The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1363 of the Chapter 1363 of the Prince of Tennis

"Ah, that is because of the relationship between the Temple Palace, there is a mental time, where it is equivalent to the outside of the year!" Turkish.

"Well, I am really happy! It seems that you have changed the world that has changed!" Burt is crying and laughing, seeing the old man and Terrus smoothly returning to her very excited.

More than a while, night long wind and Tex told this time, including the night's wind, which is from his timeline world, and this time the night's night long style is still unknown.

"It turned out to be like this, actually happened so many things ... No matter what to say, the long wind you can change the world of Timel along with Tex, I am already satisfied!" Although there is such a world, Burma Still keep an optimistic mentality.

"Reassure! Burt, even if I don't come back, the other will come back sooner or later!" Night long winds, of course, the Tirks' own timeline world.

Dud ... beep ... At this time, the alarm of the study room sounded.

"Brand the latest situation of the human being, the last surviving city of human beings is being attacked by the human being, the location is the BN22 area!"

"Master!" After hearing the alarm, he stood up directly.

"Well, let us change this time the time of the world's endings!" The night is standing up.

"Changfeng, Teks, this world is very strong, do you have any questions like this?" Burma asked some questions.

"Don't worry! Dr. Burt, Master can be very strong!" After Tex said, he felt directly from the night.

Both people have opened the full-power state of the super-seizure, and the speed of flight is extremely fast, and it will come to Posei City.

Bang! At this point, the 17th and 18th of this timeline are still bombarding Posei City.

! Night long winds and Telks are directly in front of the 17th and 18th.

"Stop!" Tex was on the 17th and 18th.

"Oh, I thought it was, it turned out to be Telks, you haven't died! And I still find a helper?" Looking at the night long wind (Li Yes).

"It's really much talented!" The night is right, and the moment is lifted.

! The heads of the 17th flying all fly, and the moment was spike!

I haven't reacted on the 17th, I am dead!

"This is impossible! Who are you, why there is such a powerful power!" On the 18th, he looked at the bodies of the 17th completely stunned. In her subconscious, they should be invincible.

It is impossible to have a photo.

"Tex, she is gave you!" The night is all ignored at the 18th.

"Yes, Master!" Tex's whole body is very angry, I came to the 18th, then the right hand was exhibited, "I want to give me a dead friend to revenge!"

Bang! A golden light shot from Tex, and the 18th instant is directly hosted.

Unbearable, the artificial people at this time cannot be a full power state's opponent!

1333 chapter, miss one year

call! After killing the 18th, Tex was relieved, from the Super Saiyan state, "finally ended!"

"Not yet!" The golden light in the night, suddenly turned suddenly.

"What?" "Tex was a glimpse.

"Tex, don't you forget that you haven't resolved this timeline world, it is three years later, it will take time to go to other timelines!" Night long wind.

Tex was a glimpse, and then a drop of cold sweat on the forehead. "I actually forgot this important thing!"

"Come with me, I know where he!" Night wind flew to the research institute found to make Shalu, and Terx also followed.

Soon, the two came to a hidden underground research institute, and Terros were a boxing gate.

"Who!" There is a green creature in the Institute, which is still in Shalu in the insect.

"Sha Lu, your plan failed, everything is over!" Terrus looked at Shalu cold channel.

"Tex is you! I have fully mastered your information. Your strength is all played on the 17th and 18th, and the foundation - 917 is not my opponent!" Insect sisena.

"Yes? Forgot to tell you, we have just solved the 17th and 18th!" Terry Cold Sato.

"What do you say! This is impossible!" Sha Lu wedned wide his eyes.

"Tex, don't talk nonsense!" The night's wind and right hand, and he did not have a little interest in the insectic Saru.

bass! A invisible force flooded from the palm of the night, and the color of Shalu became changing. He found that he could not move, and the body actually automatically flew over the night.

boom! The night growth is directly kicking Shalu to the sky.

"Death!" The left hand left hand.

Bang! A huge golden light wave is sprayed from the night long-faced hand palm, although this is not a trick, it is just that the night grows back the super Saaya's gas.

But at this time, the combat power of the night, and the body of the vitality of the body are too amazing. Saru is slowly swallowed by this energy optical wave.

"Breast ..." After Shaul scream, he was huddled at the end, then evaporated in an instant by the high temperature of energy.

I have until death, and Sha Lu doesn't know how to die, who is killed.

Snapped! Snapped! The night is shot, turned to Turkish laugh at Tex, "Okay, this time is really over!"

"Master, thank you!" Tex nodded in the night, and his gratitude was grateful.

"Haha, Tex, these guys can solve it!" Night hard haha ​​laughed, "Your kid, the child's mother-owned personality is really changed!"

"Hey ..." Terry did not refute, and the brain sound begun to laugh.

"Okay! I should have returned! The night is on the right hand, showing a capsule in the hands, and then thrown on the ground.

The world who came to this timeline was mainly concerned about what changes in the Timeline World of Terx, and Terrus had no way to handle it.

In fact, regardless of No. 17 and 18, it is still not very good, and Truss can completely solve it.

In addition, the night-long wind did not trigger a branch mission or a plot. This time passed through the time and space trip, there is basically no harvest, and the night cost is also ready to go directly to the original timeline world.

"Master, you take care!" Tex looked at the time of the time.

"I can teach you, I have taught you in the spiritual time, this world is handed over!" The night Changshi also held the fist with Tex, and then closed the door of the time.

Bang! The slowness of the time is slowly raised to the air, then the continuous acceleration, and finally disappeared in the Lenx's view (DBCC) line.

Original timeline world, earth.

After the long-lasting wind returned to the original timeline world, the time turned back to the capsule again and threw it into the small world. ▉▉▉▉ ▉▉▉▉ ▉▉▉▉▉▉▉

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