The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1351 of the Chapter 1351 of the Prince of Tennis

"Master, this ..." Tex was also surprised to rise.

"You are all chapped!" Compared to Clin et al., Bergi Tower is the most desirable battle of the long-term strength.

Although the defeat to Shalu is very uns, Behagi Tower is still waiting for the surrounded Shalu and Night Delivery.

"Christie, let me see what you call the true super-competition!" Jin Guang was surging in the eyes of Berga.

"Hey! I actually said that I am a half-disabled!" Shalu brow crumples, just and the Bergi Tower's battle and a wide range of legal reasons have consumed his a lot of physical strength.

"You will so regret it!" Sha Lu karse the cap and incorporate the golden liquid in the small bottle into the body.

-853- ...... A warmth flows directly into the body of Shalu, and then spread to the whole body instantly.

"Oh!" Sha Lu's dated, his fist was grazed, and his whispering a deep green, he rushed again, and the momentum was crazy.

... The vitality of Shalu is burned, and there is a lot of fills in an instant, and it seems to have some slight breakthroughs.

"It's really good! This thing is amazing, I can make the perfection of my combat power improved!" Sharu's smirk.

"Ah ... it's more stronger, this is trouble ..." Kling couldn't help but retreat.

"Night wind this guy grows up to what strength, let him have no counsel!" The Bike is deadly locking on the night.

At this time, the night lengthy winds are handshakes, and the full-power super-Saaye people will have a pure golden vitality.

Booming ... The air around the night is directly exploded, and the golden light shot of the voyele that he is involved in the whole body penetrates the entire death star.

At this time, everyone will push the hands in front of the hands, Klin and Bick released by the night length week (DBBF), and the massive stone pillars in the canyon are also pressed into powder.

"Night wind this guy ..."

"Master ..."

"Changfeng ..." all the people at the scene stayed, especially Bike and Begita.

The unbelievable face of the Bick is "" Light is a simple hurray. "

"Why Christie will be so strong, is he already ..." Berga tidy is like a rain.

"Hey! Night long wind! It seems that you have grown a lot, but if you want to overcome the perfection, I am still too real!" Shalu is a glimpse, and then knead, "I will send you to hell. You will repent in hell! "

The wings behind Sha Lu have a whole man, and he is a green light to rush to the front of the night, then it is a horizontal kick, "Drink!"

"Too slow!" The night-long wind and right, the lightning, the sky, directly grabbed the right leg kicked out, and then directly got a circle and threw Sha Lu to the sky.

"It is evil!" Shalu grasted his teeth in the air to steadily stabilize the body.

"I am behind you!" The sound of the night's wind suddenly sounded behind Sha Lu.

"To die!" Sha Lu's back is a head to kick the head of the night.

Snapped! The night-long wind right arm instantly, and directly took the reverse play of Sha Lu.

"Saru, known as the body, isn't you this speed?" The night's mouth flashed a context, at the same time, let the right hand pair in Shalu.

bass! A gold sword stretched out from the night's wind and the right palm [], , directly through Shalu's left chest.

boom! boom! boom! At the same time, the light sword in the night-long wind is constantly elongated, and Shalu has constantly impacts the ground, and the ground behind him is a pothole, and the gravel is splash.

It is a sword!

In the two years of the spiritual time of practice, the night length is not only to raise combat power to a new grade, but also his tricks and exercises, and the night cost is re-improved and combed. ,

For example, the vitality of the air sword, at this time, the night long wind can be more density, and the length can reach [out] longer sword.

"Master ... It's so powerful! Sha Lu actually is not his opponent, no wonder the Master has been so calm!" Tex widened his eyes.

Although it is equally a super-power state, the strength and Tex and Bergi Tower are very different.

The application of the vitality, the timing of the timing, the strength, and speed, the night length is completely suppressed Shalu.

! After lengthening the sword, after hundreds of meters, he recovered in an instant, and was recovered by the night.

And Sharu is already awkward of the foundation of the canyon, full of gravel, I don't know life and death.

"Dead?" Klin, "The Shalu is so weak!"

"Stupid! Which is so easy, Sha Lu's gas is stronger!" Beji Tita brow wrinkled, after seeing the offense of the night, he couldn't think that he could escape this sharp sword, and it is very It may be seriously injured.

Bang! Sure enough, sudden gravel explosion, Shalu, full of dark green, drilled from the bottom, at this time, the wounds wearing the cave on the chest of Shalu were no longer bleeding, and soon recovered with the speed visible at the naked eye.

"The combat power is improved! After every injury, the combat power will soar?" The cold eyes are very cold in the eyes, and the physique of the perfection of Shalu is indeed different from the previous body.

The Saiyan cells in the perfect body Sandu have changing, as long as the night grows can't instantly kill Shalu, Sharu's injury, after its recovery, the combat power will also be stronger.

This feature is very metamorphosis, because even if the Saiyan who is known as the battle nation is impossible to enhance his own combat power every time there is a battle between life and death.

The perfect body Saru can be done, and on the current situation, Shalu's gas has differently different in the full power state.

"This is not dead!" At this time, Burma and Turtle cactus habitually hang up, last night, long wind and Flissa's battle, they did not see, and this night, long wind and sand Lu's battle makes them atmosphere.

And this brush is just the beginning ...

1319 chapter, small Shalu warrior

!!! Stepping in Sha Lu stepped to the front of the night, every one step, the surface of the whole canyon will vibrate.

"You angered me, night longevity!" Shalu is cold, and suddenly the end of the right hand suddenly has a right hand.

red! A green light instantly agglomerates, directly shot to the head of the night long.

"This is Flissa's move!" Kllin's nervous yelling, Bike also familiar with this trick, it is Flissa once a death ray for him.

Since Sharu's body has the gene of Kruud, Shaulus may use Flissa's move, and at this time, the combat power of the permeated body Sullu is not the time of Flissa.

bass! The green light instantly came to the forehead of the night, and the air around the light was burnt red, even a sharp sound explosion.

boom! At this time, the night cost is exhibited, and the two pure golden swords are unfolded in the night long wind. The death light before his forehead is directly popped up with the light sword.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Immediately, the Sandu finger does not stop, and a dead light is constantly moving toward the night, and the speed is extremely fast.

boom! boom! boom! boom! If the cold is cold, there is two golden light swords in the hands and the two golden light swords, and the death light is bounced by the night long-term wind sword.

boom! boom! boom! boom! The death rays that were bounced into the mountains around the canyon, and the explosion of the lunar.

Numerous huge stone flying gathered to the air, and at this time, Sha Lu launched his hands, and these boulders were all automatically flying to Shalu.

"Go!" Shalu, who is boiling green, is holding the night long.

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