wrong? Sha Lu, do you do this?" After the night's wind became a super Saaya, the tone was also cold. "I have not paid it, don't you fall?"

bass! The night is suddenly stopped, and it looks at Sha Lu.

"From now on, I have to show my whole strength! Night long wind!" Sha Lu did not expect himself to be swallowed 17th or have been hung in the night, and the anger in the heart is also visible.

"Oh, why don't you come?" Night windy eyes are cold in the eyes, just like the feelings of the gods.

"Go to death!" Shalu suddenly launched his hands, suddenly shot a blood red gas group in the mouth, directly shot to the night.

This blood-red gaseous group seems to be large, but it contains the limit of Saru currently can reach the release energy.

boom! The bloody gas group exudes a dazzling red light, the heavens and the face have become a bloody.

"This is your attack!" The night's wind shit raised his right hand, actually in the air of Saru air.

... The gas trok is not jumping in the right hand in the right hand, like a naughty blood, wants to break free freeze-night.

However, in the electric light, the right hand in the right hand launched a golden energy cover, and the blood red air group was completely covered.

"Hey!" The night is cold, and the right hand is slow, and the energy shield on his right hand is getting smaller and smaller.

The last blood red, the gas group of violent energy is directly embarrassed, and it is a bit red light to dissipate the night.

"This is impossible!" Sharu is called, and it is continuously spitting a bloody gas group to rush to night.

Dozens of blood red gas groups were spit out of Shalu, and these gas groups came to the night length of the wind, and walled the night longems.

"This amount is too exaggerated! Is this guy who wants to ruin the earth?" Bike surprised up his mouth.

"I said it! The same attack is best not to use it twice!" The night's hands started, then it was continuous.

At this moment, there seems to have a dozens of golden night-hearted winds on the sky.

These night long winds are not residual, but the speed of the night is too fast, it seems like a dozens of generals.

boom! boom! boom! Tens of night long winds are almost at the same time, and the blood red gorges spit out in Sha Lu are shredded directly, and they are directly exploded in these gas groups.

In other words, the strength of the night long wind is large to the molecular structure of the energy of Shalu splicing, and the explosion of Shalu is naturally impossible.

"Is this the power of the Super Saiyan?" Shalu's heart rose a palgon chill.

"No! This is definitely not an ordinary super-semi!" Bike feels that the weather in the night is full of Shalu, which is completely crushed, and it seems that the long wind is almost complete.

"So far, he has not wasted a waters of the voyage and strength, it is really amazing!" 16th looked up at the air of the night.

Super Saiyan and Berga's super-Saiyan in the night, the super-seizure of Bergiita feels completely two form changes.

"Is it ... Will n't it be ... Beyond the stage of the Super Saiyan?" Bik suddenly raised this idea that he could not imagine.

1293 chapter, desperate Sha Lu

"What's wrong? Sha Lu, you are afraid of me?" The night's face was full of cold, and it seems that there is some Saru who wants to escape.

After turning into a super Saiyan, the night's performance has also been influenced, not just proud, but it is cold.

In the end, Sha Lu's forciting the idea of ​​his heart wants to escape, turning into the tempering of Sha Lu, is too big, although he knows that it is terrible to become a super-semi-satisfaction, but Shalu is still Decided to fight.

Either it is ever, either be the strongest!

After all in Sharu, there is a cell of Bake and Begitta, and its character is very good.

"Night long wind! You have been forced me to seriously!" Sha Lu's face is gloomy, calm down and looked at night.

! At this time, the night's wind is also slowly falling from the air, and Shaul is looking for it. "Don't talk nonsense! What is the matter, so far, you can't do it!"

"Ox!" In the cold ridiculous sarcasm, Sha Lu's anger value reached a full value, and his eyes did not fear, and it was mad.

boom! Shalu pair is holding forward, his feet are open, the body is fine, and then it is a big call, "Ah ..."

bass! The ground under Sha Lu began to vibrate, and the fine sand of his feet was opened - 720 - flew down.

"What is that?" The sky of the people, the two of Klin and Teks rushed to this place, and saw the momentum of Shalu.

~ ▉ ▉ slowly slow open, green rays gather in Shalu's hands into an extremely shining sphere.

At the same time, the fine sand under Sha Lu is like a wave of waves, and has spread a range of hundreds of meters.

Night wind is only cold and looks at Sha Lu, and the body is slightly fluttering in the air, and there is no shot to stop Shalu.

"I can't think that Sha Lu actually hides such a strong strength ..." No. 16 hiding in the dark, surprised that Sha Lu can improve the fighting power at this time.

"Ah, ah, ah ..." In the sound, the shining green ball in Sha Lu finally integrated into his arms, Shalu thoughtfully green electro-optics hidden, the whole person's momentum before It is completely different, and the tail after the journey is also stretched, and it becomes finer.

It looks more concealed and aggressive.

"Oh, it seems that there is a lot of combat power!" The night grew-green eyes swept a glimpse of Sha Lu, still refined anomalies.

"That is Sha Lu? It is so powerful, and it has changed, is he turned into a completion?" The high air clue looked at Sha Lu, surprised to rise.

"Changfeng also turned into a super-seedame, Sha Lu, is too strong, even the long wind has to change it!" Kelin also noticed that the night lengthy wind opposite Shalu.

The Turkks on the side is always concentrated on the night's body, "Is Master?"

Tex felt that it was a superiority of the super-semi-victorious night, and he came to this timeline in this timeline in the world.

It is not that the combat power has improved more horror, but very ordinary but very harmonious feelings, just like a night, the style is the kind of shape.

"Leader, Super Saiyan!" Shatu's fine sand suddenly exploded the straight sky, and Shalu directly rushed to the front of the night.

Its speed is also improved, and it seems to have the trend of catching up with the speed of the night.

boom! Shalu did not hesitate, raised his fist directly in the chest of the night, a dramatic collision sounded through the world.

This time, the night-long wind did not use the golden super-semi-cultivating, and there is no use of any protective cover, which is directly used to take the fuff in Shalu.

"Hey! You are too mad! Night long wind!" Sharu's heart is happy.

"Yes?" The night's long hurricane is not moving, and the body is stable.

"You!" Sha Lu thought that this punch is at least the viscera of the long wind, and the night long-lasting (DBBD) is old.

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