The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1348, Chapter 1348, Chapter 1348

The two light columns were incorporated into a huge light column to come to Shalu.

"Hey!" Sha Lu snorted, his hands and green essence surged in Shalu's arms.

boom! Sha Lu actually uses the flash of Baggi Tower directly with both hands, and it is bounced with huge golden columns.

!!! This light column directly instantly runs a living volcano in the canyon.


Bang! Many tall living volcanoes are cut off, and the pillars of the magma are sprayed.

Flying the robot in the air recorded these pictures and then passed to the major battles of the earth, explained that the audience in front of the TV was stupid.

This is no longer the battle of martial artists, and the two of Shauli and Bergiita have just begun to warm up. It is also a cool movie for ordinary people. It has to doubt the authenticity.

bass! At the moment of Shalu, Berlita disappeared in the original place. He seems to have to know that the flash can not attack Shalu, just regard the flashing gun as an impact of attracting Shaul.

boom! At the time of again, Begda came to Shalu's back, a boxing of the bonding of the wings behind Sha Lu.

"Stuffed!" Sharu's back, this place is one of his most vulnerable places. Of course, this is just relative, in fact, in Bergata, Saru is still hurt.

This anti-day defense makes the Bergi Tower slightly, this is this kung fu, Shalu counter-hand, directly on the chin of Berga.

The head of the Bergilta is a bit stiff.

Bang! Shalu flashed to the top of Berga, and his hands and one hand, the chest to Behagi Tower was coming to a 'diamond star Dust Punch', Bergi Tita was directly drained directly into the map of the canyon.

PS: Today, the body is not very comfortable, and last night did not fall asleep last night. Today is more than two more, I still go to sleep, I will go to sleep.

1315 chapter, is suppressed

boom! Begitta is frown in the air, forcibly flip the body, then turn over the same hand, the big place in the canyon is shocked, and it quickly resumed calm.

! The permeated body Salu is directly dropped directly from the air, and the two will be alive again.

"The warm-up activity can be almost over!" Shalu's mouth smiled coldly.

"Ah, I will make you rare!" Bergi Tita is full of murderous eyes.

At this time, the explanation of major TV stations on the earth has become dumb, which has exceeded their understanding.

"The real battle is going to start!" Kelin has a little nervous clenching fist.

"What happens?" The night's wind is a slightly lifting of the mouth, compared to the fullness of the permeate of the strength, the night grows is actually surprised by the growth of Begitta.

"Nine Zer3", the strength of Beggetta is also difficult to confront to the current perpetrability of Baggi Tower even in the spiritual treasure house.

In fact, the speed and strength of Bergi, but the permeate of Shalu is not the same.

Of course, just a warm-up, the next is the true life and death.

! At this time, the Bagge Titar of the canyon center is rushed, crossed on the chest.

"Father's eyes change!" Terry was shocked.

"Hey! Want to press me?" The perfection of the sislody of the mouth, flashed a touch.

Bang! Bergi Tita has a fist in full open, and the generous vitality of the whisper has skyrocketed, and the waves from the whole person are released in an instantaneous stone in the canyon.

Booming ... The flight robots who are in the air are exploding, and the hair is also blown by the hair of the night-catching people who watch the war. If the Clin is not to be pulled by the night, it is necessary to be suddenly The air wave blows down!

... At this time, the full body of Berga's full body is boiling, and the whole person becomes very cold.

"This is the true strength of Begita now?" Bigns widened his eyes.

"Powerful ... It's a father ... this is far on me!" Terry is also shocked. He thought that after cultivating in the spiritual treasure, the combat power should be above Begitta.

On the side of the night, I nodded, "is because of the blood of the Saayan prince ... I just stimulated him, grow to the strength of the super-Saaya people. But ..."

When the night long-winded green eyes flashed a unrecognizable disappointment, he originally look forward to Behagi Tower to be stronger!

At this time, many TV stations on the earth are flowers. After the flight robot explodes, there is no scene in the scene.

"What happened? What happened?" The roaring roaring sounded, "the spare robot!"

Soon, under remote control, the spacecraft of Shalu flew out of the spare camera robot, and the scene on the scene returned to normal.

"Wow! What is the blonde's hero? After the sudden explosion, his body seems to be a fire ..." The comments of the major TV stations and the global audience have reached a sluggish.

At this time, the perfection of the sislody of the mouth, snorted, "Hey! Are you showing me?"

"Ha!" Sha Lu's hands and then he was a mad.

bass! The perfect body Saru Zuoyu is shot at this time, these flash straight horizon, breaking through the death of the star Huangsha filled the atmosphere directly to the universe.

Bang ... Saru Zudy's range of green flames boiled, followed by a voyage wave, more amazing than just that Bergiita is actually amazing.

As far as the Bike's body was pushed, it took a long footprint trace on the ground.

Kllin is more hands to hold his head. If you don't use the energy shield to protect the Clin, it is enough to let Clin injured.

... Like Begita, Shalu is boiling with dark green villaises, and it is burned.

Just a spare robot was once again destroyed, and the picture of major TV stations on the earth was still stagnant.

"But it is in other planets, if you are so bad on the earth, I don't know what it would be!" Bike hands shoulders, browbing.

The two people in the center of the canyon are far on Bick, which makes Bike very uneasy.

"I will start now, the real battle!" The golden light in the eyes of the eyes ...

In the canyon, Bergiita stepped into Sha Lu step by step, the voyele of the two worked in the air, the Mars was splashing, and the air was compressed to explode.

"Start!" Sharu looked at Bergata Road.

boom! Shalu words just fell, Baggiita was born in Sha Lu's abdomen, and then continuously watched the second punches in the chest of Shalu.

After two dull hits, Bergi Tower then flew up and flying, and the right foot kicked in Shalu's chin, and the people of others will also kick the people in the air.

! Sha Lu launched the wings behind the air. After stunning in the air, the wings behind Sha Lu, and Shalu became back to the ground.

"Hey! I really didn't expect this time and space of Bergi Tower to have such a powerful strength, but this is good, if this is not the same, then this game is not fun!" Sha Lu, show cruel Smile.

"There is a nonsense! There is a matter of this!" Bergi Tower's expression began to have a little mad, the attack of Bergiita originally thought that it can cause harm to Sha Lu, while Shalu, which is completely hard, looks at it. No.

boom! At this time, Shalu suddenly disappeared in the same place.

"Well!" The pupil in the eyes of Bergi Tower suddenly contracted, and Shalu had already appeared behind him and was a boxing back to him. 0.3

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