The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1352 of the Chapter 1352 of the Prince of Tennis

Boom Lung Longlong ... The boulder of the sky is actually all the body flour.

These boulders have some hundred meters, some or even thousands of meters, gathered together in a few breaths of the canyon, and re-combined into a mountain, then directly from the night length head.

Bang! After a huge explosion, the night long is directly [pressure] under the mountainous mountain.

"Is this super power?" Klin and Bick were watching.

"Is it watching a movie?" The audience before the TV is also drunk, even if the computer synthesis is also difficult to have a strong picture.

It is also the most explosion before, this time, it is a big mountain, waving, moving the mountain in mortal, this is only the power of God.

"Master!" Terran couldn't help it.

"Don't call, you can bear thousands of gravity on night long-lasting guy, let alone this small mountain!" Begga, the Bergi Tower, did not have a cold channel.

At this time, Sha Lu turned his head to the Clin et al. "" Kill those guys who are hindering! "

Sha Lu Yangtou, handshake, he is behind the tail needle on the back of the back, suddenly rising at the same time, make a giggling sound.

"What did he want to do?" Biki wrinkled.

"Hey!" Sha Lu snorted, and the tail needle behind him suddenly began to vibrate.

A sputum, and a shadow is shot in the tail needle of Shalu.

puff! puff! puff! This is still not calculated, and the three-way shadow of the tail needle of Shalu has been continuously injected.

"What is that?" Terrus looked at the people who suddenly appeared in front of them stayed.

The small Shalu of the four bald heads is born from the needle tubes of Shalu. Its styling and Shaul's body are quite, but the body is much smaller, it seems to be the narrowing version of Shalu.

"Shalu little warrior, the four people on the rock are your prey, kill them all!" Shalu commanded the small Shalu warrior in front of him.

... These four small Shalu wars have issued a strange voice, and immediately broke out, and the lightning rushed to the Bike et al.

"Be careful, Klin, these guys are super strong!" Terry felt the feelings of small Shalu warriors, very powerful, not absorbed by Super Saiyan full-power combat.

"I can have evil! I can still have this kind of thing!" The Bike festive, ready to fight.

Among the four people, Bergiita and Tex's combat power can cope with small Shalu warriors.

The Bike is some reluctant, most dangerous is Kedlin, and the combat power of Kedlin is a very dangerous thing to watch this level.

In order to protect the Clin, Tex and Bike were a flangedown. Only Begitta did not move.

······ Flowers ······

In the eyes of Bergiita, in addition to the night's opponent, who is dead, who doesn't matter.

"Useless! You can't win them! Although they are very small, the strength is from me!" Shalu's mouth is brighter, a coupon is in the face.

boom! boom! Two two of the three small Shalu warriors who quickly rushed to Clin and the Bucks and Telks battle came together.

Another small Shalu warrior is a double boxing to grip to the head of Bergi Tita, which is directly grasped by Bergi Tita. Two people are crazy.

bass! At this time, a small Shalu warrior passed the Bike and Tex, came to the weakest Klin, and a foot lightning kicked to the small bald head of Clin.

........ [[[..

"Ah!" Kelin widened his eyes, his body couldn't move under heavy pressure.

On the occasion of this millennium, the high-long wind pressure [in] The mountain inch turtle cracked, the mountain directly exploded into a powder, and the night-long wind hand held two long-standing hot swords.

Snapped! One of them suddenly stretched, directly putting the head of the small Shalu warrior in front of Clin.

! The head of this small Shalu war rolls to the front of Clin, and the Kllin was shocked, and he kicked his head and kicked his head.

At the same time, the night long-term body is divided into four in the air. It is time to kick the small Shalu warrior in front of Biji Tata, and then at the same time.

boom! boom! boom! A small Shalu warrior including the head is cut, these Shalu warriors have dropped on the surface after being kicked by night.

It is not a four-day punch to show it, but it is just that his speed is too fast. It seems like a four.

bass! Three of the night, the hardship 'slowly disappeared, and the body appeared in front of Klin.

"Changfeng!" Kelin's excitement looks at the top of the eyes, the night-long wind has saved the number of days of Kelin, I am afraid he himself unclear.

"Sha Lu's waste, saying that a pair of decisions still engage in these skeletons!" Klin has died once, can't resurrect with the new earth dragon ball, and the night is certainly impossible to let Klin once again, that is true. Trouble.

1320 chapter, black jade

"Oh, it will come out so soon, I thought you can press you!" Sharu's eyes looked at night long wind.

! At this time, four small Shalu warriors re-jumped and returned to Shalu.

Even the small Shalu warriors who were broken by the night-long wind broke out were also re-extended [out] The new skull, the small Shalu warrior still has a bik's legbore reborn cell.

"It's evil! These little monsters are really troubles!" Bikiji wrinkled, just he was pressed by a small Shalu warrior, did not have a small Shalu warrior in front of Klin.

"Bike, Teks, you don't do it! I will solve these guys!" The night grew-up green eyes became cold, and Shalufi small Shalu warriors attacked weaknesses, so that the night long Raised anger.

"One three zero" "Hey, finally began to be angry, very good!" Sha Lu smiled, double punch again.

"Yeah!" Shatu is playing, and his tail needle behind him began to huge.

puff! puff! Oh ... There are more small green Saru soldiers who are sprayed behind Saru.

Plus the previous four, a total of ten small Shalu warriors, they were placed in front of Saru, like a small legion.

"It's trouble, the monster is more!" Julie sweat is getting more and more.

Ten small Shalu warriors in front of meweptity is weaker than before, but the quantity is doubled.

Only one person is strong, and if there is a negligent, Clin is likely to be killed by a small Shalu warrior, which makes the Bike and Tex also become tense.

At this time, the black flame of the burning burning in the night, and it is the fire of the knock!

"Since you want to play the group, just as you wish!" The fire in the night's eyes jumped, and the hands were turned on instantly.

bass! bass! ~ ▉ Shalu and everyone surprised the eyes, more than 20 black holes open in the air of the canyon.

These black holes have soon rising more than one person, including the cold, the cold, the whole canyon is originally low, the temperature seems to drop a few degrees.

"What is that?" Even the next time I saw the night-hard wind to show this kind of moving, before and Frieda's father Kruid's battle process, Clin and others did not see.

"How many secrets have been hidden in this guy, what is the migration of this black big hole?" Bikki wrinkled.

Tex and Begita are also widened, and they are waiting for the aerial black hole, and the movements of the night long winds are obviously not the style of Saayans.

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