The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1331 of the Chapter 1331 of Tennis Prince

Saru, a confident Saru, staring at the right fist who recovered him, a ghost expression.

The night-long wind is a look of indifferent looks, "This is your serious strength? What is the strongest human warrior, I see you is the strongest waste warrior!"

"It's impossible! Even if you become a super-semiper, it is impossible to be so strong! I have a super-semi-Saiyan who turned into Telks to cross his hand, completely different!" Sha Lu's body is not self-retraction The feet stepped on a deep shallow footprint on the fine sand floor.

From the beginning to the end, the night long wind has passed, the fine sand at his feet is all the way, which is the end of the body control to the extreme performance.

In the case of the super-Saiyan state, the skyrocketing of energy should be difficult to control. The surrounding environment is even easily destroyed and changed by the Super Saaya, but the night cost can easily control the super competition. Asian vitality reaches a meticulous realm.

"This is not ordinary super-seizure!" The most shocking is still in the air watching Turkus, "Master won!"

"Is it desperate? Shalu! You are too disappointed!" The night is cold and coldly looked at Sha Lu. "What is the move to make it come out, I have already lost my interest and you are interested! "

The night is completely full of Shalu as a toy or a sparring object.

"This is not true, I blend so many people's cells, and now I am swallowing on the 17th, I am absolutely stronger than the Super Saiyans!" Sha Lu is in the nearby distance to the night long, Make a flash pose.

"Is this not a trick of Begitta?" The night grew green eyes, the cold light flashed.

bass! Sha Lu has started to illuminate the bright light, and the fine sand at his feet, boiling into a black powder.

"Yes! Bergi Tower's trick, super flash gun! Injury, Super Saiyan!" Sha Lu shouted a super shining light column.

Shine will illuminate the whole world, even the air in the air, the sky has to cover your eyes, and the light is too glaring.

Booming ... The same distance, the night length is still unhappy, and the super-energy light column is directly bombarded on the night-hearted body, and the golden light of a group exploded.

The impact of the explosion waves, and the whole land will start dramatically, the fine sand floor begins to sink, and then it is directly burned into a caverned smoke in the air.

Since the distance from the explosion is too close, Shalu has also been blown to the waves of the four-sighted waves, knocked down the rock wall of a mountain.

Bang ... Under the reactation of the chain, the mountains also collapsed in an instant, and Shalu was submerged in the gravel.

1294 chapter, violent sand

! In the gravel, Shalu rolled out, and his mouth also took a little dark red blood.

At this time, Yellow Sand is covered with the earth, and the ground is in the ground, and the flour of the square is more than 100 meters. From the perspective of Clin and others, it has become a circular deep valley.

" ..." Shalu flew into the canyon, but also laughed, a gesture of a winner.

Call ... a shower blowing, after the dust is gradually exhausted, Shalu's smile is solidified, "Well?"

The night's body appears in the eyes of everyone, and actually is still exactly the same position, half a step, the empty is flying above the canyon, and there is no damage.

Only the eyes in the green eyes seem to be more cold.

"Good!" Kling flying in the air couldn't help but fist, and the night's long wind did never let Clin disappointed.

"It's too strong! So close to the front of the unfair to withstand the fattestball gun, and such a big energy fluctuating, even Shalu is blowing, Master can do not move! Is it super The Saiyan should have the strength? "Tex is watching the night long.

In the Time line world of Telks, the night long has long left the earth, although the usual and night grows in touch, but the Dadkes of the apprentice have not really visited the long wind. strength.

Now Turkis does not think that Shalu can force the night's long wind!

"Night long wind, win!" No. 16 and No. 18 escaped to the shock wave of the glitter shock hide behind a rock wall and observed the night long wind and Shalu.

The air night long wind is a step, step by step to Sha Lu, seemingly slow, but the blink of an eye arrived in Shalu.

"You ..." Sha Lu pointed to the night's long saying.

"Although you have the cells of Baggiita, you can make a flash gun, but your use of the flash gun is simply a parrot, only one form, energy is wasted by you!" Looking at Sha Lu, cold and cold. "I haven't thought about it, I am here!"

boom! Shalu expressions change, the madness is more intense, "I am evil! I am the strongest man, I am the strongest warrior!"

The whole body is boiling with green viking Shalu, suddenly disappearing in the same place, after coming to the night length, the ultra-long tail is directly to the back of the night.

! A lingering, the tail of Shalu pumped on the back of the night, the body of the night did not stop, and finally dissipated, it was a vain.

"I am behind you!" The body of the night is in the Sharu, and patted his shoulders gently.

"You!" Shalu turned his head, greeted his fist.

! The nose of Sha Lu was collapsed in an instant. The whole body flew out, but it seems to be hit by the front of the giant hammer. The whole face turned into a car accident scene.

puff! Shalukou is mad vomiting blood, "Why is this this!"

boom! The attack of the night is not stopped, and it disappears in place. When I appear again, I came to the top of Returned Shalu, and then kicked in the abdomen of Shalu.

puff! It is also a blood, and Sha Lu, who is full of pain, feels that every body cell is bombarded by night.

boom! boom! boom! The night-catching attack is completely non-stop, between the time, Shalu is like a sand bag, and it is not going to play in the air.

The entire high-altitude filled a layer of bloody is a bloody feeding of the blood and the night-to-night fist.

Between several breaths, the night-lived winds don't know how many fists have been stunned. When Shalu is still screaming, there is no in the last one.

"Sha Lu guy, the skin is hard enough!" The night is slightly surprised. If the average person's words, the continuous victims of the night, the so-called college ordinary boxing attack, and it was bombed to the slag.

And Shalu is only a big small size, and the body is still, it is still a personal shape.

"Maybe because there is a biocar and Begita their cells!" Night winds finally stopped their hands, and they were falling from the air from the air.

Shalu has lost his ability to resist, and then there is no meaning.

boom! Shalu hits into the ground of the canyon, and he is already blurred, and the gas is almost disappeared.

"It's too strong! Is this the real strength of the long wind half a year?" Ke Lin's eyes looked at the night long.

······ Flowers ······ ·

All the long-lasting winds have been in everyone, the strength is a crushing, getting stronger and stronger.

Until Flissa, the night long wind taught a huge test. When Klin thought that the night grew, the night grew, and finally finished Waflesa.

"This world, there is no thing that doesn't have a long-wind!" Kelin believes that night long winds will finally become the strongest warrior in the universe, as long as there is night long, the earth will not be dangerous.

"Night wind, this guy, obviously did not cultivate in the time of the home, but there is such a year in half a year, how is he cultivated!" The Bike is the most curious or a cultifier of the night.

If he knew that the night's long wind was sucking a star of a planet, he didn't know what would you think.


bass! The night-catching winds came up from the air to the dying Shalu, looking at Sha Lu, "Sha Lu, your story is here!"

"I am evil ... I am not willing ... If I can turn it into a complete body ..." Saru, the right hand, died in the land, smashed a dirt, kept chanting, "I must defeat you!" Bastan ... I can absorb the 18th! No. 18, you gave me! "

"No. 18, what is the 18th of him! How many people are here to be here?" Knelin looked at a while and did not find the No. 18 and No. 16 and No. 16 hiding after the rock wall, "Going to see!"

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