The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1340 of the Chapter 1340 of Wangzhao System of Tennis Prince

One day, Sha Lu has passed several big cities, and each city was blooming after Saru, it was like a locust transit.

The more human essences absorbed, the more of Shaul's complete cells are getting more perfect, and the combat power is lifted.

After absorbing millions of human essence, complete Shalu felt that he was already very perfect, and the combat power was also improved.

But in order to resist the night long, Shaluden still feels not enough, he has to completely crush the night long style, let the night long feel the true despair. To this end, Shalu needs a greater evolution, just like the change after absorbing 17 or 18.

Just as Shalu absorbs the last human category in the city, enjoying the quick [sense] of the absorption of life essence, a movie suddenly drilled out from the bottom, then hugged Shalu.

It is the 16th People.

This day, I discovered a rule on the 16th. As long as Shalu absorbed the human essence of all people in a city, he will have a cell improvement process. In this process, Shalu closed his eyes.

This moment is that Shalu is the most relaxed and the minimum alert.

On the 16th, he successfully hugged Shalu at this moment, and his hands were dead in the arms.

"Is you?" Sha Lu's eyes opened, turned around the 16th.

... No. 16, one sentence, does not say, just constantly aggressive to tighten the arms.

1305 chapter, perfect SAR Lu

"Hey! Don't you think your strength can suppress me?" Shalu is very disdainful to watch the 16th without any action.

"Sha Lu, I want to explode with you! This is the last secret weapon of Dr. Geor in my body. No matter how powerful, in such a near distance will be blown!" No. 16 mad .

"Stupid!" The cold light in Shalu passed, and immediately earned the 16th hands around the 16th.

The gap between the two people is really too big, and the strength of the No. 16 people and complete Shaul are like a baby.

"Yeah! Go to death!" "On the 16th, the eyes launched the self-explosion device.

At this moment, Shalu anti-flashlight shot, the arm directly through the right chest of No. 16.

Calling ... a cold wind whizzed, the explosion of the No. 16 pre-"eight or seven" is not happened, and Shalu has passed a red device in the hands of the 16th chest.

"Well? Why ... no explosion?" No. 16 stunned.

"Hey, how can your self-explosion? How can I explode in my hand!" Sha Lu did not see the mouth, "Although I have not seen you this person, Dr. Geori designed the human self-explosion device in the left chest On, don't you know this? "

"How can this be ..." No. 16 completely did not expect the Shalu to react so fast.

"Moreover, even if you let you succeed, you can't kill me!" Saru's eyes were overflowing, the right hand slightly used, his red self-explosion equipment in his hand was smashed.

"This ..." No. 16 is covered with a hole in the chest, wants to escape.

"Since it is here, don't go back! He integrates with me!" The changes behind Saru have a short and thick tail suddenly elongate.

Call ... call ... Saru tail rose big needle to release powerful suction, No. 16 has not yet come and fly directly, it is directly inhaled in the tail needle, there is no resistance.

"Dr. Geor's failure also wants to fight with me, really not self-strength!" Shalu double boxing, the back rolling will absorb 16 in the body.

In this moment, Shalu stunned, he felt a power in the body.

Booming ... Shalu is always on the green light, following is a green light straight straight horizon.

bass! The whole city has been dyed with green light columns.

In this green light, Sha Lu's sudden rise is several times, and Shalu's expression has begun to become a huge energy fluctuation.

boom! boom! boom! Shalu is constantly fluctuating, and a circle is another circle, and the four weeks of buildings will be swallowed. The whole city began to vibrate, and they were collapsed everywhere.

If people who are not this city are sucked by Shalu, I am afraid it is a big panic at the end of the year.

"Wow haha ​​... good power!" Sha Lu double boxing, Yang Tian's long happiness, the whole person bathing in green light, the combat power is exaggerated. shade

A No. 16 in Shalu is just a failure product, but it has brought the results that Shalu Wanner did not expect after absorbing Saru.

Shaul can feel clearly in the body, and in the pain, Shalu's cells are really unlimited to perfect.

Bermita's cells, Bike Namek's cells, Cruid's Flizza Super Combat Ethnic cells, as well as various earth human cells, perfectly fused there.

Shalu's body has begun to change. The whole body turns complete green, like Baoyu-like crystal clear, his eyes become deep purple, the whole body is gradually narrowing normally size, muscles are also infinitely approaching perfect.

bass! When the Shalu opened his eyes, the whole person's momentum is completely different, not only outside the outside, but also the breath is also more introverted.

"Complete Sha Lu?" Shalu's mouth, "complete Shaul is not the limit, I am now super full of Shaul, the truly universe is the strongest soldier!"

Shalu double punch, the whole earth began to tremble, the ruins of the city around the city were exploded, and the fire rushed!

"Wow, haha ​​... The key to all is in the failed person!" Shalu was lucky to find the last key to open the most perfect state.

This key is actually the No. 16 people, and Dr. Garo has been designed. In fact, considering the three people who add three people in the universe of all kinds of super warriors in the universe. ?

In the end, this program took too long to take it too long, was abandoned by Dr. Gaulo, and did not leave any useful information.

The computer is only calculated from Shalu to absorb 17 and 18, it will evolve into a complete body, but not to calculate the No. 16, which is the last key that makes Shalu become perfect.

Ultra-complete Saru is the last end of the Dr. Georo, and Sha Lu misconduct misunderstandings in the case of unknowingly.

"This is the true power!" Sha Lu looked at his own hands, and he was a little difficult to believe in his current state.

"Night long wind, Super Saiyan ... you are dead! Earth, no! The whole universe will be stepped under the feet of my perfect body sand! Hahaha ... hahaha ..." Summented Shalu instantly disappeared Original place.

Spiritual time house.

The time of the year is soon passed, and Tex has made a progress, and it has been in this kind of hardship.

The facts have risen sharply, and the vitality in the body is more than a few times ago. It can be said that the Trogs fighting power at this time is very powerful.

Time to leave the spiritual time, only the last day left, Telks got up and fate over the air, and the night grew in the air.

Night wind has been close to his eyes, constantly absorbing the vitality of the spirit of the spirit.

Such as 1.2 is a general planet, and its vitality is absorbed for two years, which may have been sucked so much, and the vitality in the spiritual season is like endless.

No matter how the night is crazy, the spirit of the spirit is always as being as being as the best, so that the night grows more and more like this cultivation treasure, there is a feeling that I don't want to leave.

"Master, I am here, we are still going out, Bike said if you miss the time, you can't go out!" Terry flew to the night long wind.

At this time, the night-length winds slowly opened their eyes, and the vital water flowers gathered in his head were instantly dissipated.

"Unfortunately!" The night's wind is somewhat uncooked, although it feels that he can break through, but the night is still not broken through the Super Saayan.

1306 chapter, redemption practice

According to the Bick said, the special cultivation treasure of the spiritual time house, whether it is only one of the world's two days, which is the world's two days.

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