The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1362 of the Chapter 1362 of the Prince of Tennis

"Night long wind!" 18 turned around the night.

"Why, do you want to fight with me?" The night is laughing, "I advise you to give up this idea, I am afraid that I will be too lost to kill you, someone is not happy!"

"I am evil, long wind, why do you have a lot of mouth!" Klin face is like apple.

"It is the long-wind wish to let Shen Dragon resurrect you. You don't want to be right with the long wind!" Kelin turned to the 18th.

"Hey!" I snorted in the 18th and didn't pay attention to Kelin.

"Right, you remember to remind him, ask him not to come. Although Sha Lu is dead, but I am still, if you let people make Huzu, there is only a dead road!" Night lived deeply saw 18 A bit.

"It's evil ..." No. 18 was caught by the moment of night long wind.

"The wind, the line, they are all good people!" Klin pulled the night grew well.

"Oh ... I see that she is still unclear, or if you are a small child, I will not let them see the sun in the tomorrow!" The night's mouth flashed.

"Stupid, I will not lead your love!" No. 18 turned to look at Kelin, shouting loudly.

"Ah!" Kelin, he didn't understand why No. 18 suddenly rushed to him.

In fact, I didn't have any found on the 18th. I didn't know that there was already the location of Clin in her heart. Although No. 18 is a human, in fact, the No. 18 and 17 are all people, they all have human emotion.

In addition to Kelin has never been treated such that I have been treated so, this will be a feeling that I have not perplemeted by Kelin.

"Goodbye, small light!" No. 18, finally watched the Clin, and then directly turned over from Tianjie Square.

"Klin, it seems to have hope!" The night was laughing and taking the shoulders of Clin.

"What are you talking about?" Bike did not understand the night's greetings and the dialogue of Night Safety and Clin from the beginning.

"Haha, very complicated 400, you don't know very normal!" Night hard haha ​​laughed.

"Hey, your planet is really trouble!" Both the buddy hands shoulders.

"Bike, are you planning to stay in the heavens in Dandi?" The night's stay continued.

"Ah, I think so, you have time to come to the heaven, we can learn each other!" Bike nodded.

"Well, maybe I will come!" The night grew up the palace where the spiritual time house is located, and then turned to Turk.

"Tex, when are you going to return to your timeline?"

"I am going to go back soon. I have stayed here too long, I can witness the future of Master to change this world, I have no regret!" Tervex looked at the night long-lasting.

"Yes?" Night long-faced horns slightly, "Yes, Burt, Burt, has also completed the test of time, I and you went to your timeline world to see it!"

Although the task of superhen system has been completed, the night length wants to experience a feeling of time and space.

"Well, I think Burt is also very trying to see you!" Turkish todped.

After the Bike and Dandi farewell, the night-hearted and other people returned to the home of Burma.

1332 chapter, parallel world

Boolean home on the air.

Tex throws the time of the time, and the time has appeared in front of everyone.

The night long wind on the side is also released from the time that the packaged new manufacturing debug is released from the capsule.

The two exactly the same time is standing in front of everyone, and the Burma helped the night long wind to adjust the time machine to the same time node with Terrus.

"Changfeng, do you really want to go to Tex's time and space?" Burma jumped out of the time, and he asked some worried turns.

"Don't worry, since the time of Turks ride can pass the time and space, the frame you make is absolutely!" Night wind comfort.

"Well, then you have to be careful, come back early!" Burma nodded.

"Goodbye, everyone!" "Tex and Clin and others held a good luck, and finally looked at the blue sky.

Today's sky is a blue, the weather is very good, there is no abnormal situation.

"Oh, Telks! Your friend is coming!" Night wind refers to the rock wall opposite the Booema home, and a person is standing above the rock wall. It is not awkward, just cold watching Terran Kars.

"Well?" Tex turned around, and people were actually Bergi Tower!

"Father is still still coming!" Tex deeply watched the Bergi Tower, and then turned into the time machine.

Under the gaze of Bergiita and everyone, the night long wind and Tex also launched the time planes.

Next moment, the two timers accelerated to the limit, and there was no air layer, and there was a circular spatial crack slowly opened around the time, and there were sometimes the electric light around it.

, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Timark World Timeline.

Dudu ... Suddenly there is a sound in the void, followed by the two times to show the shape, almost at the same time.

"Is this the world of your life?" The night's wind sweeps a whole space. This place is very familiar with the night, that is, the West of the Earth is the large city of Burma's lives.

The difference is that the world's west is a dead, just as the end of the past decades, everywhere is ruins, and even the broken airship and the car's debris is rusty.

"Well! It is here, there is no mistake." "TonTran Territish.

Night winds finally understood why Teks had so much resentment for artifices, and the whole world has been destroyed by man.

"Dr. Bulma, I am back! Do you have anyone brought?" Tex came to a underground research room with night long wind.

"Tex, you are finally come back!" A middle-aged woman has stepped to the two people, and then saw the night growing, and I stopped in an instant.

"Changfeng, is you?" Middle-aged woman asked.

Night live wind is also a little hanien, the woman in front of him is familiar with, the light green hair, the dark blue eyes are a full beauty, but only the years have flowed some traces on his face.

"Burma!" The opening road of the night grew down.

"It's really you!" Burma directly rushed to the lunch of the night, "You haven't died, oh ... I am evil, where have you went, do you know that I have a hard thing I have a person?"

"This is the look of Burma ..." Night windsted Burma, gently patted her back.

This time travel, the night-catching wind does not feel too much, and the strong spatial pressures that cross the world are completely different.

That is to say, the same Dragon Ball world, but there are many parallel spaces.

"Dr. Burt, Master he came from the past, is not ..." "" "Trogs is a bit embarrassing.

"Tex, you have a lot too much!" Burma has a kung fu to play Turkks.

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