The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1361 of the Chapter 1361 of the Prince of Tennis

So no one knows the results of this fate, many cities on the earth have fallen in panic.

Night live wind is too lazy to pay these stupid mortals, directly let the Star Ling Bayer fly over the island of Tao Toon, and the crowd returns to the Turtle Fairy.

After Bergi Tower returned to the earth, he said he said that he left directly, no one knows where he wants to go.

"Maybe, I should not fight again!" The figure of Bergi Tower quickly disappeared in the sky.

"Father!" Tervers wants to say something, and finally did not say anything, only to send Biji Tita to leave.

"Wusheng Master! We come back!" Klin landed to the small island and shouted.

"It is Kedlin!" I have been anxiously waiting for the turtle fairy and Yamu tea and others directly rushing out of the turtle fairy house. I saw a smile at night.

"Changfeng, have you succeeded in defeating Sha Lu?" Burma and Kiki rushed to the front of the night, and hugged the noct of the night.

"Well!" Night of the night, "Fortunately, I am practicing for four years in the spiritual time house, or this time is really not good!"

"Changfeng ... Very good, you once saved the earth again, merits!" The turtle fair looked at the loud roughness on the nose.

Since the first time, the turtle fairy feels that the night's long wind is different, and now the night is always the life of the earth, there is such a hero apprentice, the turtle fairy is still very proud.

Next, everyone hosted a grand celebration, and the night is just a big drink.

In fact, when the night's long wind is broken through the Super Saiyan stage, it is no longer needed to eat a lot of effort, or even if you don't eat, you can only need to constantly absorb the amount of yuan in the body.

However, the night-long wind still maintains a lot of eating habits, in the world of Dragon Ball, the night-to-face is completely given up, turned into a pure food ...

On the other hand, the major battles on the earth will not receive any news about Sha Lu, after a few days, people's panic is gradually dissipated.

There are even many people think that this start is a prank, there is no so-called world-to-enemy sand.

The battle of night-wind and other people and Sha Lu are really too counter-sky, it seems like a movie effect.

Only a few people know that all this is true, such as the referee of the first martial arts meeting in the world, he knew that the night costume defeated Shalu and saved the earth again.

Otherwise, Saru cannot completely disappear.

In short, the earth recovers calmly, and the city destroyed by Shalu has also begun to rebuild.

On top of Karin Santa Tower.

Night wind and Clin and others replied again. These nights have been rigging by Klin, saying that it is necessary to call the dragon to resurrect from Sha Lu with Dragon Ball.

Night long winds, of course, Kn, this guy is actually trying to resurrect 18.

"Changfeng, start now!" Kelin reminded.

"Know! Your kid is noisy in these days!" Night wind and right hand, and seven shiny earth dragon beads appeared in him.

"Go out, the earth dragon!" Night wind turned to the Dragon Ball that started glowing.

boom! Seven shiny dragon bars fly automatically, then gathering into a golden light straight horizon.

The sky is 1.0 turns into the night, and a cyan long dragon appears in the top of everyone. Compared with the previous Earth Dragon, this new dragon, modeling, and prior to the new day, the shape, and the previous body shape.

"Say! You have to achieve any wish, I can realize you two wishes!" Shenlong eyes flashed, his voice was very low.

"Resurrect all people who have killed by Sha Lu, can you do? Shenlong!" The night is long and deep.

"No problem!" Shenlong sparkled green light, his eyes red light.

At this time, there are millions of missing planets in the city of Sha Lu, slowly appear, all of which have a face, and I don't know what happened.

In addition, the three people who were absorbed by Shalu and three people were also resurrected in the laboratory of Dr. Georo.

1331 chapter, bid

"What is going on? Isn't I swallowed by Shalu?" No. 17 opened his eyes, and a surprised look at his hands.

The 18th and 16th of his side have opened their eyes, and they look at each other, and they are surprised.

Especially in the 16th, the equipment in his brain is very sensitive to Shalu's gas [sense], but now he doesn't induce any Saru's breath, and he remembers that he has not succeeded in self-explosion. .

And now the three people have been resurrected at the same time, which makes three people to make people feel Qi Qi.


"Well ... long-awkward uncle, those who have killed by Shalu are resurrected!" Xintian God Dandi feels that there is a weak gas that suddenly occurred on earth.

"No. 18 is that the artificial person does not feel her, nor does it know how to resurrect ..." Clin is still a very worried look.

After the end of the night length, Shenlong still did not disappear, but he looked down at night long asked: "You can also make a wish, let's talk! What is the second wish?"

"Let my fighting power!" Night wind wants to test a new dragon's ability. 31

"No! Your ability is far from me, I can't upgrade your one-run power, change a wish!" Shenlong expressed.

"Cut ~ ▉ ▉ "

"This ... um ..." Kelin low a very hesitated look.

"Hurry up, Uncle Clin, if you are not wish, Shenlong is going to leave!" Dandy reminded.

Kelin suddenly looked up at Shenlong, and asked loudly: "Shenlong, can you change the people from the No. 17 and 18?"

"It is actually this wish!" Bike and Tex are surprised.

"No! Their strength is still beyond my ability, I can't force!" Shenlong refused again.

"Hey ... I really can't ..." Kelin sighed, very disappointed low.

"Kelin, why should you help those people?" Tex is very resistant to the human being still very resistant, after all, his timeline world is very cruel.

"Tex, our time line world people should be different from you, they don't seem to do something bad in addition to finding me," Night long wind looked up at Shenlong, directly, "put" From the 18th to come here! "

"No problem, this wish I can achieve it!" Shenlong eyes flashed.

bass! The body of a sluggish 18 suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Okay, two wishes, I have helped you to achieve, goodbye!" Shenlong's dragon, and then figured out the horizon, and finally it is a speed to spread to the earth.

"Changfeng, what are you doing!" Kelin looked at the 18th, the eyes couldn't hide in the eyes.

"Ok, your kid is not installed! Surf, you are bother, this is good, you are confession!" Like a laugh at night.

At this time, I came back to God, and I quickly swept the night-catching people, and the condition reflexed a pair of defensive gestures, a face of nervousness.

"You don't have to be afraid, here is a heaven, there is nothing. Sha Lu has been killed by the long wind!" Klin waved to No. 18.

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