The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1339 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"It turns out! If the speed can't keep up, it will not attack the opponent more combat power!" Turkish.

"It's very correct! And you should already know how to violence, whether it is the second phase of the Super Saiyan, will consume a lot of vitality, and it will not maintain more than a long battle."

"Especially in the third stage, this stage is actually just a transition, only very few scenes can be used!" Night long-term wind is caused by micro-explanation and demonstration Let Telks soon understand the super-Saiyan A first three stages.

"What is the fourth phase of the master you said, what is the full power status?" Tex continued to ask.

"You are really anxious, Telks!" Like the night, "Well, I will give you a demonstration!"

The whole body muscle ridge has skyrockery into a muscular man, and the pure golden vital gas that is bubbled is began into the body.

(DBFJ) The night is deliberately slowed down. The action makes Tex see clearly, the muscles slow contract will normal, the night long style is full of pure golden exquisite flow, the whole person is like a golden person.

After a few seconds, the night long wind is restored, and the super-proud gas is hidden by night.

At this time, the night long-in-one recovery, the inverted blonde and the cold green eyes are still maintained, in addition to this, no difference between the night and the normal state does not have any difference.

Even a kind of illusion is not very illusion.

"Isn't this the first state of the Super Saiyan?" Tex was surprised.

"Yes! It is the most ordinary state, but just looks ordinary! In this state, I can keep the super-Saiyian state in this state. This is the best ideal for Super Saiyan State! "Night wind slowly.

"Long time to maintain a super-Saiyan state?" Tex is shocked, keeping the Super Saiyian state for long time is almost impossible for Terx.

In the consciousness of Tranx, the Super-Saiyan model is a battle state. It only needs to be opened in the battle. If you keep it at all, because the light is maintained in the super-Saiyan state, it will consume a lot. Gas.

"Okay, don't have not nonsense! Time is more, you don't have to worry. All power status is still a bit difficult to now, you will reach the third stage and say." Night long-standing Renx should not be too urgent, The cultivation and improvement of fighting power is not a good one, and it is useless.

After the time, the night-lived is careful for Turkus to explain some knocking and cultivation methods for controlling in vivo.

In addition, the night-long wind will also take the tricks of the gas, the dragon, and the sword, etc., and a brain teached to Tex, no matter what stage he can learn.

"My father is enough to mean!" The night is laughing, and these things spent less than a week.

The Talent Talent is also very high, and after the control method of the gas that teaches the night long, the continuous practice.

Just a month of time, Trogs laid his strength to the third phase of the Super Saiyan day and night.

On the other side, the night is also a cultivation of the day and night. Although the spiritual time is a white, the vitality is still sufficient, the vast vastness of the vast vast body is constantly growing.

Such a bitter repair is a homewinner for the night, and it is a bit difficult to spend Truss.

Turks started some irritability after practicing for half a year, because it has never been able to break through the full-power state of the super-seizure.

1304 chapter, hug Sha Lu?

"Don't worry, you are in this way, there is no breakthrough, you have already explored it!" The night's wind really can't see reminding.

"But ... Master, why have I have no way to break through?" Tex is full of sweat.

"Your gas control and use are not enough, this is mainly related to your childhood, there is no systematic learning, and analyzes the night.

Tex wiped the sweat of wiping, "What should I do if I should break through?"

"It's really no way!" Night Changfeng has maintained the full-power state of the super-seizure in the spiritual time, in a sense, this is also a practice.

"Well, let's fight!" The night's hands and one show, "" Only the fastest progress in the fight! "

"Well! Master, you don't want to be in love, even though!" Trumpled.

"Of course, I will not be careless ..." Night long-lasting angle slightly.

boom! boom! boom! The two began to fight in the white space, of course, completely, completely the rhythm of Tex's hanging.

Tex was able to fight again and again, and again again and again.

In the battle, Teks made very quickly, not only the use of gas, but also the tricks of the night, and the tricks were all made.

After half a year, Tex has been able to fight with night long winds and not defeated, and its understanding of the vitality and the understanding of the super-seizure is also a sharp progress.

In the battle with Telks, the night length is also a good harvest, although the vital growth in the night long wind is less than pure absorption, but continuous battles make the vitality in the night-catchment more condensed, and the degree of compression Higher.

Finally, after the spiritual time, Telks broke through the full-power state of the Super Saiyan, and the whole person's momentum was completely changed.

"Is this the full-power state of the Super Saiyan?" Terrus realized that he broke through a moment, because he felt that the pure golden vitality in the body was commanded, and the status of the Super Saiyan became almost no. Any burden, very normal feeling.

"Your kid is really stupid! The battle has been broken for half a year!" The night's trend thought that the Britkes broke out earlier.

To know that the night-hard wind is from the super-Saiya's initial state to the Super Saiyan full power status for only half a year, and many of them, the night-catching wind is mainly cultivating the flesh and absorb blood color.

Of course, this is related to the ambientism of the night, and 100% of the prevalence is very striking.

After the excerpt in Telks broke through the full power state, the night length and Terrus battle force seven days and seven days, the energy consumed in the battle, and the energy consumed in the battle. It has always maintained very high combat power.

Of course, the end of Tarx first exhausted the vitality of the body changed back to the ordinary state, although it was a super-winning power state, but the vast vastness of the night, the vast vastness of the vastness was that Terran could not work. Than.

"It's too powerful, this is really a super-Saiyan's strongest state!" He is full of Khan Terx's eyes but full of highlights, "I can help Master, you can eliminate those people! "

"This is still far away from the Super Saiyan's [] peak state, but it should be very strong." The night's wind shook his head, "I didn't understand it with you, in the spiritual time house One year, you can use it, you choose to continue to practice! "

After the night's wind is finished, Tex is no longer ignorant, let him toss.

In the spiritual treasure, it is time to practice for a year, and the night-length wind does not think that the Britkes will have a big breakthrough, mainly to break through the state of the Super Saayene is so difficult.

The Saiyan blood concentration in the night-long body is too low, so that the night long wind wakes up very difficult.

In fact, the night of the night is the amount of Yuanyuan in the body, but it has never been able to break through the stage of the Super Saaya.

Of course, this is also beneficial, the more the amount of yuan in the body, the stronger the combat power will also be stronger when the long wind is officially broken through the super Saayan.

Speaking of the Races or the race fighting between life and death, like night long wind, this old-fashioned practice, the progress is indeed slow to die.

However, the night-long style is still calm, sitting in the middle of the spatial, and absorbs the voyage.

The white yuan of the waves is constantly incorporated from the top of the night long, and Terrus is very stunned every time you look at night.

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In his opinion, it is impossible to absorb such a virgin, because the body will not bear it.

In the end of the cultivation, Tex chose a spiritual time house, continuing to worry and absorb the vitality.

Outside the spiritual time, complete Shaul is non-stop in absorbing human life essence in major human cities.

After Shalu turns complete body, it is very easy to absorb human life, and you can absorb hundreds of people in an instant.

After the No. 16, the artificial person has been following the Sharu, he is looking for a chance to kill Shalu.

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