The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1350 of the Chapter 1350 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

1317 chapter, the strongest debut!

"Drink!" Bergiita At this time, the arms of the arms were pulled up, and there was no meaning of the attack, but it was increasing the output.

boom! The massive energy is sprayed from the Bergiita hands, and the Sharu screams, and the whole body is completely bombarded along with the wings behind the whole body.

"Too strong, Bergi Tower!" Klelin hands were in front of him, blocked the energy of the four.

"Is this the power of the Super Saiyan?" Bick is also surprised to rise up his mouth.

Calling ... call ... The pure golden voyage of Bergi Tower is boiling, and it consumes excessive hell to breathe.

Saru, which is directly rooted by the upper body, is directly falling from the air, and only half of the body is left.

"It's great! Sha Lu is killed!" Kelin looked at Sha Lu's only half-faced ecstasy.

At this time, the night long wind and Telks are staring at Sha Lu.

"Hey? Changfeng, Tex, why are you not happy?" Kelin turned his head and looked at the faceless night-long and Tex asked very much.

"Kelin, you are so happy! Saru, guys can't die, don't you feel that his gas is the same?" Night long-winding.

After Kakin heard the night's style, Jean turned his head and looked at it. Sure enough, there was only a half-body Shatu, still released a powerful gas.

"Why do you like this, his heart is not there, can this be resurrected?" Kelin is stupid.

At this time, there is only a half of the Shatu, Shatu, suddenly jumped.

Begda was shocked, although Tex said to him with the ability to reborn, Berui did not expect Shaul to still survive in this situation.

... Stand, only the Sullu, where the bodies left, the beginning, keep it.

! After several breathing, Shalu's new upper body is directly out of the lower body, and Shalu's body recovers again, and there is no status of the injured.

! At this time, the black wings behind Sha Lu also re-extension [out], and then flicked.

"This bastard actually puts my cells to this point. ¨!" Bik's eyes are full of anger, and it is clear that Shalu's ability to rebirth of the Bick cells is extremely regenerated.

"Oh ... Bergi Tower, is you already thought you won?" Sharu looked at Bergata Road.

"Betting!" At this time, the chest of Begitta continued to up and down, and the Super Saiyan vitality in his body was consumed after the super flashing gun.

Although it can maintain the super-Saaye people's full power state, the Berga at this time has reached the limit.

boom! At this time, Shalu's full body is full of vitality, after the rebirth of the upper body, Shalu's strength does not decline, but it is improved!

boom! The speed doubled Shalu, directly to the Begita, and fly in Bayata.

Bang! The Baggiita's body flew directly into the tall living volcano outside the canyon.

"Yeah!" This is still not finished, Shalu speed is extremely fast, flying to the live volcano, swaying downwards.

bass! bass! bass! In both hands, the purple gas troops that shoot the sky and the sky are directly rushed to the active volcano hit into the Bergiita.

Obviously, the perfection of Sha Lu does not want to play with Bayi, and want to directly solve Berga.

"Father!" Tex couldn't hold it again. At the same time, Trogs slammed it directly on the live volcano, and he wanted to attack with a hard anti-purple gas group.

"Is it going to the limit?" The night is a little disappointed, and the body is also moving instant.

bass! After the night is started, it is almost instant movement to Turkks.

"Master!" Tex was shocked.

"Tex, you went out of Bergiita, and then gave it to me!" After the night's wind said, he turned coldly and looked at the purple gas group covering the sky.

"Night long wind, finally forced you!" Saru's eyes were overflowing.

boom! At this time, the night cost is engaged, and a golden hemispherical mask is instantaneously launched in front of the night length. There is also a black lightning on the shroud.

boom! boom! boom! The purple gas group emitted in Shalu directly bombards the hemispherical mask, then the continuous explosion.

The huge mask did not have a slightebling in a continuous explosion, and the energy of the explosion was actually a little prone to be absorbed by the mask.

bass! The masks expanded before the night length is getting bigger and bigger, and the ground under his body is pressed out of a semi-circular pothole.

"Sha Lu, this is your attack?" The novice of the night, and the mask in front of him gradually narrowed, and finally became two golden lights into the arms of the night long wind.

"I am looking forward to fighting with you!" The night long-faced mouth came out of a smile.

boom! At this time, with the eruption of the pillars of the magma, Tex should be flew out of Bergiita that has changed back to ordinary state.

"Tex, you are fine?" Kelin flew to Tex's asked.

"I am fine, but my father seems to have already consumed it!" Tex frowned.

"Tex, catch!" The night is wind and right, and there are two golden small bottles in the hands, he will throw it to Telks.

Snapped! Tex's right hand lifted, stabilizing the golden small bottle.

"This is a holy medicine that restores the body. You will drink it for Bergata!" Klelin treated Yamu tea with golden small ribs, so he knew the role of small bottles.

"Good!" Terns nodded, opened the bottle plug, put the gold liquid [body] directly into the mouth of the eyes closed.

bass! At this time, Begitta began to shine, and the Bergiita did not have to be affected (got), but it is only exhausted.

Under the speed supplement of the bulk power of the gold, Bergi Tower quickly opened his eyes, and the consciousness recovered the Super Saiyan full power.

"Christty, what do you do? I haven't finished the battle with Sha Lu!" Begga saw the night long-faced wind in the air and Saru.

"Bergi Tower, you have lost! You are not his opponent!" Night long wind turned his head and looked at Baggiita.

"You!" Although Bergiita is proud, it is also a good thing if there is nothing to say.

"Tex, you will get out! Next, I will let you know, the Super Saiyan really should have some power!" The night watered an eye of Tex et al..

"The power of the Super Saiyan?" Shalu's mouth, a cold, "Night long wind, don't say something big! I am now perfected, I am invincible!"

Chapter 1318, the fudge

"Yes? How do I feel that your energy consumes a lot!" Laughing in the night and smiled.

Snapped! Shalu's consciousness lifted his left hand, and the emptime grabbed the object of the night, slowly opened, and it was a golden small bottle.

"Eat it, that thing can restore your vitality!" The night is very angry.

"Ah, long wind, are you crazy? Why do you give the enemy! Julin was shocked, and the Bike and Tex were also surprised.

Night long wind is a unique shrug. "If you don't have this, you will not be meaningless, I don't want to fight with a half-harm!"

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