The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1338, Chapter 1338, Chapter 1338

The night is swaying, "Don't worry about him, when you let the Earth Shenlong resurrected all those who killed by Sha Lu!"

With the plug of this BUG of Dragon Ball, in fact, Sha Lu succeeds, the better, or wait until the night's strength is increased, and the battle will become boring.

"Well! Let's go to the heavens!" Bike turned around and flew to the heaven.

"Shalu! I want to revenge No. 18 ~!" On the other side, after Sha Lufei, a tall figure followed, it was a person in the 16th.

Four people flying quickly, didn't have a long time, four people came to the heaven.

"Night long wind, there is Clin, you come too!" Bobo looked at the four people who fell on Tianjie Square.

"BOBO, Dan Di is not?" Asked the Boch asked.

"No! But he should come, I have already contacted him, he said that he is happy to be on the earth, and he also wants to see the night-lived wind!" BOBO is old and old. Reply.

"Okay, these things will be said! We advanced time to see if it is really so amazing!" Night wind turned to the bind.

"Well! You come with me!" Bike entered a hidden palace with night long wind and Telks.

"You come out early, I am waiting for you outside!" Clin followed BOBO, etc., waiting outside the palace.

! Bike pushed a huge door, "It is the time in the middle of the house. Let's go in, remember not to go, food and bath [room] is at the door!"

"Go in!" The night is rushing at Tervs, first lifting the feet into the time, followed by Tex.

Snapped! Finally, the door of the home is slowly closed, and the night long wind and Tex have come to a hall, just two beds.

"It's very hot here!" Tenx felt a hot fever in the past.

"Ah! And the air is more thin than the outside, gravity is also several times outside!" Night-lasting style nodded, "Sure enough is a nice cultural place.

I took a few steps, and the night long wind and Telks pushed a door, and then stunned.

It is a vast space that is wide to endless, and the world is white, nothing.

"Nothing here, just a space! The Bick said that there are very few people who can stick to a month. Is it because this reason?" Night Changfeng thought that the time is still a special test .

The result is the unlimited space, and this kind of thing is already accustomed to this kind of thing.

Lonely is a compulsory course of the subject. In the high-end world, all kinds of immortals are just a long year.

It is impossible to be a major will force if there is no superior will force.

"I want to stay in this place for two years ..." Terrus forehead slightly oozing fine sweat.

"How? Tex, you can't even get this difficulty?" The night is deliberately said.

"No! I can bear, as long as I can defeat the artificial, I want to do anything!" Terry hurriedly said.

"Very good!" Night's mouth, "Tex, happy, this is a cultivation of treasure!"

Night winds have always wanted a space that can change time flow rate.

In the special store of the super-god system, the night lengthy space has seen this special time function, but the number of lottery it needs is not possible to meet the numbers.

Night-catching wind has also tried to control the time flow in the small world, the result is not because the level of the small world is too low or the system deliberately restricted, anyway, no success.

And now the night lengthy wind is such a cultivation, nature is to do full practice, as for the lucky prize, it is thrown after the night.

"Master, what do we have to do now? Do you practice against the battle?" Tex asked.

"Your strength is too weak, Tex, even if we fight, there is no effect! In short, you will first reach the stage of the full-power Super Saaya!" Night long wind.

"All-Power Super Saiyan, what is it?" "" Is the state of "No (Nord) is the state of Master, you and Sha Lu's battle!"

"Smart!" Night-lasting style nodded, "It is the state, it can be said that it is the strongest state of the Super Saiyan!"

"Is that state I may reach?" Tex knew that his air is completely unable to compare with the night length.

"Of course, you also have the blood of the prince of the Saiyan, if you really want to say, your talent is still above me!" The night grew the shoulder of Tetranx.

"Really?" Tex heard the night's style, and the face is happy. "How do you start now, Master, what do you want to do?"

"First of all, you have to break through the third phase of the Super Saiyan, the full-power Super Saiyan is the fourth stage, so before this, you must break through the third stage!" The night's long-term explanation.

"What is the third stage?" Tex is more confused ...

1303 chapter, hard work

"You don't have to hurry, let me see the strongest battle in your super Saaya!" Nightly shot the shoulder of Tetranx.

Terran, "Okay, Master!"

Tex and night long-lived fever flew to the endless white space, it was a white sea.

"Drink!" Tex is lightly, the pure golden voyele of the whisper explodes, the hair is turned into gold, and the eyes become green.

Tex has opened the Super Saiyan state, which is not difficult for Terx.

"Very good! Tex, continue to gather, don't take care of you, open your strongest state!" Night long-winding.

boom! The night long-term style is just falling, and the Trusque muscles, the pure golden vitality of the whisper is more boiling, and the combat power soars.

"Master, is this the third phase of the super-semi-Asian Asian?" After the light is exhausted, Terry looks at the night.

"Which is so easy! This is the second phase of the Super Saiyan, you have reached it before. The third phase is very similar to your current situation, but the muscles will swell more powerful, and combat power will be more exaggerated! "Explanation of the long weather in the night.

"I can give a demonstration!" Night Changfeng In order to give the Temples-833-demonstration that has changed from the super-winged power state.

"Well!" Territi is headed by Terros, and his eyes are completely gathered to the night cost.

"It's optimistic! Terry!" The night's hands were handshake, and then screamed, "Open!"

boom! At this time, the night long wind full of golden vitality out, the gold waves pushed away, and the unsuccessful Turks pushed more than ten meters.

"Strong!" Turkish looked at night long wind.

At this time, the muscles of the night, the whole body is exaggerated, and the whole body has risen by one more. The muscles of the whole body look very exaggerated. There is no more beautiful muscles of the flow line of the night, pure violence is full. a feeling of.

... The whole body boiling pure golden voyage is constantly jumping, and the night long wind turns at Telx said: "Terry, seeing no, this is the third of the Super Saiyan stage!"

"Too strong, Master! This kind of gas feeling is stronger than your previous state!" Trogus was surprised, "Why is this a third stage?"

"Indeed!" Night-lasting style nodded. "You are right! If combat power and angry, the third stage of Super Saiyan is stronger than the fourth stage, it can be said that it has been close to breakthrough combat. But this stage is a fatal disadvantage! "

"What shortcomings?" Turkus hurriedly asked.

"That is the speed! Before I fight with the full Shaul battle, Shalu was also forciting to make the body rose. He was on me, but the extremely increase in body muscles severely influence the speed. Originally, our speed should be quite, but after his speed, you can't keep up with my rhythm! "The night grows slowly.

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