The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1359 of the Chapter 1359 of the Prince of Tennis

"Now, I have surpassed your combat power, I am more perfect than before! To tell the truth, I want to thank you! Haha!" Sharu is laughing, "there is no final body Salu, my fighting power Will grow continuously! "

"I am constantly evolving to Saru, dead people are you!" Saru is murderous ...

1328 chapter, all the earth

"Ah ..." Bike and others are full of sweating, and Shalu's difficultness is far beyond their imagination.

Unlike the Bike et al, the night-length expression is always indifferent, he has long known that Shalu has not died, because the superhen system still has no tips.

It can survive in this level of explosions, it should be said that Shalu's luck is still good, and its life is cheeful in the first wave of explosion shock.

"Sha Lu, I have already said, you are dead!" The night grew in an instant, and came to Sha Lu again. The blue electric light he whispered was shining again.

The spear of thousands of gods before, has consumed a lot of super-seizuasia, but the vitality of the night-long wind is still a lot of four years in the spiritual time.

"Haha, are you funny? Night long wind, my current combat power is already above you! Even if you surpass the super-superhair, I also surpass the Super Saiyan!" Sha Lu The whole body is very angry, his body has recovered a high three meters high giant body shape.

boom! Shalu thought a lot of vitality came out, surrounding ground turtles opened, gravel splash.

"It's evil! This Shaul wants to do anything!" Bike et al. Was subjected to a few steps after being pushed by the hot waves.

"You are destroyed with this -533-dead death planet!" Sha Lu's hands, the whole body re-exploded the boiling energy constantly flooding to the arms.

! The two arms of Shalu have increased unlimited, while the blood vessel projection, the blood is sprayed.

Shalu has put on the waist and put a calyx shape, which is the boom of the turtle.

Bang! The vitality of Sha Lu is directly boiling into a sphere, and all the crushed the surrounding stones have a pneumatic smoke, and his combat power has increased to the limit.

"It's evil! Is it unable to stop him?" Baxk double boxing, "I just blame my strength too weak!"

"Ah, hahaha! How, the night is long!" Sha Lu is laughing, "Are you scared, I now accumulate the power to destroy this galaxy!"

At this time, the entire death star is constantly shaking, and the amount of gas in Shalu is very horrible, and even surpass the super-Saiyan two-status of the Saiyan.

"Changfeng, stop him!" Clin's face rose red, shouting in the night.

At this time, the cold face is cold, and the vitality in the whole body is mobilized by him.

Night (DBAA) Changfeng knows that Sha Lu gathered so many gas use turtles to send gas work, it is not only the star of death, or even the galaxy in the death star will explode.

The night length is likely to have such a situation, so he chooses to make the final duel on the Star of the Sun Department.

At this time, the night-catching wind can choose to use the turtle to directly touch the hardship hard, with the current flesh strength of the night, even if the two super turtle sent gas-rich collision, can survive.

However, Culin et al., It is likely that it is killed in the moment of the entire death star explosion.

Of course, the night grows can choose to throw a few people into the small world, but the night is not wanting to expose the existence of the small world, and this explosion does not necessarily kill Shalu.

If Shalu is reborn once, the battle will now reverse it.

At this moment, the night's long wind decided not to retain, and fully show new moves.

The time that the night's long wind should show new idiots, Taoism, and it is not possible to use it for a long time.

However, now the night-long use of the super-seda-stage pure golden super-golden super-golden super-golden super-gold, the spirit is complete enough, and the energy is completely quenched, and its flesh strength is already supported. Night long-term wind uses new moves.

Boom Lung Lung ... Sharu is still a gathering of the vitality in this time, a pair of people who have to be at all from the night.

"Trembling DOU, I am afraid!" Shalu's madness, "I will kill you all, I will re-resurrect, then get more powerful power!"

"Yes?" The night grew green eyes were cold and looked at Sha Lu, squat, and the night long-lasting style launched his hands.

"What do you want to do?" Sha Lu's brow wrinkled, and the next consciousness felt something wrong.

Night wind did not answer Sha Lu, but suddenly the whole body shine, the body is full of gold, and the Bike et al. Instantly pushed thousands of meters by an invisible force.

"The nature of the gods!" The night's long-winding is high.

bass! At this time, the space of the night length and Sha Lu instantly blea, and the ground from the lunch of the loud feet continuously spread the entire dark space.

"What is this?" Sha Lu stunned, in this moment, he felt that he had nothing to do with any angry, including the night of the night.

"This is the space of refining the gods. You can die here, you should be honored!" The night grew yield, the great powers were successful.

Although the power of the night grows can only be launched, it can only be launched, but this is enough.

Saru is directly blocked in the gods of the gods that are unpredictable without preparation, and this pure land is also an absolute defense of the night.

"Hu, go to death!" Sha Lu did not gather the vitality, but to bring up the big hands directly to the night.

Bang! A huge light column is directly emitted from Saru, and the target is straightforward.

This light column is also the energy of the turtle-free power wave to destroy the whole galaxy, very powerful.

When the light column is in front of the night-long wind, when the night length face is dyed, the night is laughing, he randantly raises his right hand and launches the palm.

Let Sha Lu have unexpected things happen, and the light column that shoots the night is actually suddenly stopped in the air.

"How is this possible!" Sha Luchen, increased the output of the vitality, the light column became more and more big, there is a high cost of the night, but it is still inch.

"Hey! You are useless to use it, this is the space of the top of the gods. In this space, I am the customist of the rule! As long as you don't break this space, just have a result ... "The night is cold, and the expression is more cold.

"That is dead!" Night long windy hands up, the purple ground under the feet suddenly shot the road purple light.

These purple lights are covered on the huge light column raised by Saru, and the huge energy light column is instantaneous.

! Shalu, one PI shares, sitting on the ground, unbelievable, "How can there be this kind of thing!"

"You go to hell to ask the king!" The night grew, one hand, one hand, then drink, "the great land, refining the gods!"

Chapter 1329, Legend Terminator

bass! At this time, the purple fluorescent flush of the purple ground of the gods of the gods was covered with Shalu, and Shalu lost his control for the body, and there was no consciousness.

Purple fluorescence is constantly eating Saru's body, blinking, and Shalu's body chemistry dissipates.

"I still want to resurrect?" The night's mouth flashed a ridicule, and the right hand was exhibited.

bass! The nucleus of life in Sha Lu automatically flew to the night of the night, and the night's long wind can almost see an ultra-small Shalu is constantly struggling.

If it is the world of Dragon Balls outside, Shalu is likely to live again, and this is the personal space of the night, all the rules are customized by night long winds, Sha Lu is in this space. There is no chance to resurrect at all.

! The cold eyes in the eyes are flashing, and the right hand slows down.

Snapped! At the same time, the nuclear nucleus of Sha Lu's life exploded, and its explosive residue was shrouded by the purple light, slowly swallowed, and finally, on the ground of purple, completely disappeared.

At this time, Shalu is completely dead, and there is no possibility of resurrection.

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