The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1357 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"This seems to ... some changes?" Sha Lu is also slightly, he did not think that night long wind can also increase the combat power in this moment.

... The blue electric light whose night long wind is jumping. He looked at Sha Lu coldly. At this time, the training suits of the night long-standing, and the last half of the night is full. Flow line type muscles.

"Sha Lu, you are dead!" The night's long wind came to Shalu, and it was issued a death declaration.

"Oh ... night long wind, this is your last brand, the new super Saiyan shape, it is really interesting!" Shalu's mouth, seems to be very interested in the state of the night.

"Yes?" Next moment, the night-length wind came to Shalu in front of the moment of moving, and a boxing on Shalu's face.

puff! Shalugen is not an urgent reaction, and this fist is collapsed directly by the night.

boom! boom! boom! Night wind is a continuous swaying, which looks just a punch. In fact, in this moment, the night is a total of hundreds of boxes.

! The head of Sha Lu fell in an instant, and the slag splash was splashped. It took another night to explode. Shalu's head.

puff! The headless Shalu body fell directly into the magma.

"Ah ... Is this the true power of the Super Saiyan?" Bugged his eyes.

"This is the second phase of Master's super-seizure, blame Master to stay in the spiritual time house, it is to break through the super-Saayan's stage!" Turk Loudly...

"What do you say!" Beggetta is also a big surprise, even his prince's prince does not know that there is a super-semi-final thing, the night grows actually knows, and the successful breakthrough, this makes Bergi Tower Spike.

"Hysta Night, Break, Blessed Fisher!" Sha Lu's headless body is actually rushing from the waters of magma, and the new head of Shalu also reborn in an instant.

The violent Shaul is directly in front of the night, and the anger of hatred has burned Shalu's ingredients. Shalu directly raised his fist as a night grew.

... Sha Lu's boxing gathers all the vitality of the whole body, including the super-seizuasia and the original type of moisture in his body.

A punch for energy ultra-high compression, if this fist is changed to Baggiita, it is very likely to be killed by a punch to the slag.

Night windshield is just a simple erection of the right arm, blocking Sharu, the whole body of the whole body.

Bang! Sha Lu's boxing is like a wall that has never broken the cosmic splines, and the sea of ​​magma under his feet is the wall of the explosion.

The wall of the magma is up to kilometer, and the space of the night long wind and the two of SAR Lu is directly divided into two halves, which look very spectacular.

boom! At this time, the night long wind body flipped in the air, forcibly brushed the wall of the magma, and a high hole in the wall of the magma.

And directly in the abdomen of Sha Lu, ! The abdomen of Shalu broke again, and the flesh was blurred.

"Ah ... ..." Sha Lu's consciousness covered the abdomen, the whole face was twisted together, he originally wanted to let the night grew well to suffer from his pain, and now Sha Lu himself is Belt greater pain.

Although he has a biochabited in the body, it can be reborn in numerous times, but if he reborn, the battle force behind him can't suppress the night's wind, this is another unilateral massacre game.

"Can not be evil ... Don't want to defeat me like this!" Shalu bite his teeth, the big hole in the abdomen began to keep creeping, recovering ...

1326 chapter, super explosion

"!" The cold eyes in the night, he didn't want to play with Sha Lu.

At this time, Shalu's indefinite resurrection is indeed a trouble. If you let him continue to reunite it, the night's strength is also worried that Shaul's power will break through the limit.

If it can't control it, it is tragedy, so the night grows have decided to directly kill Sha Lu to the slag, so that he will no longer have any hurts.

"Yeah!" At this time, the night grew flourished, his whole body's super-seizure is boiling.

At this time, the night-hearted wind is in the state of the Super Saiyans, and the massive vitality in the body has reached an unprecedented point.

Working with the pure gold high compressed super-seizuasia to operate the skills of the gods in the martial arts. After the night length, there is an instant to show thousands of dragon elephants.

These dragon elephants are very condensed, and the surface is also lifelike.

Thousands of dragon elephants are in the top of everyone, and the death star has become so dazzling.

31 Originally in the universe, dark death planet, this is just a bright star.

"It's these strange images!" Klin looked up at the dragon icon of the night-length body, and the whole person came out of the gold.

"This is not too exaggerated!" Tex also saw that the long-winding of the gods, the dragon elephant, which appeared behind, but this time is too exaggerated.

"I am evil! I will not lose!" Sha Lu saw the dragon icon of the night long-term body and the imaginary shadow was also shocked. This suffocating feeling made Shalu very uneasy. He also gathered again. After the skyrocket, the right hand is directly erected.

... At this time, the top of Shalu appeared a huge golden energy sphere, and it was constantly increasing.

"It is a dead ball!" The night's eyebrows wrinkled, he certainly all feared such an attack.

But now Klin and Bike are still on the star of death. If Shalu is directly slamming this level of death, the surface of the death star is also the sea of ​​magma, the night long-term wind is estimated to the entire death star. It will explode.

And the madman of Sha Lu, it is estimated that it will not directly explode 100% death ball directly like Flissa's own safety.

If this is the case, even if there is a Star Low War, the Bike is not escaped.

"The horrible gas, this guy is the star intended to swear directly to death?" Klin was scared to be sweaty.

"It's too bad! It's too late to stop!" Berji Tita brow wrinkled, he was also resurrected by Dragon Ball, that is, after the death, it is impossible to resurrect.

"Master! Let's go, you can't get it later!" Terran shouted at night.

bass! At this time, the idiots in the night-long body were in the ultimate impeachment to the extreme.

"The spear of the god!" The night grew big drunk, at the same time, the number behind him ▉ ▉ ▉

The ripples on these gods are very fine, and thousands of meditation spears are hanging in the top of Shalu and night long-term winds. They look very spectacular.

"Crazy!" Kelin widened his eyes, and the scene in front of him is about to forget this life.

"Go to death!" Sha Lu lifted the golden death ball of the huge diameter of 100 meters, although it was blocked by the death ball, can't see the difference between the night, but he directly with the night. The gas is directly thrown to the night growing.

Bang ... Death balls are clear from the height of the magma, but the lash is still oppressed by death ball release, directly to both sides, just like the sea shutdown is blocked.

"God gathers!" In the face of the huge death ball of speed, the night long wind is solemn, after a big drink, your hands play forward.

!! ... The tens of thousands of medites in the top of the night, I have formed a round array before the night length of the wind, and then the blue lightning speed is thrown.

boom! The power of two destroyed land collided in the air, and the electro-optical light rushing the horizon, through the atmosphere of the death star.

A black big hole actually slowly appeared in the center of the collision, which is a spatial crack, and the energy of collision excitation is too substantive to make the space of the dead star therefrom.

At this time, the night length of the wind suddenly returned to the front of Clin et al.

"Changfeng, let's escape! This planet is going to explode!" Klin shouted at night.

"It's too late, you don't move!" The night long turned head sweeping a granling and other four people, and immediately lit up again.

"The !" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

The four golden lights were shot from the night long-faced eyebrows and hit them directly on the four people.

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