The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1349 of the Chapter 1349 of the Prince of Tennis

! Bergiita also disappeared in an instant, and then came to Sha Lu's side.

boom! boom! boom! The two people began to fist the feet, and the speed was twice as fast as the warm-up.

The flight camera machine that is dispatched in the space is only flying in the sky, far from the camera. Only a dull collision on the picture is getting faster and faster, it will not see the figure, the two people are too fast, and the camera is very fast. The picture cannot be captured.

It is completely hard and hard to get the upper strength.

After the loud noise, the right face in Berga was bombed in Shalu, and the body group was fly out, and finally unloaded again and Shaul.

The strength of the two people is amazing, but it is now, the perfection of Shalu is still stabilizing the Baggi Tower, at least in the pure power and speed, Bergiita.

1316 chapter, desperate counterattack

"Ha ha ha ha ..." Just at this time, Sha Lu was laughed.

"What are you laughing!" Bejita brow wrinkled, and asked.

Sha Lu's hands on the chest, "This duel is really too interesting! This trick I am going to leave the night's wind, now let you know that I really work!"

"That starting is!" Kelin looked at Sha Lu's movement.

"It is a move of Tianjin rice!" And Tianjin rice, the night's life, the night, nature, is naturally familiar.

bass! At this time, Shalu slowly launched his hands. At the same time, Sha Lu's body is actually divided into two, and then in terms of four!

There are four ex-Shaulu in front of Bergiita!

It is one of the tricks that Tianjin rice, four!

"Ah, there is a cell of Tianjin rice in his body, so you can use this trick!" Klin shouted.

At this time, the Tianjin rice before the TV was frowned. "Available Shalu, actually use my trick!"

"Beggetta should not know the weakness of the fist, but he should be able to send 31 now!" Night live winds are not surprised by Shalu, not surprising, but unexpected.

Because of the great weakness of the four boxes, the strength is divided into four quarters, but it has weakened the combat power.

In the confrontation between the masters, the combat power of a wire will be fatal, let alone, it is a quarter of the original.

Night-length wind does not speak why Saru will use this trick at this time, and a pair as a trick.

!!! Four Shalu started at the same time, crowded under the Baghi Tower, eventually standing in the northernmost direction of Bergita.

"Like flies, you are not annoyed!" Bergi Tower is very uncomfortable, the whole body is boiling again, and the combat power is again improved.

boom! At this time, four Shalu moved at the same time, and the moment came to Baggi Tower, then the continuous attack.

After Bergiita quickly violated, it was very reluctant to block four Shalu attacks.

It can be seen that Saru uses four punches, the strength and speed have dropped, but there is no drop of more, at least 80%.

In other words, compared to Tianjin rice, Sha Lu played the power of the four boxes to the extreme, and it is indeed a trick.

In this case, although Bergi Tita has improved again, the speed and power improved again, but there is still no way to completely block the four Shalu attack, and a lot of fists and heavy feet are directly penetrated. Berga's body.

"Beef!" Berga is somewhat embarrassing, it is obvious that he is very annoying this set of punches.

bass! At this time, the full body of the Bergiita fired, and the effect of cultivating the two years in the spiritual time house, although Begitta consumed a lot of super-semi-satisfying, this time he still broke out more A multi-voyage, a golden mask is unfolded at the Bergiita.

boom! boom! boom! Four Saru fists and attacks are falling on the golden shield, and the energy rebounded will let Sha Lu are attacked by some painless attacks.

"Good powerful energy!" Tervens looked at the pure golden gantry of Bergi Tita.

"It is said that the arrogant guy in Begita is passively defensive. It seems that Shauli is really not small to Berga!" The golden light in the eyes of the night.

"Hey! Do you think this will defense my attack?" The four Shalu suddenly spread, and it was a four-party in the Bergi Tita.

bass! Four Shalu also raised the double finger before putting the forehead.

"This is my trick!" Bike frowned.

! The four Shalu's vitality is the double finger of the right hand.

"Dedicated! Bergi Tower!" Four Shalu double finger lit up, and then pointing to the Bergiita in the center of the canyon.

The four golden light columns were simultaneously switched to the hood of the center of Berga, and the huge explosion sounded, and the four golden light columns rushed to the sky, then the nuclear boiling explosion.

The gorge of the death star is filled with golden light, and the night-long waiters are also flying directly above the sky.

At this time, the golden mask of the Bergi Tita that was in the explosion center point was started to crack, and finally burst open, into golden fragments.

There is no mask, and the golden shock wave of one layer is directly hit by Bergi Tower.

"Ah, ah!" Begitta suffered such an impact, and he began to scream in the sky.

"Father!" Tex is called, just rushing to rescue Bijita, and holds his shoulder.

"Master!" Tex hurriedly turned his head, and his eyes were eager.

"Berji Tita, you are now saving him, telling you to insulting him!" The night is cold, "Reassure! The prince of the Saaya is not so easy to die!"

Bang! After the golden light is exhausted, the canyon begins to vibrate, and it seems that the entire death star is shaking, and the volcano around the canyon is also sprayed again.

The hot magma sprayed into the canyon, soon he was frozen as a black as gray because the canyon clocked cold temperature was frozen.

bass! At this time, flying in the air four Shaluo slowly, Although Sha Lu has improved Tianjin's four-legged punch, let four punches are stronger.

But there is still a huge weakness, that is, it is not possible to use too long, and the amount of energy consumes four times.

That is to say, the four Shalu consumption is actually a vitality in Sharu, and the vitality in Shalu is also unable to consume both Shatu.

"Haha, what Saiyan prince Bergi Tower, but so! With the Baggi Tower I came from the time and space!" Sha Lu looked at the empty laughter.

"Night long wind! Heart!" Sha Lu suddenly turned, with his finger in the air of the night.

"Yes?" The night's mouth has a smile, "I advise you still look at your good!"

bass! At this time, it was hurt, and Baggiita, who is flowing, suddenly appeared behind Shalu.

Shalu turned back and stopped instantly, "No ... is not good!"

At this time, the Bagge Tower is full of anger. He is unfolded with Shalu, which is only ten centimeters.

"Super flashing gun!" The super-seizuasia of Bergi Tita flocked to both hands and then exploded.

"Wow!" Shalu's aggregation of the super flash guns is so close, and the whole person screamed to the sky.

At this time, Sha Lu's face was twisted together, under the severe pain, Shaul's entire upper body began to be super compressed energy!

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