The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1365 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"It turns out, or you are smart, Shaluds!" The green skin monster nodded.

"Who is your guys?" Klin is solemn and asked again.

At this time, the three teasings opposite the Clin were actually a model, and it was a model of BGM.

"We are the Kvila team! Ha!" Three teasings yell, toward the Clin, and their goals were obviously Tex.

"Terks, you can protect Booema, and give it to me!" Klin double boxing, the feet stepped.

boom! boom! boom! Just when three teasses rushed to the moment in front of Clin, the figure on the 18 suddenly appeared, and then the continuous three punches, the speed was extremely fast, and the three teasings were taken to the air.

"Ah ... good pain!" Three teasing, holding the head in the air, the nose is all broken, and the blood is constantly flowing out.

"Good power, who you are?" Sand is very confused to watch the 18th of the air.

At this time, there is no expression, watching three teasings are like three dead people. "You want to hurt him, you will die!"

"Stinky woman, dead people are you!" Three teasings enclose 18th in the air, form a three [angle] shape, and then put your hands on the 18th.

Bang! The three energy light column shot from the three tence hands and shot at the same 18th.

When the corner of the 18th, I lost a lot of disdain, and then my hands were on the palm, and I made three palms.

boom! boom! boom! The energy light column emitted in three teasing hands is directly either easily played by hand by hand, and the combat power is too large.

On the 18th, there are more than 100 million combat, and these three teasings, the highest Sharon is more than 100,000 combat power, and it will not be confrontation with 18.

"What!" Sharotz looked at the energy light column that was played back to the door, stupid.

There are still other two teasings, bangs, bangs, and three explosions, three teasings are directly hit by their energy light columns, and then they are generally pendant. The ground of the island.

"It's so powerful, my mother is so powerful!" Alice is jumped on the island, very happy.

At this time, an outstracudite Julin is extremely familiar with the people who have slowed down, and the cold sweeping on the ground is bombing the three people, "I have three waste, even this little thing is not good!"

"You are ..." Klin looked at the people who suddenly appeared, stunned.

! At this time, it was a feeling of falling from the air, and it was blocked in front of Kling. "Who he is?"

"Yes ... Is Flissa? This is impossible!" Kelin widened his eyes and couldn't believe everything in front of him.

bass! At this time, the night length disappears from the air, and it has come until the time of clocking.

"Changfeng, he ... Flissa ... How is it still alive?" Klin suddenly became nervous, Flissa left him, I was too deep.

At that time, Fli Saixa kills the night, which was even more than Saru, which was more fear of Flizza than Shalu.

"Although the gas is very similar, he is not Flissa!" The night long-term face is cold and looked at the random guest in front of him.

Ding! At this time, the night-length brain finally sounded the familiar task tips.

Trigger branch task: block Flissa's brother Eule destroyed earth

Task Level: Blue Task

Mission reward: 50W redemption point

Failure punishment: no

Systematic evaluation: Guula, Flissa family's strongest, defeating him, completely destroying the wild look of Flissa.

"It turned out to be Flissa's brother, and it is the strongest of Fliha!" The night grew in front of the ancient ru, the eyes of the cold were surging, "Hey, the task level but the blue mission, the task punishment Even, this task is nothing difficult, it is bored! "

In front of me, the fighting power is completely popular in the heart, even if Guibi Fliis is strong, it is also strong, it is impossible to be the opponent of the night-catching opponent that is more than 5 billion.

However, Super Shen system generally does not release unexpected branch tasks, since this blue task has already been triggered, the night cost is naturally to deal with the emula.

In the eyes of the night, this branch mission is likely to be subsequent, unlike the surface is as simple as the surface, the urine of the super god system, it is impossible to give the night long wind to the night length.

1336 chapter, the fourth stage turned

"You are a night growing?" Guula would not induce gas, but he faintly affected a dangerous breath on the night length.

"What's it!" The night long-faced mouth came out of a touch, "You are Flizza's brother elante, how do you want to revenge your waste brother and father?"

"Sure enough, like the legendary big arrogance, Saiyan people should die!" The ancient pulled eye wrinkled, and he had never been so provocative, which made Guula very angry.

bass! The ancient Rula double eyes flashed, and the two blood red ray waves were shot from the eyes of the ancient Rula, and the lightning shot to the chest of the night.

Night wind does not avoid it, let the two beams are hit by two rays, hey, after two, the night long body wear the turtle fairy training suit was booked two big holes, and the night-catching body is There is no damage, no scars.

"Is this your attack?" The night is full of eyes, "I doubt that you don't even have a way to let me warm up!"

Elderla, different from Flissa treasury, the character of Guula is cold, and the mind is much better than Flissa.

Otherwise it is impossible to be the strongest super genius warrior in Fliis.

"This night's live wind can completely ignore my ray wave, and it seems to have a good force. From this point of view he is really likely to defeat Flissa and Father!" Ancient Raise heart analyzed.

"What happened, are you don't want to revenge for Frieda?" In the eyes of the night, he had lost his patience.

Although Beverles is stronger thanverly, it is completely anti.

On the other hand, here is the earth, the night grows don't want to let Guula have the opportunity to destroy the earth, so the night-length wind is directly dried away from Guula, completing this branch mission.

"Hey! You have such a power, it seems that you are the legendary super-seasay?" Gu Lifei played the air and looked at the night's night.

"In this case, I will show me the legend of the legendary Super Saiyan!"

bass! At this time, the moving air movement is also coming to the high altitude, the opposite of Guula, the mouth is full, "You even make me warm up, I still want to see the super-seizure, you are too high. ! "

"You!" Guli even could calm down, heard the night's hard wind so ridiculous, and he couldn't stand it. Directly rushed to the night.

boom! When the night is long, the wind is not to say, the right fist is holding, and the arbitrary moves, and the ancientus can't capture the movement of the night. It is directly to the southern end of the island.

bass! This is still not calculated. At this time, the night-length wind does not open the super-Saiyan people are also amazing, almost instantly came to the top of the ancient Rula flying out.

"Go down!" The night's hands and handshakes, directly on the back of the ancientus.

"Ah!" The ancient flaming screamed. He has never traveled with the opponent of the loyal strength. He feels that his back ridge has been smashed by the night.

A slashing, Guula was brought into a large lake on the island.

! Night wind is also non-stop, directly in the air, in the air, drill into underwater.

"Breast! Night long wind, I am not as stupid like my brother, don't look at me!" Guula has astaded his body underwater, and it is a single hand.

Bang! A group of purple gas group broke the water and flew directly to the night.

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