The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1344, Chapter 1344, Chapter 1344, Chapter 1344

This is a quite radical approach. If you don't pay attention to it, you may kill Berga directly.

But at the same time, this is also one of the fastest progress of the Sairaneans, and burst out the potential of true Saiyan blood in life and death.

1310 chapter, born for fighting

Bang! The full body of the Bergiita under the heavy pressure begins to crazy injection, and the whole person's body has begun to reduce back to the original state.

"The Saiya's blood concentration in Berga is very high, the talent is stronger than me!" The night is very surprised to look at Bergi Tower.

Bergi Tita has had a sign of excellence to the super-winning power state. It is necessary to know that Tex is spent for a long time and has begun to break through the continuous guidance of night.

Even if the night wind is also spent a lot of time, and the Bergi Tower has just been signs of breakthroughs in a strong stimulus.

"Next, look at your own creation!" The night's wind and right hand slowly released, and immediately recovered.

Shu, the whole body is the blood of the Bergiita half a half of the ground. At this time, his consciousness "987" is actually a bit blurred, but the body of Bergi Tower is automatically absorbed in the madness. Email.

... The Bergi Tower constantly recovered, at the same time, when he became gold, it became gold and returned to black, and the state looks extremely unstable.

In fact, Begda has been broken through the third stage of the Super Saiyan, and the vital gas in the body is already close to the breakthrough, but it is not pressing at the moment when the moment is long.

Because the night long wind has entered a new stage, and it has accumulated a breakthrough after the spiritual time of the housing, and the fighting power of the night's wind did not think so much.

Looking at the numbers in the top white void, the night grows in the spiritual time of the house, half a year, for this half year, the night is still not planning.

The number of lottery points is consumed, and the night-catching wind is naturally the best value to do with all the remaining value.

It is no longer subject to Behagi Tower, and the night grows begins to continue to practice in spiritual hours. On the one hand, the realm of stability has just improved. On the other hand, the night-catching winds begin to try to have no evidence due to insufficient yuan.

There is another advantage that there is almost boundless, and the night long does not have to worry about what will be destroyed. The tricks are all released, and it feels very refreshing, but unfortunately a true opponent.

The time to practice is always very fast, and the time is swaying for half a year, and the night is ready to leave the spirit.

At this time, Beji Tita was more early, and he was never cultivated in a place where the night is growing.

Bergiita has already broken through the full power state of the Super Saaya, but he didn't leave and didn't look for the trouble of the night.

Bergiita knows that the gap between his current and night is still too big. There is no possibility of defeating the night's wind, but Bergiita always believes that he can defeat the night.

He looked at the cultivation of night long winds, and self-adjusting the method of cultivation.

Night live wind did not go to Piji Tower, Bergi Tower's talented talented in the Saiyan breakthrough, and in understanding and vision, it is completely full of foreign countries, and even Tex is not as good. Therefore, the night-hearting wind did not pay attention to the stealing of Berga.

"Bergi Tower, you can only go out for two years, don't be too greedy." The night greeting flashed to Baggi Tower reminded.

Bergiita is also an important opponent. Night wind does not want Begita being trapped in spiritual housing.

"My business doesn't have to take you!" Bergata thought so long, actually dead duck mouth hard, this skin thickened to make the night grew well.

The numbers on the top of the head are getting smaller and smaller, and the night is not returning to Baggi Tower but pushes the door from spiritual time homes.

"Out, the long wind is coming!" Kelin, who has come to the heavens, has already waited outside the secret palace, seeing the figures of the night, and the clove is quite excited.

"Night-hard wind this guy really stayed for four days, how did he do?" Bik's eyes are full of confusion.

Turkks on the side is also facial, if the night's wind is really sleepy in the spiritual treasure, not only the earth, the entire universe may fall into the danger.

"Terry, your kid is not afraid that I am too silent.", The troubled guy in Berga is coming? "The night grew is deliberately ridiculed Terry

"This ... Amount ..." Tex touched his head, his face was slightly red, and Bergiita did it. "Master, how is my father?"

"It has broken through the super-Saaya full power state, but the guy of Bergiita seems to be very dissatisfied with me, I still want to stay in it longer!" The night's wind is very casual ...?

"Don't take him! The kind guy let him die in the spiritual time!" Bike slowly went to the night, asked directly, "Night long wind, why can you be in spirit? Take a long time in the house? "

"This is related ... I am related to my physical fit!" Night long wind casually found a reason to smother.

"What do you feel, can you defeat Sha Lu?" Kelin will take the head and ask.

"I can feel the gas of Sha Lu, it seems that he feels great!" The night's wind felt that Shalu's gas was completely different in the moment of the spiritual treasure.

"Yes! His look also has changed! It is evil, and I don't know how much innocent people can absorb much!" Kelin is holding double boxing, and there is 18 in the brain.

The night long wind is shaking his head. "I read more than just absorbing human essence is so simple ..."

"Master, do you have a grip?" Terry couldn't help but ask.

"To be honest ..." The night's voice is awkward, and everyone's heart is suspended, "I don't know!"

"I ..." Clin and others have exposed a very embarrassing expression, "Changfeng, you don't know!"

"This level of opponent 3.7 does not personally make fun of it, it is not known, but isn't this more interesting?" The nozzle angle of night is slightly lifted.

For now, there is nothing more exciting than there is a fight against a battle.

"Interesting?" Terrus stunned.

Klin and Bick are first glimpse, then the corner of the mouth has a smile.

"The long wind is still the old, I haven't changed, when you are so confident!" In the impression of Clin, the night-lived wind didn't have any opponent, which is always a feeling of this.

"Night wind, this guy ... maybe I will never catch him!" Brake flashed and a picture of the night-catching battle and the side of the side.

This guy is born for the battle!

Bike heart can't help but rise such a thought ...

1311 chapter, crying

There are still six days in the sky, the time of Shaluo.

"Klin, do you want to try it?" Night wind pointed to the spiritual time house.

Kelin Xiaoguang headed with the rollover, "I will not go in, even if I can't help but I can't help but I am busy!"

"No, Kllin, don't look at the potential of the Earth people, you just haven't been developed yet!" Nightly shot the shoulders of Klin, "It is a great cultivation, the border king Planets are good, you can try it! "

"Good! Since you have said words, then I will try it." Kling nodded, "But I don't guarantee that you can stay with you for two years!"

"Well! Don't be reluctant, try your best." The night-long wind got Kn, entered the spiritual time.

"Master, what should I do next? Where do we get cultivation?" Terry rose sharply with night long style, and some dependent on the night.

Night wind is very random surrendering 31 shrugs, "I have a rest for six days, nothing to do! After six days, everyone will take my Star Lowns to death!"

"Ah ... just a rest, is it good? Master, don't you say that there is no complete grasp to defeat Sha Lu?" Terrus was confused.

"Six days is too short, even if it is difficult to make a progress in the universe! It is better to relax. Your kid is just two years in the spiritual time, and I have been "The night is laughing," I stayed in the whole four years in it! "

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