The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1345 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"This ..." Terry, he has been eager to eliminate the huge threat of the human man.

In his timeline world, Tex has been fighting, almost no chance to rest.

"Take it tired, stop, rest for a while. Don't do it, it is thinking and comprehension, you will intend to harvest!" The night long-lasting style slowdown out of his habit.

Night wind is not a robot, it is impossible to have a constant cultivation, and whenever it cultivates a certain stage, he will have a while.

Nothing, just thinking and comprehension, or martial arts, etc., often at this time, night long wind can understand some new things.

On the other hand, after the perfection of the TBS TV station, he captured a large number of TV stations, completely regarded himself as an empire.

Some people who were afraid of death took the initiative to become the hands of Sha Lu, Sharu took these people who compressed a lot of TV stations came to the Science Institute of the city in TBS.

Shalu needs to rush to death in the universe boat here.

The distance between the death of the earth is not far from the distance, but it is not near, at least three or four days in the speed of the institute's spacecraft, these materials are in the Shalu brain.

Therefore, Shalu went to the institute in order to go to the institute, and it was directly destroyed in the institute.

When Shalu is preparing to rush to death, the Federal Defense Department Tianzun sent a large number of army to the research institute and prepared to destroy the monster Shalu.

At this time, the night long wind and Kiki and Booema are playing on the beach in the island of Turtles, and the screaming of the Turtle Cactus is called into the turtle house.

"What happened, Wu Tianshi Master?" Asked at night.

"Changfeng, you watch TV!" The turtle fairy refers to the TV.

"Now live emergency news, in order to destroy the monster Sha Lu, Tiandu's army has surrounded the group of Shalu Hide. Now, please watch the picture from the scene ..." The screen of the anchor in the TV is turned. The research institute in the city in TBS appeared in front of the night length.

"These guys are crazy, actually want to fight against Shalu with hot weapons!" Night wind is very speechless, no matter which time and space, the army is a representative of typical brain.

In the picture, Tianduard is a sky-covered land. There are new tanks, there are rocket guns. There are various combat power and many land warfare people who look still very might on the surface. It is actually paper paste.

"Great, I finally have someone to save us!" TBS was teared by the captive staff, thinking that he is going to be saved.

"Hey!" Saru is flying above the sky, looking down at the various hot weapons, Shalu, "Dr. Geor is correct, human beings are a group of stupid creatures ! "

"It is the monster named Sha Lu, he wants to escape!" One of the human army is wearing green military clothing, the old man who is full of medals, "Give me fire! Cover the monster!"

"But the general, he also captured civilians!" The old man said a middle-aged officer persuaded.

"Shut up! This is a war, what is a few people? What is it! Give me a fire, unlimited fire! Take him a slag!" The old general turned the dead command.

"Yes! All forces are ready ... fire!"

boom! boom! boom!

clatter! clatter! clatter!

At a time, the thousands of tens of thousands of tens of thousands of military surrounded by the Institute have a fire in the air.

The bullets that cover the sky, all of the shells shot to Sha Lu's weeks, these shells are precisely guided, so they are very accurate and intensive, almost 940 Shalu whole body is covered.

Boom Lung Lung ... The dramatic explosion continues to sound continuously, exploding the flames, swallowing Shalu instantly.

"This is the picture of the scene, so violent offensive, but also continues! Such a powerful firepower, even if it is God can't live!" The essays of the female anchor were introduced.

"What rule the whole universe! Haha, this green skin monster is too small to see our human army, this is the end of our invincible army!" The Tiandun army's generals loudly smiled at the right hand, showing the attack.

"Yeah ... hit the target, and did not hurt the civilians!"

"Great, we have won!" All soldiers of Tianduard began to cheer, a bit of boiling.

"Stupid crying, this group of guys!" The night's wind shook his head, and said that the army science and technology on the earth in the world is still too weak.

In fact, this is also a place where the night is not thinking. It is clear that Dr. Georo can make this kind of fighting force, but the strongest technology is generally used for military science and technology civilization. The combat power is five slag.

The fire and dust of the explosion gradually dissipated, and a green figure was unsatisfied from the smoke from the smoke.

It is perfect to Body Salu!

1312 chapter, new God

"How can this possible ..." Tiandu's army's retirement is straightforward, and the madness of the old general is so, and the entire TV screen is quiet.

"Stupid human beings!" Shalu's eyes flashed, and the right hand lightning stretched [out], the body turned a circle in the air.

Bang! A circle of green radiopes was taken out by Shalu, almost instantly enveloped the army of the sky, all the military was overlooked by the energy sea in an instant.

Booming ... The ground is directly exploded by the ground under Shalu.

"Ah ..." The captive staff in the Institute held his hands with his hands, and the scene of the end of the eyes made them unforgettable.

"This ..." At this time, the screen of the TV turned into white flowers, the anchor was also silent, and the world is watching the people after this strength, silent in front of the TV.

"It's evil! This Sharu is really no humanity!" The turtle fairy has a face color.

"Hey! This guy in Sha Lu is really fallen, but it actually pays these waste!" The night is standing directly.

"Changfeng, where are you going?" Burma hurriedly asked.

"The Bike told me to go to the heavens, I will come back!" Night long wind flew again to the heaven again.

"Bike finds him, what happened?" Burma looked up at the night-hearted wind and Tex flew up, and the two lights in the sky disappeared in the sky.

On the other side, Shalu is the TBS staff who pressed his captive, with the largest spacecraft in the Institute, take off directly, soon flying out the earth, flying to the terrorist planet outside the sun - death Star!

"Wait! Night long wind, I want to return you the pain you give me a lot of pain!" Sharu sat in the driving of the space, the double boxing slowly.


Night long winds and Tex are always maintained a full-power state of the Super Saiyans, and the two don't spend much time back to the heaven.

"Bike, what do you find me ~ ‖?" Night Changshi just landed to Tianjie Square and saw a long time.

"Uncle's uncle, I haven't seen you for a long time!" The people just have just arrived from the other planet to the Earth. Dandi.

"Haha, it is Dandi! You really have a lot!" The night grew up.

"Changfeng ... I came out ..." Just at this time, Klin shakes the small bald head from the spiritual housing exit.

In less than a day, Klin cultivated in the spiritual time of the house, it has been in the next year, and finally can't help but come out.

"Kelin, your boy came out so soon!" Night long wind turned to look at Kelin, and a year's practice makes Kling's gas has grown a lot.

So far, Kllin is really a first person in the earth, even Tianjin rice is not as strong as Clin at this time.

" ... The spirit of the spirit is indeed a lot of treasure, and the vitality is simply not exhausted, but it is too bored. I almost suffocated!" Klin smiled.

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