The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1332 of the Chapter 1332 of the Prince of Tennis

Kelin has dropped directly from the air and started to find three people's traces. "Didn't see No. 17, it seems that he has been absorbed by Sha Lu! Saru is because of absorbing the No. 17."

"I am not willing!" Sha Lu did not be asked in Flissa, and his body has a cell of Begitta and Bike et al., Its strongest character and Begitta have the same.

"Do you want to say that you can overcome me?" Night lived on the right hand in Sha Lu.

"Yes ... The computer's data is definitely not wrong. As long as I become a complete body, I am the strongest self-esteem between the universe!" Sharu shouted.

And the night grows is silent, and the green eyes are surging.

1295 chapter, desire for opponents

"Master, why don't you do it?" Tex frowned slightly, "said ..."

"Not good!" The shiny shines in the 16th of the back of the rock wall.

"What's wrong?" Asked 18.

The top 16 is sinking, "Don't worry about me, No. 18! You escape, I will help you fight for time!"

"Hey ... Night long wind, it seems that you don't want to kill me!" Sha Lu climbed from the ground, the body was squatted, and a slap in the mouth, the mouth is a smile.

"How, night long wind! Do you not be a natural battle nation? You can improve the fighting power in battle, the stronger the opponent's strength, the faster your progress! Right, I said no Wrill! "Shalu's eyes are long.

Night wind didn't have a reply, just look cold and looked at Shalu.

"Hey" June 1 "! You must think about it with complete body!" Sha Lu Yue said, "You are the strongest soldier of Saians, and is a super-semi! Feearing that I become a complete combat power? "

"Sha Lu, you can shut up! Your pleasure will be too footed!" Night long wind interrupted Sha Lu's persuasion, "But then said back, you know a lot of Saaya!"

"Of course! My body is the cell of the Saayan prince!" Shalu's mouth.

"To be honest, I originally thought you were an opponent that can be a battle. Now it seems that it is an antique!" Nightly cold eyes looked straight to Sha Lu, he saw the unwillingness in Shalu.

"You are right, I really want to see how much combat power in your finished body, I need a opponent too much, now kill you, it seems to be a bit unfortunate!" Night long-term cold.

! At this time, the very colored Terx rushed directly from the air, and he fell around the night: "Master! No! You can never let him go!"

"Tex?" Night long wind turned his head and looked at Terx.

"Master, if you let him become complete, this world is ..." The world of Tex is destroyed in the world, let Tranks are very good. fear.

"Tex, what you mean is the completion of Sha Lu?" After the night's wind became a super Saiyan, the personality was less affected and more arrogant.

"No! I don't mean this ..." Duran, certainly knows that there is a lot of night growth, but unknown Shalu is always very uneasy in the heart of Tex.

"Tex, you are too small to see the strength of the Saiyan blood, and so afraid of the same, in this way, it is difficult to continue to break through the Saayan barrier!" The night is actually not really like Teks. Personnel, compared with the night, the night is more like his father Bergi Tower.

The strongest, happy enemies in a lifetime, this is the long-term longing.

Taking advantage of the night's heart's attention to the special ▉ Ks, Sha Lu began to carefully converge, and the various cells on his body helped him, the vitality of the body was restored, and he began to turn and fly, and wanted to escape.

boom! At this time, Tex completely pure golden villain boiling, directly crossed the night-lived, and blocked in the face of Shalu.

At this time, Tex is full of blonde, and his hands played in front of Sha Lu. "Even if Master is going to put you, I will not spare you!"

"Tex! It is your egg." ▉ ▉ has already felt that he fled and heated, but he suddenly fell.

On the other hand, Clin actually found the rock wall hiding from 18 and ▉.

Two people have made people because they pay too much attention to the night's waves, and they did not realize the arrival of Clin.

"Who?" When Clin is close to, the 16th finally pays attention to Kelin.

"It's your little bald head!" No. 18 directly flashed to Kelin, "Are you killing us?"

"Yes! As long as I shout, the long wind will be able to rush here instantly. This time you don't want to escape!" Kelin glanced at the top of the mouth.

"Well ..." How do you still don't shout? "The big blue eyes on the 18th were deadly stared at Kelin.

"This ... this ..." Klin didn't know why he didn't shout. He always felt something wrong, and the two people in front of him did not have the murder of Sarui, and the 18th is one. Beautiful less [female], not a cold robot.

"You are hesitating?" No. 18 will take the head in front of the Kron, the eyes of the two, the distance is unlimited ...

"You ... you ... what do you want to do?" Being stared at a beautiful [female] so close, Klin face is directly red.

... Let Klin have never thought of that the 18th suddenly kings his right face, and also issued a crisp sound.

"You ..." Clin is full of red, all stayed directly.

"What?" "No. 18 stared at the eyes of Clin.

"You escape, don't let Sha Lu suck you! Go! The farther the better!" Klin closed his eyes.

"Well?" I also stunned after I heard the words of Clin.

The lens is turned back to the night wind and other people.

"Stinky boy, let me open!" Sha Lu slammed his chest, "You will not be my opponent at this time!"

"You have been seriously injured now, I can solve you right away!" Tex double boxing, whispered, gold super-semester, is more boiling.

"Tex, you don't even listen to me?" Night wind instantly in front of Tex.


At this time, the two blonded super-seesers were standing, and a pure golden voyage was exuded, and the other is a cold cream, and the breath is restrained.

"Go!" Sharu hurriedly turned around and was preparing to fall into the ground, escaping from the bottom of the unusual to be found.

At this time, Sha Lu noticed that there was a somewhat 18th after hiding in the rock wall. He looked into a green light, "that 2.2 is ... No. 18!"

"Great! I can turn it into full body, strength, speed, skill, mind, will, all my battle character will reach the top peak of the universe, become the strongest moment!" The expression on Sha Lu It is quite exciting.

"Worse! That is a human man!" Tex is distracted in Sha Lu, with Sha Lu's gaze is also the 18th and 16th of the artificial, and there is Clin, "Kllin how to run When I got there, how did they happen, still don't escape! "

"This is a chance, why don't you let the night grow up to kill us these people who make you fear?" Asked to Ke Lin.

"That is ... that is because ..." Clin's face is getting more and more red, pay attention to all in the 18th, completely unaware of the changes in the battle.

1296 chapter, big idea

... ,, Julin suddenly swayed his own bald head, and immediately said: "No matter what the reason is not important, in short, you hurry to escape! In drag the pull, wait for the long wind Solve Sha Lu, you can't escape! "

"Little Bottom, you ..." I never thought that someone would be so concerned that he did not know what it was.

"Hey ... You were seen by Sha Lu!" Tex was yelling in the direction of Clin and No. 18.

"Well?" Night's long-wind turned around, "These two people causing people still have not escaped, and the kid of Klin is saying in 18th?"

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