The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1341 of the Chapter 1341 of the Prince of Tennis

If you exceed this time, the exit of the spiritual time will automatically disappear, and the people who have not come out will never go.

If you feel that the spirit of the night, if you have disappeared, you can go out by breaking the secondary space. go away.

Although the night grows feel that it is necessary to give him a chance to stay in the spiritual time, it will be able to break through.

"Master, let's go out!" Tex is always maintained in the Super Saiyan full-power state, which is also a practice.

"Good!" When the night's wind is about to get up, his brain sounds the suggestion of the superhen system.

"Is it redeeming the cultivation time in the spiritual time?" The sound of the superhen system is still cold ice, there is no feeling.

"What?" Night is very windy, "Can you use the redemption point to exchange the time in the spiritual treasure?"

"No, it is to redeem time 31." system repayment.

"Kao!" The night is frowned. "I know that this will be like this, it is still the natural color of the pothole! What is the proportion of exchange?"

"Back to the master, the number of lottery can be exchanged for a year of cultivate a year!" The system slowly replied.

call! After hearing the redemption ratio, the night was so angry, which was caught in the mind.

The lottery of the super-god system is not easy. The night is still very cherished, and the spiritual time housing is indeed a cultivation of Feng Shui treasure. The most important thing is to stay here for a year, but it is just a day.

Coupled with night longship has reached the most critical stage of the super-Saaya, as long as you can practice it in the spiritual time, the night is almost certainly able to break through.

The superhen system is very sinister, this time is there, it is obvious that the night long-term wind will make a lot of lottery.

Open your own attribute list, night long looks at it, the number of lottery currently accumulated is 4 times, is still a good number.

"You will be redeemed for two years. Anyway, there should be two draws. The number of lottery should be enough!" The night grey is finally decided to redeem two years of spiritual time house practice time.

First, the night grows really can't wait to break through a stronger level. In this case, it will be more sure when the battle of Sundu is, and the second is that the night is unable to determine his current character value. Even if the lucky draw is, It is not necessarily to draw a good thing.

This is mainly that the night-length wind is too fast to grow, resulting in acceleration of the process, and the combat power from hundreds to hundreds of millions of time have been a few years. At this time, the decisive role of the night long wind feeling draw system is more It's time to do it.

Of course, the number of lottery is still very important. In the special store of the super god system, the night long wind can get everything he wants, almost everything is, the number of lottery needs to make the night. The long wind is very uncomfortable.

However, there is no way to live in the night, it is necessary to become a majority of the world of all kinds of faces, and there is still a long way to go.

"System, give me two years of cultural practice!" The night's heart is meditation.

"Yes, owner! Excord success, you will have a chance to continue to cultivate two years in spiritual hours!" The voice of the system just fell, and the night grew is looking at a white space, and the device displayed in multiple times.

The above shows the number of 8775: 52: 23, almost two years.

Of course, this number only can see, Tex is not seen.

"It's really unhappy, and I was extracted twice in the potholes system!" Night winds looked at the number of lottery from 4 to 2, dissatisfied with the mouth.

However, from another aspect, it is still very good to practice in the spiritual time house.

"Tex, you go out first! I will still practice here for a while!" The night is long, and the Trinity is in Tenx.

"Ah?" Tex is a bit, "said Master ... Bike said, anyone can only stay here for two years. If it is more than, you will not go! "

Night long wind is calm, "Terks, you don't have to worry! I naturally have a way, you go out! Remember, don't be in Shaulu before I come out. Now you still Unable to overcome him! "

"But ..." Terrus didn't dare to believe in the night's style.

"Nothing is! Terros, you don't even believe it? I hate your mother-in-law's personality, so how can I become a real power!" Night is very windless and Tex To say that the superhen system is, only the Terrus is stinking, let him go out first.

"Yes!" Tex nature was screwed by the night, only flying out of the spiritual time house, replied to the heaven.

After Tex left, the whole white 110 spiritual time housing world is even more empty, only the night is always one.

Night-long wind discs are sitting in the air. After Tex left, the night length did not take into account, began to absorb the vitality in the spirit of the housing.

The white yuan of white yuan in all directions continues to the night long, the night is like sitting in the center of the swirls, all the Yuanyuan sea is perfusion.

The spirit of a calm spirit of a time has become a hurt.

"Out!" Kling felt the gas of Telks, turned to the exit, "Changfeng, they finally came out!"

"They are really staying for two years, I thought Tex wouldn't help but come out!" Klin and Bick came to the exit of the Palace.

"Kelin, you are all!" Blonde turned back to Bick and Klin nodded.

"You are Terx?" Bik looked at Telx, compared with the previous appearance, and the status of Terrus appearance and the super-smashing state were someweed, the most critical is the feeling of gas. It is completely different, "This feeling and night costumes are just before entering!"

"What is going on? Tex, how can the long wind come yet?" Kelin looked for a while, and there was no night's body after Tex.

1307 chapter, threatening all mankind

Master said that he would practice for a period of time in the spiritual treasure house, call me first! "Tex is very helpless.

"What do you say!" Bike heard the words of Tex, "I didn't say it, anyone can only stay in the spiritual time of the house for two years, more than, export disappearance If you don't come! "

Tex was also browed at this time. "I also said to Master, but he said that he has a self-existing way!"

"Oh, since the long wind is so saying, he must have any way!" Kelin is still unconditional trusting night.

"Hey! I have something wrong, I can't do it!" Bike snorted with his hand, of course, Bike is still very understanding for night growth, night long wind generally does not do not to grasp things.

And the Bike knows that there are many secrets on the night cost, and its factual growth speed is not commonplace, even if there is any way to stay in the spiritual time, it is not possible.

On the other hand, Sha Lu, which evolved into a perfection, has been causing to wait and the night-catching battle, but the Ten Day is about 10 days, Shalu does not want to break the agreement.

This day, Shalu is mainly the body behind itself, and the result is very satisfied with Shaulu.

The original Shalu evolved into the completion of the body thought that his strength was the top peak, but the battle with the night, so that Shalu had some doubts the authenticity of the data calculated by the computer.

And when Shalu evolves into a perfection, he is now incomparable to confirm that you are the strongest self-essential individual, perfect, invincible!

! At this time, Sha Lu flew toward another human city. He came here to not absorb human life essence, because it has no meaning.

Even if there is no significance of absorbing billions, even hundreds of people's human essence on the perfection of Shalu, his current combat power has reached the highest value of the theory of computers.

Shalufei fell directly to the highest high building of the city, this tall building is a TBS global TV headquarters in the world's four major live TV stations.

Turtle Tower Island.

After Tex came out of the spiritual time, Klin flew him back to the island of Taojian house. At this time, Yamu Tea is also in the Turtle Family.

"Now broadcast news ... ¨ ¨ ..." Kelin didn't do anything, so I opened the TV to play some time.

At this time, there was a noisy voice in the TV. "Ah! Are you saying? Hey! What do you want to do?"

Clin is very surprised to watch the TV's picture, he saw a familiar and some strange figure.

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