The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1347 of the Chapter 1347 of the Super Short of Tennis Prince

(DBFF) There are still a few days from the battle time of the Ten Day. If you jump directly, then it is too fast, and you don't want to wait for Shalu, just fly through the past, then time is just almost.

"Kelin, you take them to see the Star War Ship!" Night long wind turned to the Kark Road of the landing warship.

"Okay!" Klin nodded, "Give it to me, I am also a deputy captain!"

After visiting the Financial Battleship, everyone came to the training room cultivation, and the night grew is to relax in the entertainment room.

After a few days, I have been swaying, and finally it is about 10 days.

Death star.

The star of the Death is called Bermuda, the universe. The whole planet is very huge, and the jaritar in the solar system is quite, and there is a satellite band with the planet.

This satellite belt is the first obstacle to the star of Death. It is a ring of death. A lot of spaceships who want to land in the dead star are pulled by satellites, and they are directly after the satellite. explosion.

The whole dead star is the soil [yellow] color, the temperature difference is very large, sometimes it can reach less than one hundred degrees, sometimes it can be a few hundred degrees, and everywhere is sandstorm.

In addition, various projections on the table are active volcanoes, and some magma are shorted from time to time.

It can be said that it is extremely bad, almost impossible to visit the dead star, and survive.

At yesterday, the space of the universe ride in Shalu went to the dead star, when flying over the ring of death, the spaceship hit the satellite.

As a result, Shalu flew out of the spacecraft, and a punch bombarded the satellite in front of the spaceship, so that the spacecraft passed the satellite band to death.

Shalu chose a very large canyon as the final battle, hundreds of kilometers of the whole canyon, surrounded by live volcanoes.

It is also a region where there is no sandstorm in the dead star, it is very suitable for fighting.

Of course, there is still air on the star of death, but the oxygen is very thin, the average person landed to death, there is no space in the space clothes, will die for more than ten minutes.

After finding the grounds of the battle, Shalu commanded the staff of the TBS TV station to operate various flight robots in a remote manner.

At this time, the perpetual Saru hands shoulders stand in the center of the giant cany, and a pair is not waiting for it. "Come on, the night is long! This time I want you to despair! I am the most universe. Strong individual, after killing you, I will rule the whole universe! "

"Be the king of the real universe!" Shalu's mouth smiled, this picture passed through the imaging of the flight robot, and passed the major TV station on the earth.

Chapter 1314, the duel

"The world's unique monster Sha Lu has reached the star of death, it is unbelievable, how did he do it?" The anchor of major TV stations began to comment on the picture.

"Everyone saw it? Saru is standing in the Canyon's center! And will our heroes appear? Who will stop Shalu!" Explain it in the studio on the earth.

At this time, the people of the whole earth are nervous, and they are looking forward to the kind of hero in comics to save the world, not, to save the universe.

boom! At this time, the giant cany was over, a large glowing ship slowed down, it was the Star Lowns.

"I am finally here!" Sharu looked up and looked at the Star Lowers.

"Amazing! Our hero finally appeared, such a giant aircraft, who will be?" Along with the roaring of the TV station, the hearts of the audience all over the world mentioned the eyes.

bass! At this time, the hatch at the bottom of the Star Ling Battle was slowly opened, and five of them flew directly from the air.

"Wow! They can fly!" Explain is very angry.

Snapped! When five people landed in the canyon, the flight robots of TBS TV have given five people a close-up.

"Ah! It's three blonde people and a bald head, and one is ... this is ..." Suddenly stunned, the last person, his impression is too deep, it looks like a better than the world. The Grand Devil is exactly the same, but it is more young.

"Is this a Bachelor? Who is the other four people?" Explaining the madman to let the staff look for five people's information.

"Decisive Battle time is finally arriving, God bless long-wind them, they are fine!" Burma is watching a live broadcast in Turtles.

despair! I haven't waited for the night, and Berga flew directly to Shalu.

"Well, is this not Begita? Berga in this world is still alive, and the combat power seems to be very high!" Shalu was cold and glanced at Berga.

"The guy of Bergiita also advocates it!" Julin said dissatisfaction.

"Master, this ..." Tex was shocked.

"Oh, this is good, I also want to see what the power progress in Bergiita is now!" The night long windpoint angle came to a smile.

At the same time, the night length sweeps Shalu, and the Shalu style is different from before, and the gas is very unprecedented.

"What did this guy absorbed?" The night's brows pick one.

"Ah! The first one is a blonde man in front of the world's business enemy sand. Who is it? Can he be able to overcome Sha Lu?" The explanation of the mouth is just like the machine gun.

At this time, the hands of Shalu hug slowly opened, and the battle of Behagi Tower and the perfection of the Baburo was ready.

"Start!" Terry and Clin face.

Night lives look at the two people in the center of the canyon: "▉ ,, come to a wonderful confidence, let me see the dignity of the prince of the Salas!"

"Want to go to Behagi Tower to test my strength?" Shalu double punch pinned. Set

Snapped! Bergi Tita is open, full of cold looks at Sha Lu, "I can't see Baggi Tower, you will regret it!"

"Do it!" Sha Lu did not put Baggita in his eyes.

! The Begita in the Super Saiyan full-power is finally moved, and almost instantly arrived in Saru, Beruita kicked to Shalu's head.

boom! Shalu navigy has a lightning, and instantly blocked the banga's heavy feet.

boom! Shalu is the back of a boxing to Behagi, and Bergiita is also flashing in time, bang, the ground of the canyon has been a huge pothole.

boom! boom! boom! Two people are close to fighting, several breathing rooms, have been playing hundreds of tricks, and the dust around it is rolled into the air, and the sound is abnormal.

"This ... What is this level of fighting?" I have seen it, I'm watching, Bergi Tower and Shalu's fighting make the audience world open.

The previous so-called conference and the world champion were confrontation, and there were children in such a battle.

In fact, Shalu and Begitta's battle is far more intense than the human imagination of the earth.

Bergiita is at this time, and the body is very much in vivo, and the combat power is super.

This state in Bergiita can completely complete the full Shaul, but Saru at this time is no longer full of Shaul, but more powerful perfect.

The combat rhythm of the two is getting faster and faster, the move is simply unclear, even if the major TV stations play back in slow lens, they still can only see the residual.

······· Flowers, ······

! At this time, Sha Lu suddenly slammed the fog of the smoke, and rushed to the sky.

"Drink!" And Bergiita is also a big drink, followed by Shalu, and launched his hands on Sha Lu.

"Glitter!" Begitta raised two golden light columns against Shalu.

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