The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1364, Chapter 1364, Chapter 1364

1334 chapter, Guula

"Cough ..." Kelin touched his little bald head and cough, and then laughed, "Hey, long wind, this is the daughter I and No. 18 daughter Alice, how, cute?"

"I am going, your kid is too fast!" The night's wind smiled helpless. He was missing for a year, and the Kllin took the 18th to the hand, and he also gave a lovely daughter.

" ... ..." Clin did not refute, all smirked.

"Well, forget it! Wu Tianshi, they are okay, haven't a big thing this year?" The night is asking.

Klin nodded, "all very good, Wu Tian teacher, let you live!"

"I look at him is a new film that I am talking about my hand ..." The night's wind is dark, and since I went into the Turtle Flow Gate, the night-long wind will go to the Turtle Cactus "zero and six zero" exchange every time. Scholars' experience.

Although the turtle fairy is the five slags in the later stage, it is the universe of martial arts and the experience of gas use, far from all kinds of universers who are drinking.

Therefore, every time, the night costs can have some harvest every time and the turtle cactus, and it is also necessary to tribute some gifts.

After that, the night length and Burma and Clin have learned, missed the year, the human world happened.

The night's long wind left this year, the earth recovered for a long time, did not have anything, which makes the night long feel like it is likely to attract a variety of threats as long as they are on the earth, just like a piece of iron stone.

Just when the night-length wind is bored, the other end of the universe is very distant.

Calling ... call ... The wind is constantly swept the earth, this is a special planet with half of the green is red, and the whole planet is several times the earth size.

At this time, this planet is a random guest, and their arrival will also slaughter the creatures of the whole planet.

"The king, according to the universe ship news, the Krude Dawang and the Dawu King were killed by a Saiyan called a night-wind!" A man wearing a universe battle suit is sitting in a sitting The man on the throne said.

"Ni! You said that we have our glorious bloodline, my brother, Flissa, and my father Cruid, the low-level Saiyan kill it?" The man named King and Flissa and Cruid are extremely Similar, only the color of the skin is different.

This man is Flissa's brother, name is called Guola.

At this time, he had just plundered a group of plants, and when he had a good mood, he received this news that made him extremely angry.

"Yes, although it is difficult to believe, it is indeed that Saiyan who is called the night's wind kills the King of Flizza and Kru De. And he also killed all people, let us not The measures received this news in the first time! "The Hand of the Guula's hand.

"Hey! Although I disdain and my weak brother and father, how did they say that they also represent our strongest family, they will die in a monkey!" Guula suddenly stood, double boxing The cold light is surging, "Is that the guy is the legendary Super Saiyan?"

"Sharotz!" Ancient Rula is cold.

"Yes!" Standing under his side of Sha Luoz, arched on the hand on his chest, said that it is ready to stand.

"Let's go to the earth!" Gutula, he stood all down.

"This time I want the Saiyan to completely disappear from this universe, completely destroying the planet of the earth!" The ancient rules of the mouth showed a smile, "just like this planet!"

After half a year, on a small island on the earth.

Night long wind is sitting in the island, his head is a hunt on the huge generous energy, and the vitality is directly in vivo, which is like a waterfall.

The night long opened his eyes, shook his head, cultivated on the earth, night long style felt that his strength was completely stopped.

The amount of yuan on the earth is too small, and the night-lived wind does not dare to absorb all the power. In that, the Earth's vitality will be in a moment.

"It seems that I should go to the universe to find a suitable planet practice!" The night is shameful, he has been waiting for a new task such as superhen system, but the superhen system seems to have the meaning of the task.

At this point, next to a stream of small islands under the night length of the body, Clin and No. 18 are also Berma with small Spekets and Little Alice in a wild ...

Tex is very fast as the Saiyan young age, only half a year, and it has been almost the height of the three-year-old child. It has been able to walk independently.

Moreover, it is highly known, and the night-length wind is taught by some basic gas methods. Tex can quickly fly alone.

In a sense, the descendants after the combination of Saayans and the Earth, and their talents even have much higher than those of the Asians themselves.

And the father of Telks is the Prince of the Saiyan, which makes Tex's talent very horrible, which makes the night grow up the heart of the passion, and the world is also Terran. Kars hurts in order to apprentice.

In fact, the night's wind just wants to cultivate an opponent. From the long run, Telksbi Bibi Tita is more suitable as the opponent of the night.

"Wow, so fragrant, it's best to eat curry rice!" Burma looked at the iron pot that Kelin constantly agitated.

Cooking in the iron pan is a curry rice in Booema's favorite food.

"It's so good, is it going to be a long wind?" Kllin asked with a smile.

"No need to call him, the big stomach is down, this big pot is not in an instant!" Burma turned to Turks Louds who were catching fish in the stream, "2.7 Telks Come over! Curry rice! "

"▉▉▉" ▉ ▉ ▉▉▉▉▉▉▉

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1335 chapter, branch task

The daughter of Clin and No. 18 is also different from normal human beings. They are also born for half a year, the height and three-year-old girl, and is natural.

A blonded double horsetail and her mother 18 are very like, and it seems to inherit the 18th capacity in physical fitness.

Just when everyone was soaring, the curry rice was eaten, Klin suddenly finished, and the night-faced frowning of the legs in the air side. They all had a few evil spirits nearby.

"Who?" Clin stopped the movements in his hand, and immediately looked at it after standing.

"Klin, what happened?" Burma missed the expression.

bass! At this time, Tex appeared in a flash of green, head wearing a combat detector!

"Tex, be careful!" Klin yelled.

boom! At this time, after the Clin also had a person wearing the same universe, a knife was hitting the neck of Clin.

"Ah, good pain!" Klin suddenly turned 31, the other side, Trogas's body's consciousness, continuous air retreats.

"Uncle Klin, are you okay?" Tex asked.

"Fortunately!" Kelin is dead, "Who are you?"

"Oh? Actually, I have a knife, I have no dizziness, the body of the earth is good!" The purple skin monster behind Klin grinned, "But the combat power is just a few thousand!"

"Don't care, he is probably the type of combat power growth!" On the other hand, there is a blonde man slowly showing the shaped shape, and it is also the same universe combat service.

Three sudden appearances are obviously a group of people, and they are all in the hands of Guula.

"Hey, you are the night grow, kill the guy of the Dawan King?" The blonde man comes to Kakin.

"It is evil, these guys are coming to find long winds!" Clinbi crumpled.

"You find what Master do, you are bad guys!" Tex rushed to the grimace of Sharon.

"Master? Are you a disciple of a night?" Sharotz's eyes looked at Telx, "grabbed this little fart, night long style will naturally appear!"

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