The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1356 of the Chapter 1356 of the Prince of Tennis

boom! And Sha Lu's kung fu, the kung fu of the gods, directly to the night length, and kick the back of the night.

bass! Night long wind conditions reflectively low to escape the heavy feet of Shalu, but they were fly directly after the tails behind Sha Lu, and the sea of ​​magma under the two people.

At this time, Sha Lu's speed was the first time, which surpassed the full body of the whole body, and started an absolute advantage in the combat power Shangsha Lu.

"CAO!" When the night is long, he will take a pain, and it is a blood scar with the hit of Saru, but because of the relationship between Jin Peng demon genes in the body, the blood mark behind the night is very fast. heal.

bass! At this time, Shalu Attacks did not stop, he seems to want to solve the night's wind.

"How can this, why can Shalu become a super-semi-Saiyan?" Territs tense his fist.

"This damn guy is completely replicating my abilities, although he doesn't have a way to control the super-Saaye people, but it is impossible to reach the full power state, but his vitality in his body is too much, this guy's battle has On the night's wind! "Berga saw the Shalu state at a glance.

In fact, Sha Lu is in the state of the first stage of the Super Saiyan. However, the amount of energy of Shalu physical strength is too horrible. Life put Sha Lu to the combat power of the Super Saayan.

"Was mess, this is not wonderful!" Klin is worried about the night's wind, "What should we do now?"

"This is not the battle we can insert, give it to the night long style. If he lost, we only have to be honest!" Bike looked at the night long and Shalu figure muttered.

No one is expected, the battle is reversed in an instant, and Shaolu is almost bombed to the slag, and now Sha Lu turned into a super-semi-Saiyan, can only say that it has never thought of it.

bass! Night cost is forcibly flipped the body over the waters of the magma, and then fly to Sha Lu again.

! Shalu hands and one exhibition, two gold discs slowly launched in Sha Lu, actually a gas circle.

"He is even more exciting!" Kling couldn't help but surprised.

bass! Saru is directly litting the two diameters of the two diameters of the two-way diameter to the night long.

!! The night long is flying in the air, the continuous side of the two, the gold disc penetrates the residual shadow of the might of the ground.

"Good! I have escaped!" Kelin has not come and cheers.

The Shalu's mouth has a smile of cruel, he moved his fingers, "back!"

bass! bass! The gold discs flying over the waters of the lagma were actually automatically reversed in the air. It was like a back of the knit to fly back. When the moment is divided into a distance of dozens of meters, it directly came to the back of the night.

"Is this not a trick that the long wind used?" Klin stayed.

Night long wind opened in the air, shot two boom swords in his hand, directly cut into four semi-circles.

······ Flowers ······

It is these four semi-circular, still controlled by Shalu, brushing from the chest of the night.

puff! The night long-term wind column is shot, and blood drops fall in the sea of ​​magma.

"How, how is the night, the taste of injury?" Sha Lu's hands, directly pulverized the four semi-circular chops that flying back, a moment, Shalu blunt shine.

Night wind did not return, but the golden flame burned in his hand baked the wound to the blood flow.

The gas is still very sharp, especially the gas circulation of Shalu-ultra-high-spirited gas, if the night grows, if he is not blood, even if he has Jin Peng Demon, there will be no blood flow.

.. [[[..

"It's more than the Super Saiyans, you have to be super." Bik is bumps, but he doesn't have any way, this is no longer the battle level he can insert.

"Answer me! You are very painful!" The full body of the full body, Shatu, suddenly flashed before the night length, a boxing of the belly of the night.

"Cough ..." The night is dry, coughing two times, this punch is clear, without opening the Buddha like gold, the Shalu power in the super-Saiyan state can completely press the night long.

"Haha, I just like to watch your painful expression! Don't worry, I will not kill you immediately, I want you to withstand a hundred times of pain in my suffering!" Sha Lu's face, fist I have poured more pure golden vitality again.

His fists have entered the muscles of the night, and the blood is constantly emerging.

puff! Night wind is finally a blood, sprayed Shalu.

"Hahaha ... this is the end!" Sha Lu is more excited.

At this time, the night is suddenly looked up, the face is cold, and there is blue electric light in the eyes.

"Wanli gold body!" The night-long wind turned on the Buddha statue in an instant, and it became a golden under full. At the same time, Shalu was directly popped by an invisible force.

"It's a strange move, and the night-hard wind is this guy to rely on these moves and this form of Sharu?" Berga looked at the whole body shining.

Chapter 1325, Super Saiyan 2

bass! After bounced with Sha Lu, the Buddha behind the night-long body flashed, the Buddha was dissipated, and the world of death was recovered again.

The sky is a blood red, and the magma under the feet boil.

"Hey!" Sullu was bounted to the invisible power, and he turned over in the air again.

Before Shalu had not absorbed 17 and 18, there was a strange move in the eyes of the Dragon Ball World.

Moreover, Shalu was played very miserable by these moves, which made Shalu quite taboo for these moves.

"Useless! Night Changfeng now my fighting power is above you, you have been invalid to me!" Shalu roaring with night long style.

"Yes?" Night hard wiped the blood of the mouth, and his eyes became extracted. "You actually dare to fight me with the super-semi" "four zero" mode! Very good, you have successful anger me Saru! "

The night is in the eyes, and the murder is overflowing. "I will let you see the power of the real Saiyan, you are the west!"

"Real Saiyan power?" Bergiita and Tex are all, they don't understand what the real power referred to in the night is.

"Drink, ah!" At this time, the night's long wind suddenly hit the long-awaited. He just hit himself, it did not break itself, in fact, it is intentionally to irritate himself.

Only in an airy state, the night length can quickly transform into a more powerful super-seizure.

Booming ... night long winds, pure golden vitality, the pure golden flame is constantly jumping in the night long-term wind, the waters of the magma under the night, suddenly start crazy, like a lotus Field.

More shocked is that the entire death star has begun to dramatically vibrate, and the surfaces outside the magma are beginning to crack, and more gravel fly to the air.

The wort of the magma is constantly spreading the dead star, and the last dead star has more than half of the surfaces become magma.

The geomorphology of the entire planet is changing, just because the night grows is being violent.

"What kind of gas is this?" Turkish and Bergiita stared at the air of the night.

... At this time, the pure golden vitality of the night long-standing body is gathered into a shield, and the blonde inverted in the night-catching wind seems to be too long, of which the golden essence flows, the whole person's temperament More cold.

The most important thing is that the night length weighing has a blue electro-light, and the number is very much, and it is very intense.

This is the biggest sign that breaks through the second phase of the Super Saiyan!

"Good power, is this the true power of Master's super-seizure?" Turkish flashed a golden light in his eyes.

"Yes! This is this! Christie this guy broke the boundaries of the Super Saiyan!" Although Bergi Tower did not know the existence of Super Saians, he could clearly feel the gas and past It has reached a new level.

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