The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1355 of the Chapter 1355 of the Prince of Tennis

"Hey, Christie, you want to order me!" Bergi Tower hands shoulders, "he is not good!"

"Kill him? I see you is helping him!" The night length is referred to by the finger refers to the air of the explosion.

"How is this possible?" Begitta looked at the place just exploded, it was completely stupid ...

PS: Eight is more complete, the three owed yesterday have completed.

1323 chapter, final Gusar Lu

After the black object was taken after the Golden Light Waves of Begitta, it actually directly absorbed the light waves from Begitta, and immediately released a strong green light.

At this moment, everyone reappeared Shalu's gas, and it was completely different from just now, vitality.

"Is the Saiyan cell saved him?" The night is cold and coldly looked at the black object and did not shoot.

... ... ... Just at this time, with the strange sound, the black object suddenly increased, and gradually revealed.

"What monster is this?" Kelin widened his eyes.

The monster in front of me is more than just a person, but the three-sided people in three people, it seems very nausea, but also constantly changing.

"Is this the new form after Shatu into China?" The cold light in the eyes of the night.

Shalu turned into a three-sided person, the whole body is still green, and everyone is very familiar with everyone, respectively, and Berga and Cruid.

The three body exterior was actually combined with Sha Lu, and the whole body is mainly based on Beji Tower. The look of Bike and Cruid is on the left and right sides.

"Actually dare to imitate my look, it is evil!" Bergata brow wrinkled, he instinctively resist three sides of Saru.

bass! At this time, Sha Lu opened his eyes again. At the same time, the body of his other three sides opened his eyes while eradicating green light.

boom! boom! boom! The six green ray waves were directly shot onto the magma under the people, the explosion sounded, and the column of six huge magma rushed.

"Ah ..." Sha Lu's three heads were all hidden, and the whole person was once again exploded to boil into a huge ball.

"Night!" Night long wind turned to the rest of the four people, after the life of Sharu, the combat power was rapidly improved, and the gas was at least doubled before.

bass! The night long-term style is just falling, and the Berga et al. Is directly pushed by the air waves set off in Shalu.

... Night Changfeng also causing the strength to save, the pure golden vitality is also a huge golden sphere.

Bang! One green gold two spheres have collided in the air, and the dramatic MO rubbing and pressing effort directly lets the space of the surrounding spaces, the waters of the magma under the two are directly exploded.

The hot magma converges into a pillar of a diameter of 100 meters of magma to swallow the night long wind and Sha Lu.

! When the pillars of the magma fall back to the sea of ​​magma, the shape of the two will once again, which is not damaged, just the inclination of the radiant.

"Haha, the perfection is not my limit at all!" Sha Lu's six arm simultaneously lifted, "I am now the most perfect existence between the universe!"

Bang! In this moment, Shalu's combat power actually started soaring.

The noodles of the cold night, the eyebrows, at this time, Shalu's combat power has been very close to the Super Saayan's power.

"What is your perfect body or the final body, let you become a broken body!" The night long wind full of pure golden vitality skyrockery, and the sea of ​​super-semers in the body boiled.

boom! I have a non-equal, and the night-long wind is directly moving to Shalu and then is a punch to the head of Shaul.

! Night long-lasting wind, the golden lightning is surging before the night length fists, this countless boxing can be said to be full, if it is the permeated body Salu probably by a punch.

boom! At this time, the bodies of the front of Shalu were a horizontal, actually a hard-erased rack of the night-catching fist.

Bang! Boxing brushed from Sha Lu, the magma behind Sha Lu immediately exploded, and a fire column rushed to the sky.

"Actually blocked!" Flying Turks in the distance in the distance, after practicing in the spiritual time house, he also had a heavy boxing attack like the night, every time, every moment was in this box. A trick and spike, bombing unable to dynamically.

The final body of Salu has taken the night-long wind, and the body of Cruid on the left side of Sha Lu is actually suddenly stretched in the abdomen [out] a tail, directly fan the night of the night.

Snapped! Night long winds and empty a palm to shoot the tail.

boom! boom! boom! Immediately, the nightly wind of the whole body is in the air, and the three body combats with Sha Lu three-sided body, and kicks.

The two have been hit from the magma, and the death atmosphere on the dead star is coming to the death atmosphere. There is almost no air, all toxic.

The speed of the two people is very fast, not to mention that the night growers is three people and Sha Lu's three-sided physical operation, just like six people fight at the same time, seeing Kling is dazzling. I can't see the specific battle.

In the end, the two actually played the feature, no one, whoever, only turned over the extreme fall.

That is to say, Shalu, the most final body, the speed and strength of the strength, the speed and strength, are different compared to the night length of the flesh force.

If the two do not have any results in this, there will be no results, and it is difficult to win.

"I still saw someone can be quite in the strength and speed of the strength, and Even Sally did not have a way. This Shalu has already done!" Clin shocked his eyes.

"The next step is the strength of the gas! Master, you have to be careful!" Trinity looked at the three people re-integrated.

"Haha, how! Night long wind, why not continue to attack, are you not very arrogant?" Sha Lu looked at the sound of the night, and at the same time, Shalu's body was still changing.

The body on the left and right sides gradually moved closer to the main body, and the final body of Shatu has changed, and finally the thorough integration is for a body.

The body is tall, with the muscles of Cruid, and it is a green hair inserted. The shadow of the eyebrows has a shadow of Bergiita, and finally the limbs and the Mekith people are extremely similar, very long.

The so-called final body Salu is like a computer that will integrate Bike and Bergi Tower and Cruid three.

And when the fusion is completed, everyone feels that Shalu's gas is completely different, even the heart of Bergi Tower does not help but rise.

"How is this possible! How can a person have such a strong combat power!" Berga is full of fine sweat.

Let Begita and others feel that they are irritating is not the sea of ​​porchy, but the new combat power of the final Gijon!

1324 chapter, Saru's amazing changes

Looking at the nightly windy wind, Sharu gripped the fist, then the corner of the mouth, "How? Is it shocked?"

"Honestly, I didn't think of my own stimulation. Saaya cells in my body can inspire such a powerful power! I finally understand why Garo said that you are the strongest battle race in the universe. ! "The golden light in Shalu is flashing.

boom! At this time, Sha Lu suddenly sprouting the vitality, the whole person turned into the hair started from the golden light, and the eyes became green from dark green!

Shalu's combat power is constantly improving, the air surrounded by the fire, the air is compressed by the sharp rising gas that has been sharply rising in Shalu.

"This is ..." Tex and Begitta were completely stunned in the distance.

Even the night's eyes are also shocked, Shalu is very hot, this is not very strange, it is shocking that Shalu is surging is the pure golden vitality, which is the superiority of the super.

Moreover, Shalu has turned into blonde and Bergiita extremely similar, that is, Shaulu in this time has opened the Super Saiyan model.

At all, Shalu, which did not have the Saayan blood, and the super-Saiyan model, and from the gas, Shalu's super-seesale model combat is far from the Bergiita and Terx, even Now the night grows!

"MD, this is also?" The night's wind is really surprised this time.

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