The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1360, Chapter 1360, Chapter 1360

At this time, the ground of the native land began to be more shining, it is refining the energy left behind Shalu, including physical energy and mental energy.

bass! Under the gaze of the night, the space of the loses begins to rise, from more than 100 meters to thousands of meters, become broad.

It seems that this is just ten times growth, but for each point of addition, the grievances of the gods that need a very large energy, this amplitude is already very horrible, enough to show that the energy in Shalu is very large. .

"Unfortunately, I can refine Saru if I use a prison furnace. In this case, Shalu's energy can be converted!" The night grew away.

This is also the new trick of his first use of the gods of the gods, the gods of the gods, and the power of the gods are definitely stronger than the hell furnace, and can be competed, and a large number of enemies can be refined one-time.

However, the weakness of the gods is also very obvious. It is not possible to use the energy of the refining, which will be automatically used to improve the pure land of the gods until the great land of the gods can be realized.

"Well! It is not bad. If it is not the first flesh intensity, it is not necessarily used to use this trick for a long time!" Night wind shrug shrug.

Finally, the process of destroying Shalu seems to be easy. In fact, the night is still surprised in Sharu's evolution, and Shalu uses the characteristics of Sairane cells, and the cells of several people absorbed. It's very perfect.

If you really let Sha Lu's infinite resurrection, you can reach what level, the night grows difficult to imagine.

At least the Turtle sent Qigong is enough to make the galaxy of the entire death star exploded. If that words, the Bike is still undoubtedly, this is not what the night is willing to see.

Ding! When the night grew is to withdraw the pure land, the suggestion of the superhen system has finally sounded in the night growth.

"Congratulations to the owner to complete the main line task: defeat the artificial Shalu! You got three draws! Many times completed the legendary mission, you got the legendary endend!"

"Nice!" The night is full of wind and fiercely waved, and then, "the legendary ender medal? What?"

Night long winds hurried out your own attribute list, first printed into the eye or combat power, 5 billion!

The combat power of the night, is determined by the system to be 5 billion, so that the night grows is also a bit surprised. Since the opening of the Super Saiyan state, the night grows no attention to fighting power.

Because the battle power of the Dragon Ball World is too fast, just like money, more than a certain amount, that is, a number, the real battle still has to look.

Of course, the combat power is still a more important reference, and the night-long wind has come to the stage of the Super Saiyan, and the flesh power is also strengthened, and 5 billion battles is not exaggerated.

The next age, the age of the night-catching wind came from 17 years old, and the superhen system will work in the spiritual time.

For age, the night is not a feeling, from the beginning of the cross, go to several worlds, the night long has actually added it in various worlds, especially in the Dragon Ball World, cultivating long time.

Night wind does not put this in mind, know that in the world of high-end, such as some cultivation of the truth, but the time is not Er.

Ten years, but it is just a wave, and more worlds are waiting for night long wind to explore SUO, and the night grows to estimate that they will only consider the life expectancy.

After the column of the age is behind the brain, the next time the number of lottery has changed five times, and the night long hasn't had such a lot of lottery, which makes the night growers.

··· ▉ ▉

At the same time, there is a rainy in the evening of the night, and the number of lottery is exchanged into a spiritual time. This time and the battle of Shalu, the night-long's four years ago in the spiritual time. The ability.

In order to press the evolution of Shalu to finally, the ability to directly get directly from the lucky draw system, and the night length is more likely to practice the truth.

The next bloodline and skill bar only have some subtle changes, such as the earth's cracks become space cracks.

Finally, the article column, the legendary Terminator of Night Great Games is in the column, the whole badge is a very technical model, the silver ten fingers cross, there is a dark blue gemstone, shining.

.. [......

Night-hard wind will pay attention to the legendary terminal, the medal has automatically showed a row of bodies.

Legend Terminator Medal: Automatic full blood, cooling time a year

"I am going, actually is a resurrection equipment!" The night is a bit surprised, this resurrection equipment night long wind has seen in the special store of the supernatural system, and the number of exchange lottery is as high as ten times, very rare.

With this legendary Terminator Medal, the night grows is equivalent to a life, which is undoubtedly a safeguard for many times when the life of the cultivation of the crazy cultivation is.

And the critical moment, there is such as spring brother to be full of blood, this picture is thinking of being drunk.

"Haha, good!" Night wind turned off the property list, and the gains of this task were very satisfied.

"Receive!" The night is long, and his purple ground at his feet is beginning to shrink speed, and finally it is completely disappeared.

Night wind is again returned to the stars of death.

PS: Probably, Dragon Ball's war has always been argued in addition to official data. It is only a probably estimate in this book, and all book friends do not have to be true. When the bird is drawn, it is actually not desirable to draw a pure battle.

These can be seen from the full blessing of Dragon Balls [Listers] and funny style, and then JUMP does not want Dragon 6 to end early, so let the Bird Mountain will hit the universe from the earth.

The power system is of course inevitably confusing, and the official data of the combat power cannot be found. You can only have a unreasonable place. Please forgive your book.

1330 chapter, summoning new god dragon

"Long wind, great, you are not dead!" Kelin saw that suddenly appeared night-to-face, eneriosis, and rushing directly to the night.

"Master, you are fine! Sharu?" Tex also flashed around the night.

The cold shrug shrugged, "I was killed!"

"What! He is really ... did it?" Surprised by Bike.

"Okay! Success! We defeated Sha Lu!" Klin excitedly called.

"It's unbelievable, we have to save!" Bike Long comfortably, when Shalu gathered over huge amounts, Bike was desperate.

And the night's wind did not know any way to reverse the situation in an instant, killing Shalu.

"It doesn't have Sha Lu's gas. What did Christty do this?" Berga's face, his "four zero" slowly lowered the arrogant head.

"I ... completely fail, don't say Christie, it is Shauli to kill me in an instant!" Beji Tita pinched his fist, "it is evil! The gap is too big, is it never possible Have you cheered by Christie? "

Bang! At this time, the surface of the dead star under the people began to vibrate, and after the ground collapsed, the stereo magma was revealed, which is the core part of the death star.

"Ah ... this planet is too unstable, we still have to go back to the earth!" Kelin said to the night long.

"Good!" Night of the night, nodded, and his hands appeared.

The Star Ling Battleship, which was previously reached in Xiaocheng, once again appeared in the top of everyone, and the bottom of the Xingli Battle ship took five shines, and irradiated into five people.

After the bright light disappears, five people returned to the Star Ling Battle.

"Welcome to return, the ship is long!" The artificial intelligent sound of the Star Ling Battale.

"The target sun is the earth, and the space jump is returned directly!" After coming to the control room, the night long wind directly sounds the command.

"Okay, the captain!" The Star Lingling ship ship began to shine, and immediately accelerated, then hit a colorful insect hole.

Just more than ten minutes, the Star Lower Battle ship drilled out in the insect hole, and the familiar blue star ball appeared below the Star Lingling.

Originally, it takes four or five days of time, and uses space to jump, the distance is shortened, just spent more than ten minutes, the starling battleship of the night-catching, the Star Warriol, quietly returned Earth.

At this time, the picture of the major TV stations on the earth is still a picture of the studio. Since the flying robot is destroyed, the earth has not received a picture of any death star.

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