The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1333 of the Chapter 1333 of the Prince of Tennis

"What is going on, why is the long wind?" Kelin looked up at the night-hearted wind and the two super-seesers of Telks to look at it, and I stayed at all.

And Shalu is a squeezed body's final potential and flying to the 18th speed.

Under unprecedented desires, Shalu's speed is even more fast than normal, it is a desperate posture.

boom! At this time, Turkis's pure gold 31 yuan is more boiling, the muscle ridge of the whole body, the second phase of Turkus has evolved under the weight of the Super Saiyan.

! Tex has been brushed from the night's wind, and then blocked on the route down in Sha Lu, "Shalu! I will never let you succeed, even Master let you go, I must also hit kill you!"

"This stinky kid actually gives me a real!" The night long-lasting style can completely block Tex, but the end of the night is still not shot.

Unless it is cultivating, the night is not wanting to do with Telks, although the night is not like Tex so embarrassing the character of the man, but he can understand Tex, after all he is at that time line. The world has suffered from huge pain.

boom! Shalu's body directly hit the pure golden gant hood that Tex's thirteen shrouded, and then bounced back in the air.

boom! boom! Boom ~ Saru, the hands of the hands, immediately returned to the golden gas group, which is completely a machine gun in a constant scan.

!! ~ ▉ ▉ , these golden gas groups all in the arms of Sha Lu, then the continuous explosion.

The combine power at this moment should be on Turkus, but he has been played too badly by the night, and the body has not fully recovered and is pressed directly by Tex.

"Ox!" Shalu bite the teeth. It is not possible to break through the energy gas group wall created by Tex, but instead is a rushing air wave that is continuously exploded to the sky.

"It's so powerful! This pioneering force of Telks grows a lot!" Kelin looked at the attack of Telks.

"Well, it seems that this stinking child has improved a lot, but the power is wasteful!" The night is watching the air in the air, there is no meaning.

"Sha Lu's gas ... completely disappeared!" Terry looked up to the blue sky.

"Tex, you are bigger!" The righteousness of the night, suddenly forth slightly, suddenly said to Telks.

"Master, what do you say?" Tex turned his head.

Night wind refers to the ground behind the 18th. "Just in the air level is just part of Sha Lu, his body has just sneaked into the ground, and has reached the bottom behind 18."

"Ni!" Tervers hurriedly settled.

Bang! A shine flashed, this time Shalu learned smart, just from the bottom of the ground. [Out] tail.

bass! The tail needles on Shalu tail rose directly, and one breath will be swallowed in the tail.

"No. 18!" Is also surprised, he did not feel the stressed in Shalu.

In addition to the night growing, no one can capture the movements of Salu, after all, there is absolute gap in combat power, and everyone's perception is impossible to move to the night.

"Let's let go!" I don't know why, Kling rushed to Shalu drilled from the ground, and then it was continuously desperately playing the feet.

bass! Saru is a continuous avoidance of the attack of Clin, and then the tail is constantly horing, the blink of an eye, the body of the 18th has been completely swallowed in Shalu's tail.

"Finished ..." Tex widened his eyes. He didn't think of it. Night of the long wind put Sha Lu's half-dead, he still made Sha Lu's successful death.

"Come here!" The night length disappeared in the air, and then blocked before the clin, cold and looked at Shalu.

puff! Shalu is constantly shining. At the same time, the body spurts a lot of gas, these gas will be rolled around the ground, while the clouds have been fully pushed by the sky in the high altitude.

The sky in the entire party has become a cloud, a blue.

"It's beginning to evolve, is it going to become a complete body?" Night long wind face cold, calmly looked at Sha Lu, "This time, don't let me be disappointed, Sha Lu!"

"I will never let you become the completion of the body!" Tex launched his hands on Sha Lu, which was turned into, and then continuous golden light.

Booming ... These light wave bombarded in Shaul, the explosion continued to stop continuously.

However, this is nothing to use!

Saru Zuoyou has a green spherical energy 757 mask blocks the violent continuous optical wave attack in Tex.

"Tex, Clin! You are returned, this guy is given to me!" The night's long wind turned back solemnly to Kelin and Tex.

"Oh!" I don't know why Kelin is low, it is like a fascinating, there is no usual vitality, flew in the air to retreat a long distance from hundreds of meters.

"Master, I will help you!" Tex clenched his fists, and a continuous concentration released the energy of the Super Saiyan, Turks consumes great.

This is the drawback of the second phase of the Super Saiya, and the combat power explosion is rapid in a short period of time, but useless energy loss and consumption more.

Tex does not maintain this state for too long. If you forgive airstream, Telks' body can't bear it.

"Tex! I said, you returned!" The night's long looked deeply at Tex.

If Tex is shocked, the anger of the cold eyes makes Tex's body can't help but tremble. He is still so angry with him for the first time.

In this moment, Tex is another feeling of killing the eyes of the night.

! Suddenly shook his head, Tex sighed or returned, flew to the next next to Clin.

1297 chapter

! ! At this time, the sky on the top of everyone began to press it, and the flash thunder was started, and the lightning was in the air, and it formed a big network.

Boom Lung Lung ... The earth has also begun to vibrate, and the whole earth is rushing.

"Ah ..." The instruments on the Booema experimental platform under the laboratory were shaken in the ground, and many instruments were broken.

"What happened, why do the entire earth seem to be shaking!" Burt is a little worried, "I hope that the long winds don't have anything ..."

"Night wind this guy clearly saw that Shalu is not blocked by two!" Bike looked at Shaul's constantly skyrocketing, the fist was going to pinch.

Although Bick also likes powerful enemies and fierce battles, the Bike will not make the night grow up, because no one knows how strong Saru completing the strength of the body.

bass! The green masks of Sha Lu are constantly expanding, while the lightning on the sky keeps playing on the green hood on the top of Shalu.

! More and more electric light falling from the air, Shalu is getting more and more beautiful, and there are more and more appearance.

"Hey! The moment is quite big, just don't know how the strength is!" Night long wind is still cold.

"I am evil ..." In the heart of Tex in the distance, Tenx's heart poured a unknown prevail, which seems to return to the world's cruelty-cold world.

"I haven't finished yet? I have no patience!" The night's feet suddenly stepped.

At this moment, the earth stopped vibrating, and the night-lived winds were stabilized, and there were many buildings in the earth.

... The final Shalu surrounded green mask starts to shrink, and finally attach it to Shalu.

The entire Shaul has become a green crystal, just like Baoyu.

"Completely ... Sha Lu's full body!" Britary, the tone of cold sweat is constantly moving, "" Night long wind your guy, if you play, everything is your responsibility! "

Snapped! Finally, green light is completely exhausted, and there are different Shalu appeared in front of everyone.

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