The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1342 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"This is ... Sha Lu!" Clin is surprised by the big name, "Tex, Yamu tea, Master, you come over, Sha Lu is in TV!"

"What?" The Turtle Cactus jumped out. stomach

Terx, who is cultivating on the island is also the first time, and came to the electric bar.

"Sure enough, Sha Lu!" Trumpled, "Hey, his appearance seems to have changed!"

"It is definitely evolved, this ▉▉ guy doesn't know how many humans have been absorbed this time!" Justice of Julin said with anger. Collect

"I am evil ... Only wait for the bodies to solve this big bad guy!" Turtle cactus saw Sha Lu, which was cut in the TV station, was also angry, and he couldn't help but miss the era of the world's martial arts conference. .

In that era, the turtle fairy still barely can be with the night, he is still the first martial artist in the world.

"Good morning, the people in the world, I take you a little more time ..." Shalu opens cold channels in the picture.

"What did he want to say?" Yamu tea clenched his fist.

"The last time he said to let the world to watch his and Master's confrontation, maybe it is to announce this!" Trumpe Analysis.

"Okay, you are quiet! See what he wants!" The turtle fairy finally waved.

Shalu in the picture launched his hands, with an evil smile, "I think you should not know me. I will introduce myself. My name is Shalu! It is what you said to eat people, this paragraph Millions who have disappeared in the air are killed by me! "

"Ah ... is a monster!" The camera is full of sweat, but he daresly escape, and the people who have just fled were killed by the monsters in front of them.

"Here I want to thank the dead art for the life of the life, of course, they should be honored, can be integrated with my universe!" Shalu continued, "Now you don't have to worry, I don't have it Need life essence ... "

At this time, all screen devices in the world are switched to the screen of the TBS TV, which is the picture of Shalu.

"Who is that guy?" The display in the gravity chamber is also a picture of Shalu, and the Berui brow wrinkled, stopped training, staring at the screen.

People in all places and cities around the world also stopped working in their hands, and their attention will be turned to Sha Lu. Everyone wants to know what this people's monsters want to say.

"I have listened, this time I brought a good news. July 5th after seven days, I will hold a universe-dowling conference to determine the strongest soldiers in the universe. Location is the star of death, At that time, my current TV station will broadcast! "Shalu cold channel.

"The Star of Death, isn't that the legend that cannot be logged in? There is no one can survive in that environment. This monster actually said there!" At this time, many people in the world have exposed doubts. Expression, "How is this?"

"You will pray that your warrior can win, if you lose, your all mankind will become my slave!" Sharu, "Of course, the masters on your planet can come, the number is not limited! Just Who can knock down me (good), all mankind will save! "

Bang! Suddenly Shalu launched a right hand in the wall, and the right hand shot a green light wave, directly bombarding the entire TV station as a slag.

"If no one is coming, this is the end of your planet!" Sha Lu smiled and refers to the ruins outside the opposite big hole, "Wow hahaha, pray! !"

! Finally, Shalu exploded the camera, various TV sets, and the display of the display instantly became a colored strip.

"Hey! I dare to be so crazy in front of me!" Bergi Tower raised his hand directly to shoot a light wave and smasted the display. "Don't wait until seven days, I will kill you now!"

Berga directly rushed out of the secret training base, flew to the air, the Begitta brow wrinkled, he didn't feel the night's gas.

"What is this going? Christty guy?"

1308 chapter, returning Bergi Tower

"Wait, there are two very powerful temperament in different directions!" Berji Tita brow wrinkled, "a feeling of gas is Bike ... Why is his feelings be so strong?"

Bergi Tower concentrates on cultivating and thinking that the night is shameful, it is completely ignorant of changes outside the world.

When he came out, the world outside has been completely different.

In addition to Bike, another gas sensation makes Bergita more surprised, it is a super-seizure, it is Telks.

Tex has always maintained a full-power state of the Super Saiyan, and Bergi Tower feels that this gas can make him unhappy.

"Who is it?" Berui is obviously more careful to the Super Saiyan.

! Bergi Tower flooded in the direction of the air to the Turtle Towel Island in Telks.

At this time, the Bergiita in the body was extremely fast, and it didn't take long before they bowed to the Turtle Treasure.

"This is the gas of Beji Tita!" Klelin's first looks out of the Turtle, Bergi Tita is outside the house.

"It's my father!" Tex was slightly surprised, and it was also moving outside the house.

Kelin looked at Beji Tita as a bit nervous. After all, this is the eve of Shauling. The atmosphere is the rhythm of the hometown. No one knows that Bergiita is here to come here.

-717- "Begitta, what do you do?" Kelin and Beap are also an acquaintance. Moreover Turkus is also around, so it is not afraid of Berga.

Bergiita will ignore the clinism, but to die at Terrus, Tex's full-power Saiyan state makes it a little uneasy, this feeling in the night. There is no feeling on the long wind.

Because the night length did not open the super-Saiyan, it was defeated to Behagi, so this is the strongest state of the Super Saaya first.

"Who are you, what is the relationship with our Saiyan?" Bergi Pied at Terx's cold.

"I ... My name is Teks, I am your future son!" Tex is changing into a super-seeda person, and there is a certain impact. There is nothing to conceal at this time, directly simply And disc trail.

"What do you say !!" The pupil in the eyes of Begita suddenly contracted, and the Bergiita planet has been destroyed. The photographic said that it should be in addition to the night's wind and him there is a last mystery, other Saiyan should Already died. (DBCH)

Moreover, Tex is so young, not like the look of Behagi Tower and the lifetime.

Beggetta originally thought that Tex and night cost should have anything, he did not expect Terx's son of his future.

Of course, Tex comes from the world of different timelines. The Bergiita, which is located at night, the world Timel, does not necessarily å, will combine Turkus in this world.

Strictly speaking, Tex and the Bergiita at this time are blood relationships, but they are not father and son, because different timelines do not interfere with each other.

"Father! No time to explain, now our enemy is Sharu, he is the biggest threat. Let's defeat him to protect the earth!" Terry said Shen Sheng said in Berga.

"It's evil ... Your kid must be lie to me!" Bergiita is not willing to admit that he is the father of Telks, and he speaks him in strict sense.

"What is the earth, how is it! These are not related to me!" Beggetta is set down, turned to Kelin asked, "Little Gang, Christie, why didn't you feel his gas?"

"Master cultivated in the spiritual time house, tomorrow!" "Turning the awareness of Tex.

"Spiritual Time House? Where is it? Where?" Bergata brow wrinkled.

Tex seems to be used to his timeline, there is a question about the question of Behagi Tower, directly under the consciousness, "there is a magical cultivation of the treasure!"

"Hey! Christie, I will solve you now, I am the strongest super-seizure!" Beggitta gave a message from the night, and the whole body pure gold was out of the sky.

Bergi Tower opened a super-Saiyan state in an instant, and then fly directly to the location whereby the Bike gas.

"Tex, why tell Bergi Tita's spiritual housing estate, he must go to mess!" Clin is very dissatisfied.

"Ah ..." Tex was coming back to God, "I am used to ..."

boom! Tex flew in Berga at this time, "I will chase him, so the key moment, I don't allow my father to come!"

! Two golden light scratches the horizon. At this time, the combat power is far from the Beji Tower, so quickly chasing Bergiita.

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