The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1343 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Ah, the stinky boy is also gone! Yamu tea, we have passed!" Kling turned to Yamu tea.

"No! Now I have to add a chaos, I am still waiting for your good news!" Since I met a human man, Yaxi Tea had felt that she had a rhythm of the era.

Don't say and fight the super-race, it is to fight with the universe, Yamu tea is very difficult, and it is also almost killed by a man.

This allows Yamu Teng's heart to rise.

"Okay!" Kling nodded, Klin still kept blood, and Shalu swallowing 18th, all the time, Allowed Clin.

! Kling flew up with a dance air, and flew in the direction of the heavens.

"Hey! The stinky boy is chasing, I want to follow me?" The Baggi Tita in the high-speed flight took note of Telks behind him.

"Why is the father will be so chaotic!" Tex brows crumpled, in the world of the timeline, Bergiita finally was very calm, and finally in the hands of people in the hands of people.

In front of you, this father, let Telks feel very strange, except for appearance, it is the two very different people.

"Ha!" Begita suddenly drunk, and immediately pure golden vitality is more boiling. The muscles of his body are also bulge.

boom! The speed of Bergiita is like electricity, and he is doubled by him, and instantly kicks the distance between Tex.

"Well?" Tex frowned, or a Putut, but the speed was quietly improved, and the blink of an eye was chasing Berga again, followed by Begita.

"This guy has the blood of the super-seizure, and it seems to be a bit of strength, it seems that there is no lying!" Berga has, in his heart, it has already believed in Turks.

In the eyes of a proud Baggee, only its own blood is so powerful.

1309 chapter, cloudy

Tianjie Square, covering the palace.

The Bike of your hands shoulders suddenly turned to look at the sky, and the two gold came down straight.

It is Tex and Bergiita.

"Begitta! What are you doing here?" The Bike didn't have a good sense of Bergi Tower. When the Bergiita just came to the earth, he killed once in the hand of Berga, which made the Bike Yu Hui.

"Bike!" Bergi Tower looked at Bike, "I heard that there is a place called a spiritual time here, Christie is cultivated inside?"

"What is it! This is not a relationship with you!" Bike is very casual, watching the Terx, Berki Tower, the Bike has already guessed the news is Terrus telling the Bibei Gitta.

"Take me in, I want to fight with Christie!" The golden light in the eyes of Berga.

"Oh ... Begda, you are still so big, this world is too fast, you can't catch up!" Bike did not put Baggita in the eyes.

"What do you say, do you want to fight with me?" Beggetta was so angry that Bergi Tower was so angry.

"Father, don't impulsive!" Turkish consciously pressed the shoulders of Begitta.

"Let me go, let you play together!" The furious Bergi Tower wanted to break the right hand of Tex, but found that he didn't have a way to press the power of a single hand.

The Bik's mouth is one, "We all cultivate in the spiritual time house, now you are not my opponent, hurry to glow me!"

"Tex's kid is also in the spiritual time, so it becomes so strong, and Christie is also cultivated in it. It seems really a cultivation treasure?" Bergata is set down. Although he is arrogant, it is not stupid.

Although Tex and Bike combat power are likely to be above him, Beggetta is very angry, but Bergi Tower is still forcibly suppressed in the heart.

Because he wants to become stronger!

"Let me go in, I can help you solve your heart and abdomen in Salu!" Berga suddenly turned.

"Hey! Do you think I will believe in you?" Bike snorted.

"Bike let his father go in, more people also have more power!" Turkus suddenly opened, although Tex didn't like Begita in this timeline, but Terx Still accustomed to the Beji Tower as oneself.

"With you, this guy will kill the night, I can't take advantage of!" "Hai ... Baclope, directly turned to leave, no longer ruin Terx and Begitta.

"Kid! Don't take him, come in!" Berga is more curious about the spiritual time.

"Come with me!" Tex led Begita to the spiritual time house, explained the features of the spiritual time house and what to pay attention to in Berga. Harazak [≮ alternative:?

"In the inside, it has been in the past one day?" Berga's eyes were moving, and there was no waiting for Tex, directly pushed into the spiritual treasure.

Quickly walk through [Bath] room and food storage room, Bergi Tita has brushed a door again, looked up at the moment, Bergata completely stunned, and the scene in front of his eyes shocked.

... The entire eyes of the whole eyes, and in this boundless space center, the night-long windpin legs are in the air, and he is a black lightning. [3

The number of these lightning is exaggerated. It is basically covering all the scope of the Lord of Bergiita. At this time, when the black lightning is hidden, Bergi Tower finds that he can't move.

Being a strong anti-resistance of death [pressure] in the original place, one step will not move.

"Bergi Tower!" At this time, the night long-term winds slowly opened, the green eyes were as deep as the universe, like the Beji Tower inhabited.

"Gram ... Christie! Can be evil ... Why can't I move!" Bergita's full body is purely golden super-fascia, but it is still unable to break free.

"Because you and my strength are the difference between the heavens and the earth!" The sound of the night-catching wind made Berga anger to break through the horizon.

The whole body muscles rise again, and the entire person of Bergi Tower has doubled, completely turned into a muscle monster!

It is the third phase of the Super Saiyan!

"Oh, I didn't expect you to cultivate the third stage of the super Saaya outside the earth. It is worthy of the Prince of the Saiyan, the blood concentration is too high!" The night long-lasting angle appeared in a smile, "but There is no egg use! "

··· ▉ ▉ ···

"I am evil! I have to defeat you, Christty! I am the strongest Saiyan!" Berga kept called, but the body still could not move half points.

! At this time, the black lightning of the night long-winding is poured into the night-long wind, and the light of the night's wind disappears, and the super-Saiyan full-power looks very common.

At this time, the night-long wind feeled in the vitality of the vitality, and its density is completely different. Although it is a pure gold super-seizure, but the night growers can feel clear, whether it is quality or quantity and There are several grades in the previous comparison.

........ [.... [▉ ...

"Is this the state of exceeding the Super Saaya?" The night's mouth is slightly lifted, "the number of lottery is worth it!"

Slowly clench double punch, slowly loosen, and night long wind never feel so powerful.

At this time, the night lengthy wind even felt that he moved his fingers to kill Bergi Tower in an instant, there is a kind of illusion that is gang.

Of course, this is only the feeling of the night's strength and the limit of the ultimate limit, and the true God of the real high-end face and the strength of the heavens and the earth are also the gap between the heavens and the earth.

"Ah, ah ..." Bergi Tita blends, began to constantly scream, and he surrounded his body to be deformation.

"Bergi Tower, look at the Swranz, I will help you!" The night-lived wind is ready to go to the right hand, then the right hand, then the slow contraction.

... At the same time, the body of Bergi Tower is also constantly compressed in the invisible energy, and blood is exuded from his body, and more and more.

Berga is full of anger, it is faster than adult, and the night is stimulating Baggi Tower, and wants to stimulate the super-Saiyan blood in his body.

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