The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1353 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Hey! Therefore, it is true!" Shalu brain also does not have information on black hole, but Shalu is very resistant to black hole, he can feel very powerful in black holes.

"Go out!" The hands of the night's long-winding screamed suddenly.

Snapped! Snapped! Hey ... night long-term style is just falling, twenty black shadows suddenly jumped in twenty black holes.

These black shadows have been in front of the night, they are black, and the body is the black flame burning, and the fire in the eyelve is also dark.

"Isn't this a cockroach?" Klin screamed from the black hole, and the body was black, but also wearing a black armor, wearing a wire helmet, hands in hand or big knife or big sword arms.

These is the black jade of the undead creatures, which is more terrible than the king.

These in front of the night is not big, only a small Shalu warrior high, but the weapon in the hand is much larger than their body, it looks a little funny and sleep.

However, the strength of the black jade is unlike the appearance of such funny, they are all thirty-level undead creatures.

Once the undead creature has gone to thirty, it is already a high-level threshold.

This level of undead creatures not only have combat awareness, but also have simple emotions, happy, anger, etc., so it will be more and more bad.

The night's wind can be summoned in a one-time, the black jade is mainly because of the two years of hard work in the spiritual time.

This is also one of the reasons why the night grows will be exchanged with a valuable lottery, and the spiritual time has not only absorbed the vitality, but also quickly improve people's spirit.

Because the time spirit house is actually very depressed, stay in it for a long time, it takes strong spiritual power, and the stronger spirit is stronger, the more oppressed the oppression is more ...

In other words, the spiritual pressure that is affected by the spiritual time in the spiritual time is a multiplication of Beji Tower and Terrus et al.

Of course, it is impossible to completely control these black jade, these black jade is a king of vertical and horizontal, and the strength of the death is not declining, but it is because of all characteristics of the undead organism. Strengthen.

Even if the night's strength is super strong, you can only say that it is barely to give these twenty black jade.

"Hey! Do you think that you can defeat my Shalu warrior?" Sha Lu has begun to look at the black jade, but it doesn't feel the gas on the black jade. Saru feels This is just the obedience of the night.

"But I don't know!" The night grew, the combat power of the small Shalu warrior and the super-powerful super-power status were quite, but it was far more than the black jade.

boom! Large hands in the night, twenty black jade is directly launched, their speed is so unimaginable, the weapon in the hand is also shining with the bright light of the five flowers.

... The small Shalu warrior is called the black jade in Shalu.

Two rays, a black green quickly intersected in the middle.

The victory is separated in an instant, and the ten 2.5 small Shalu warriors are instantly cut off the body.

! The body of the broken small Shalu warrior scattered a drop, blood was sprayed in black jade, and was directly evaporated by the black flames on the black jade.

"Strong!" Bergiita completely stunned, they thought that the creatures of the night-long winds have such a powerful strength, although there is no sense of breath, but its outbreak is actually above the Super Saaya.

"Don't I even have the creatures of Christie, can't beat it?" The proud Bergi Tower squeezed to the unforgettable head.

Begitta is desperately cultivated in the time of the time in the middle of the time, in order to pull the gap between the gap between the night, and the call of the night's casual is willing to make Behagi Tower have a sense of despair.

The gap is still expanding!

1321 chapter, self-explosion

"There is no feeling, how can there be such a powerful power!" The same shocking and Sha Lu, Sharu, very clearly, the combat power of the small Shalu warrior he gave birth, because their combat power is from Shalu itself.

Nowadays, ten small Shalu warriors are chopped in more than two hairs, no power, although the number of black jade is doubled, but even single-handed black jade is still Small Shaul Warrior.

... The body of the Shalu warrior divided into two trips begins to make a strange sound.

"What!" Tex glared over his eyes.

Under the eyes of everyone, the small Shalu warrior actually rapidly grows the other half of the body, and stands Qi Qi.

Ten small Shalu warriors became twenty, they all screamed, and they rushed to a black jade.

"Differentiation be twenty? The combat power weakened so much, even if it differentiates into one hundred, it is useless!" The night is disdainful to the mouth 31.

It is obvious that the small Shalu warrior differentiates, and the gas is directly dropped by half.

boom! At this time, a double hammer black jade flashed on the hands of the double hammer, and the double hammer collided directly into the head of his small Shalu warrior into a meatcake.

boom! boom! boom! Without slightest, this black jade continued to wavily waving the hammer in his hand, the remaining body of the small Shalu war was also directly photographed into meat, the minced meat.

"Oxual!" Shalu brow wrinkled, the power of the small Shalu war stems from him, the spirit of the two is broken, and the Shalu's head is slightly painful, this small Shalu warrior is completely dead, it is impossible Again.

"Oh, yeah!" There were more small Shalu warriors to the black jade of the handheld, they wanted to be with this hammer black jade.

At this time, a hand-held big knife around the hring suddenly jumped in the air, and his hands were in the air in the air, as a big knife like a door panel.

boom! boom! boom! The knife sparks between, three small Shalu warriers that pounce towards the hammer Black jade were unbaudited.

At the same time, more black jade of the giant bow, the three energy light arrows, directly shot the body of the three small Shalu warriors.

"Wow!" The remaining small Shalu warriors were scared, actually in the body, flew up, escaped to the high altitude of the death star.

boom! boom! boom! At this time, many black jade is also unique, and the weapons of the weapons will escape the small Shalu warriors in an instant.

The fragments fly, the blood is like bloody, twenty black jade, with the bloody rain, put the surface out of the surface of 20 pothirs.

"Is this the legendary death?" The gram is big, how can it be closed.

"Be evil!" Sha Lu, at this time, the small Shalu warrior instantly gave him the spirit of the spirit, and the whole face was twisted together.

"There will be this kind of thing, too incorrect," Bergi Tower looked at the battle of black jade and small Shalu warriors, I feel like I am dreaming. "

"Uncomfortably!" Night-length wind and cold looking at the painful face twisted Shalu, which is really not afraid than the people of the people.

"On!" The night's right hand waved again, of which ten blacks were recovered in Xiaocheng, and the twenty black jade consumption was too strong. The small Shalu warrior has been eliminated. The night is only left a black jade.

If the night is full of outbreak, the 20 black jade can murder them to the slag.

If the so-called perfection of Trushes is all, the night is too lazy to solve Sha Lu.

boom! boom! boom! The undead creatures are always cold, and the ten black jade holds a giant weapon. They directly rushed to Sha Lu, the entire canyon's ground is shaking, and the black jade will leave a pothole.

! The first thing to come to Sha Lu is the giant hammer black jade, and he waves the double hammer in his hand directly like the Moistille.

"Roll!" Shalu's hands suddenly showed, directly randing the two silent arms of the giant hammer black jade.

For strength, it is much stronger than the perfection.

! At this time, the big knife black jade after the hungry black jade flew away from the giant hammer, and a knife directly cut in Shalu's chest.

... While Mars splash, Shalu's chest was cut off.

Compared to small Shalu warriors, full Shaul's defense is still much stronger, and black jade does not let Sha Lu are too big.

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