The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1346 of the Chapter 1346 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Uncle Klin!" Kelin suddenly heard a familiar scream, Dandi came out of the night long.

"Wow! Dandi, you are finally here!" Kelin haha ​​laughed, "Is this this time to come to the local ball?"

"Well! I have promised the old days!" Dan Di nodded, and at the same time, he turned to look at the Bike.

"Dandi, do you want to create a new dragon ball or reactivate the Grove Dragon Ball?" Bike asked, "You are still small, can you do?"

"No problem, Bike! Dandi is being seen by me to be able to surpass you the master of the most beautiful King people!" The night grew is stunned with Dandi's shoulders.

"Hey ..." Danyi smiled shy, then, "I want to restore the power of the earth, this, I can do it right away!"

"Very good! Are you the same as the Earth Dragon Ball Wait and the previous Dragon Ball?" Night-hard wind asked the key issue.

"Yeah, this is very important. It is best to make many people resurrect, for example, let people who have killed by Shalu!" Kelin rushed.

It is very concerned about this point of Klin because he wants to resurrect 18.

"Yes, as long as you give him strength one by start. However, in this case, the one-time collection of Qi Longzhu can only achieve two wishes. If you are the same as the Mek Star Dragon, you can achieve three wishes!" Dan Di [ Two fingers.

"Two wishes will be two wishes, and the ability to resurrect in a single performance, this is more practical!" Night long-winding.

"That is doing it! Dandi!" Bike nodded agreed.

"I understand, may I ask, is the model of Shenlong?" Dandy asked.

"In it!" Boke turned to the BOBO, "BOBO, and put the model!"

"Yes!" BOBO handed the model of the earth dragon to Dandi, "This model is Bobo, I did it!"

"This shape is very good!" Dandy looked at the model in his hand surprised.

The night length of the wind is laughing, and the god dragon to do in the night, and the god dragon to do is still handsome, and the god of the United States is special like a small BOSS, that is really wonderful.

Snapped! Danyi put the dragon model on the ground and then launched the model with both the model, and began to ignite the Manta's spell.

"Great Namek's God, please give Shen Dragon power, your light will be shining ..." Due to the night's style, he understands Dandi's spell, listening to Dandi like a small God stick.

bass! At the moment of Danyi, the model of Shenlong glows, and it is getting brighter.

boom! Finally, the Shenlong model has a golden light from the sky and directs the sky.

!!! This golden light column finally dispersed into seven roads, flew down from the sky, flying to the different orientations on the earth, the whole process is very fast, that is, a few minutes.

After the heavens are again (?! "After restoring calm, Dan Di turned around to look at everyone," Completed, Dragon Ball has recovered power! "

"Yes, it is so fast?" Night weather originally thought that Dandi would spend longer.

"Too good, Dandi is really a genius!" The Bike's mouth has a smile.

"Well! Since Dragon Balls have been restored, I will go to Qi Qilong Ball!" The night's wind and right hand, showing dragon-gun radar.

! Night wind turns on the button of the top of the dragon-headed radar, and seven highlights have been shown on the screen.

The power of the Earth Dragon Ball does have to be completed!

"Master, don't you use special training?" Tex asked again.

"Terry, your kid is really embarrassed, I have said it, you and Klin will accompany Dandi!" Night long wind turned his head nodded, "I gone first!"

bass! The voice is just falling, and the moving figure has disappeared ...

Chapter 1313, Death Star

Under the full-power state of the super-seedae, the night length is very fast, and the seven dragon balls have been collected without spending.

It didn't directly call the dragon to achieve the desire, and if you don't have everything, you will use the dragon ball. In this way, if there is any accident, you can reverse it with a magical dragon ball forces.

bass! When the night is growing, the right hand is turned, and the last dragon ball collected into the small world.

! Starting again, the night is very fast returning to Tianjie Square.

Just at this time, Begitta in the spiritual time is slowly coming out.

At this time, Blonde-inverted Bergi Tower maintains the full-power state of the Super Saiyans, and the feeling of the past is completely different.

"Oh, Bergi Tower, you finally came out?" Night's mouth is angry, "it seems that it is not small!"

"Christie!" Berga looked at the night long wind, and Jin Guang was surging.

Begitta cultivated a whole two years in the spiritual time, and he quickly broke through the most powerful state of the Super Saiyan, which was a full power state.

And the next time, no matter how the Bergi Tower cultivates the absorption of the vitality, in addition to the vitality of the vitality, the combat power is not -420-break, Bergiita will not break through the Super Saaya.

Bergiita has realized that when he just entered the spiritual treasure, the night's wind has broken through the state of the Super Saiyan, although I don't know how the time is currently the current force, but Begitta is very clear. Know, now he is by no means a night.

I will always fall behind the night, which makes the proud Saiyan prince are very angry, but there is no way.

"Changfeng, this is a bit bad!" Kelin turned his head to the night growth.

"What happened, why everyone is so nervous, do you have anything?" Asked the night's wind.

"Yeah, you didn't ask Dragon Ball at once, but like this, like the previous Earth Dragon Ball, people can't resurrect again ..." Klin explained.

"I am very sorry, I don't know clearly in advance!" Dandi is very annoyed.

The night long shot took Dandi's shoulders, very casual: "This is nothing! Dandi, you don't have to put it on your heart, our resurrected people are not dead!"

"Don't die! The enemy is Saruye, Changfeng, do you have an absolute grasp?" Julin exudes a cold sweat on the forehead.

"Believe me!" I nodded at night, and then glanced at all people. "Time is almost the same, we can also go to death, willing to watch the battle, the remaining people will stay Waiting for good news! "

The night-catching wind has a show, a battleship covering the sky slowly showing the crowd of people now, it is the Star Lowns.

The first time I saw the Biki Tita and others of the Star Lower Battles were very surprised. Tex from the future of the world is rising, and there is no such thing in his future. A grand giant star ship.

It seems that it is not a human technology, but a super high level of the alien.

bass! Looking at the right hand in the night, a white ▉ shot from the bottom of the Star Ling Bayer in the square of the heavens, the whole is a big circle, more than ten meters in diameter, enough to accommodate hundreds of people while landing the Star War.

Of course, this range is controllable, even if the one-time landing 10,000 people is not a problem.

The night's wind first lifted the white light. Then Clin, the Bik, and Tex also walked into the aperture.

bass! The radiance passed, and the night-long waiters disappeared in the same place and came to the Star Warcraft.

"Welcome to the Star Lowns, the ship is long!" The artificial intelligence of the Star Ling Battle ship sounded.

"The Star Lowers, the Star of Target Death, Going forward!" Night Changfeng Directly ordered, this time, the night did not let Xingling battle ship jumped.

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