The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1337, Chapter 1337, Chapter 1337 of the Prince of Tennis

"but what?"

"He couldn't follow the speed of the night!"

1301 chapter, about 10 days

boom! boom! boom! Shalu saw that he could not attack the night, and smash the night long wind, the explosion sounded.

"Hey! You are too slow, Sha Lu!" Night long wind speed is like electricity, after coming to Sha Lu, a punch is hit behind Saru.

puff! Saru has been hit by the back, the expression became incapable, "Why? I am obvious that my combat power is above him, why there is no way to attack him!"

"Hey! You will only waste more vitality, but also weaken the speed, even if you can suppress me in strength, I will not attack me at all!" Night hard looks at Shalu Cold Sound, "If I say words, the combat power can be used to transcend you!"

"What do you say?" Sha Lu lived, and the face became red, "Why did I become complete? Is there a shortcomings? Is it a lot of life?"

bass! The vitality of Sha Lu is inactive, and Shalu is restored to the ordinary state again. Although Shaul wants to suppress the night's wind, he has to choose 31 to give up this kind of power growth after the giving of this kind of violence, because In the state, he could not attack the night.

"Sha Lu! You don't mean your entire body is the strongest warrior of the universe? It doesn't seem to be good now!" The night is looking at Shalu cold channel.

"Hey! Night long wind, you don't want! Even if my flesh is not as good as you, you can't kill me! As long as I escape, absorb more life essence can evolve more perfect, it is your death!" Saru seems to have resumed ingredients.

"Is it? I really lost your body's cell, actually said that I have to escape!" The night's mouth is full, and the tone is full.

"You have been provocative, I don't use it. Anyway, you can't beat me now!" Shalu's eyes turned over, "This way, just open a martial arts meeting?"

The night is so bad that I have heard it wrong, the face is revealing the color, "the martial arts meeting?"

"Yes! Are you not the winner of the three-game Jinhua badge? Ten days later, we were holding a martial arts meeting, decided who was the true universe!" Shalu explained.

"It means a little meaning! This guy in Sha Lu wants to absorb more life essences in this ten-day air gap!" When the night grew, he wore Shalu's mind.

In fact, the night's long wind is really unable to kill Shalu, the speed of Shalu in the ordinary state is quite good, and Sharu is not to open, and the night grows really nickly.

There is also a more important point to this is the earth, and there is no way to make it all right.

Whether it is with the human being or with Sha Lu, the night grows do not completely try to make a variety of tricks.

The earth is too fragile. The night length is really exhausted, and the final result is probably the earth being directly destroyed by the two people.

This kind of fighting night is really not happy enough, and the night is really trying to change a place. It is best to be in other unmanned planets, good and complete Shalu Wars.

"How? Night long wind, do you dare to pick up?" Shalu saw that the night wind seems to think, continue to persuade.

"Well! I can promise you, but you set the time, the specific battle place is from me!" The night is cold and cold.

"You can!" Sha Lu nodded, "Where?"

"The Star of Death!" Night Delivery directly.

The Death Star is a planet outside a small star system outside the sun, and its surface area is several times the earth, and the reason why the death star is because the environment of the planet is extremely bad.

Scientists on the earth have repeatedly sent spacecraft to detect that planet, because there are many special ores on the star of death, but those spacecrafts have not lived back.

The Star of Death is a mysterious existence of Bermuda, which is a mysterious existence of Bermuda.

"Death Star?" Sha Luyi, he did not think that the night length will choose such a place. Of course, it doesn't matter to the battle of Shalu. The most important thing is that he takes time to absorb more life essence, Let your body is more perfect.

"Yes! It is the star of death. I think your brain should have the information of death stars!" Night long winds.

Sha Lu nodded, it seems to be very interested, "Night long wind, your choice is good, it is like this to match this battle, I will let people live this game to the world, I want to make people around the world trembled DOU! "

"With you!" Night wind is very casual, and Shaul, "Okay, you can roll!"

"You!" Sha Lu is very unfulltous, but he is not completely capable of defeating the night.

"You wait, night long! After ten days later, it is your death! You, I just conquer the world, no, the first step in the universe!" Sha Lu left a sentence, and disappeared directly.

Night wind is hands and shoulders and does not stop the departure of Shalu.

"Ah? Shaluden is gone?" Klin and Tex were very puzzled that Shalu suddenly disappeared.

"Night long wind, what is going on?" Bike asked directly in front of the night. At the same time, Clin and Telks also flew.

"I let him get out, after ten days, the battle will be carried out on the star of death!" The night long wind turned 273.

"Ah, why? Changfeng, you clearly occupy the advantage, why is a sigh of attack to kill Sharu?" Ke Lin touched the bald head very doubts.

The night long wind is a swing. "I haven't grasp the full kill of Shalu now, and if you really want to fight, I am afraid that this earth is destroyed before killing Lu Lu!"

"But if it is fighting again after ten days, this time, if Shauli absorbs more human life essence, maybe it is more perfect, it will not be wonderful!" Terry Sudden.

"It doesn't matter! As long as you can break through the Super Saiyan, Sha Lu will not be my opponent, and you will be my opponent!"

"What? Break through the Super Saiyan? Is this kind of thing may be?" Clin is surprised to rise, "" Only ten days! "

Night-lasting wind, now, now, the night-long style is planning to use the lottery of the superhen system.

"I have a way!" At this time, Bick suddenly opened, "" Maybe you can break through! "

"What is the way?" The night long turned head.

"You can enter the home!" Bike Shen Sheng.

"Time home? Where is it?" Everyone was very confused to look at the Bike.

Chapter 1302, start cultivation

Soon, the Bick explained the role of the time in the three people.

"There is actually there is such a cultivation place, why didn't God say that God said?" Kllin is a surprise.

"Oh, if this is the case, I practiced two years in time in the time of the time, I should be able to break through the stage of the super Saaya!" Night-length Fengmei wants to use the lottery to improve the strength, now there is a mysterious cultivation .

The night grows still wants to try to take the state of the Super Saaya.

"Very good! Bike, let me first cultivate!" The night grew is said to Bike.

"Well! With your will force in the time of the time, you should not have a problem!" Bike nodded.

"Master, can I go in to cultivate with you?" Tex suddenly asked.

"Bike, can I enter a few people in the time of the home?" Night long wind asked.

"According to God, I can go in two people!" Bike Shen Sheng, "You and Tex can go in, I have already used the good time, and I can't get it!"

"Good! Terx, let's go together! Although it is your Master, I seem to have not teacled you, this time I teach some things, etc. Solve Sha Lu, you return to your timeline. The world should have to solve those people yourself! "Night long wind turned to Telx.

"That Sha Lu, don't we take him? What if he is going to suck humans?" Julin, Julin, hurriedly asked.

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