The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1358, Chapter 1358, Chapter 1358 of the Prince of Tennis

"What is this?" Bik stunned, after he was shot from Jin Guang, showing a golden armor, this armor is spread all over the armor, and the Bike is instantly shrouded.

The Turks and others around the Bike also have the same body, the whole body is affected.

... At this time, the force of the two collision of the collision is inhaled in the air.

Boom Lung Long ... Then it is a circle of energy fluctuations, the entire death star is running between the universe, completely deviates from the original position.

The satellite belt of the Death Star is also hit on the surface of the death star, and it is also an explosion of the chain.

The explosion is essentially the rhythm that can't stop, and all the explosion of the nuclear explosion, the continuous explosion almost spreads every corner of the death star.

The center of Shalu exploded, and his body was swallowed in an instant.

At the same time, the four people such as Kling were also swallowed instantly, and their heads of the gods they were automatically opened at this time, and they were shocked by a wave of shocks.

"Master!" Tex's eyes were all round, but it was a golden light in front of him.

At the point of the explosion, the night-to-center night-hearting, the armjacking of the gods is in other people, but the body is bare, and the night grows is in vivo incorporates the super-superscript of the straightener.

That's right! Night wind is intended to quench the flesh, this explosive ability will naturally do not miss it.

Like Shalu, although the flesh wind is inversely, in the energy of this explosion, the first circle fluctuation energy is suddenly weathered, only the golden bones are left.

1327 chapter, surprising

Every time, Jin Peng demon gene hidden in the night-length body will be activated!

Under the support of the huge golden super-seizuasia in the body, the body of the night-winding is instantly recovered.

boom! Then, the second round of energy fluctuations spread, the outer skin of the night, and the muscles are again broken, and then it is recovered with a vitality.

In this way, the night long is constantly repeating this process to quench the body, his flesh power is continuously improved, and the night grows does not even open the Buddha.

This level of explosion is still a grade of the stampered self-explosion, and the effect of the Buddha is like the golden body, but the effect of the hardened flesh will be reduced.

Most of the night, the night grows will be the state of golden, with the fire of gold in the cold eyes, it is really like an undead creature.

"This guy is a madman!" At the angle of Bergiita, it can be seen in the blast of the bones in the bones.

Bergita was originally thoughtful in the super gravity chamber. It is already crazy enough, but it is not worth mentioning in the cultivation of Berga as compared with the night long.

Bergi Tita has finally understood why the night's blood is not as good as the prince's prince, but every breakthrough is in him.

Don't go crazy, no Buddha!

So crazy pursuit of stronger night-long winds let the Bergi Tower can't help but rise.

Talents and soil are just the basis of turning into strong people. Only the real has a strong heart, it is really possible to board the last strongest Supreme throne.

The explosion of the collision between death balls and thousands of deaths and thousands of meditation lands are in fact, and there are many spatial cracks that have flowed into space cracks.

In other words, there is only one tenth of the explosive power of death and everyone to suffer.

But even so, if there is no nightly wind, the four people of Clin and others have no possibility of survive.

The combat power without a super-Saiyan people cannot afford this level of explosion because the distance is too close.

The fluctuation of the explosion is finally gradually saving, and the light is gradually dissipating, and the death star will recover again.

At this time, the whole spheres were actually a quarter of the sphere, which became a broad plane from the sphere.

The moral sea is evaporated by the energy of the explosion. At this time, the foot of the night is a bare sandstone ground, which is already very close to the kernel of the dead star.

If the kernel of a little bit of death, if the instruction of the explosion, the consequence is that the death star is directly exploded, and the Flissa destroyed the US King is a truth.

! After the radiance is exhausted, under the eyes of everyone, it has become a golden

At this time, there is no difference before the night length of the wind looks and the explosion, but it is not seen in the whole body. In fact, the night's long meat has greatly changed.

The flesh strength is another grade, although there is no level of the Buddha's gold, but the night is very satisfied.

Because only more powerful flesh power and flesh and blood power, the night length can accommodate more vitality and faster cultivation of Liangmen meat.

"Changfeng, you are fine!" Kling flew to the night's wind, at this time, the martyrdom of his body is directly burst, and it can block the impact of the explosion, and the is already awesome.

"Ah!" The night long-lasting corner was smiling, sweeping a three people who were surprised behind Kling, "You don't have to be surprised!"

"I don't feel the gas of Sha Lu! Master, you succeeded!" Tex is coming.

"We should not come at all, you can't help!" Bikio picks, this kind of frustration that can't participate in the battle makes the Bike's heart tired.

"Finally, it is over! Long wind, we will play the earth, otherwise Burma is worried!" Clin is anxious.

"Haha, Klin, I see you is an urgent thinking to let me resurrection 18 is it?" Night hard laughed.

"Isn't it ... Wy ... What happened anyway, she didn't do a bad thing, and she didn't have a big deal!" Clin face slightly red.

Bang! At this time, the people suddenly surged dramatically.

"What's going on?" Bike hurriedly turned his head, there was a green waves in the light in front of it.

"This ... this is ..." Bergi Tower stunned, full of sweat forehead.

"This will not be ..." Tex is also surprised that both hands blocked the impact of the waves in front of the head.

"This is impossible!" Kelin is surprised.

Bang! At this time, in the green waves, a energy light column is directly shot and shots to the chest of the Clin.

"Hey! Sure enough, you haven't died!" The night is directly blocked in front of Clin, with the body's hard energy light column.

boom! The energy light column is actually the muscle defense of the body of the night, and it is bounced, and the night length is not damaged.

"It is Shalu! He is still dead!" Klin pointed to re-emerged, and the light shines shines in Shalu.

"Hey ... I am very surprised!" Sha Lu's body is slowly appeared, and Shaul is not only restored the body, but also seems to have a first floor, and the combat power is stronger.

"What is going on? How did you live!" Terran's biennar.

"Well! Before you die, I will tell you the secret. I have a kernel in my body. He is called the core of life. It is not a layer of unchanging. It will automatically move in my body according to the crisis!" Sha Lu pointed to his body slowly.

"You also have seen (Zhao Zhao Zhao), as long as the core of life is not broken, I can constantly rebirth!" Saru Yi wins in the expression.

"How can this be?" Terros and Clin were some of them.

"Do you mean this secret? What is you thinking about it?" The night is not disdainful to the reborn Shalu.

"Hey! Night wind, you don't worry, I admit that you can surpass Super Saayans outside my expectations, but you have forgotten that there is a Saiyan cell on me, as long as you can't kill me, I will get more and more Strong! "Sharu's hands were unfolded, and the electrosen light whispered was constantly flashing.

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